Install three new plugs then start and warm up the sled as described by everyone else here. Do not touch the throttle until the motor is nice and warmed up.... Probably 5 minutes or more. Then report back. DO NOT TEAR INTO THE CARBS UNTIL YOUVE TRIED THE NEW PLUGS........PLEASE!
if the sled was running great, and then suddenly started running bad when u started it cold....almost guarenteid its still a fouled plug problem.

Active member
Engagement RPM for the 99 is 4100 if the clutching is stock.
New member
Turned up the idle to 1800. It's running good but not like it used to. Still gonna clean the carbs.
Are you using the proper spark plugs??????
I thought just to see if I could help, I took out the spark plugs, replaced one with what i had laying around, stuck them back in, and I started her up, with the full choke I just learned about. Started first pull, and idled at 1300 to 1500 rpms. Took it around the yard once, ran fine, not as good as it did, but it ran. I'll still clean the carbs, but its much better now. Guys with srx's, what do you have yours set to idle at?
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Br9ecs are what you should be running in it but if your just trying to sort out your starting running issues I'd use the standard BR9ES,much cheaper than the ECS's and no doubt easier to come by.Gap your plugs to 18 thou rather than what Yamaha calls for and you should be good to go.