worth getting a roller clutch?


Lifetime VIP Member
Sep 7, 2010
Reaction score
Chain o' Lakes area
hey everyone, I've had my 01 SRX for a few years now. and I have been tossing around the idea of getting a roller clutch to replace the stock clutch. I've done some reading. but don't really know what i should be heading toward. any advice or opinions??
I have been playing around with roller secondary and so far I like it. It is the hauck roller. I have a super torque I am going to try out as well. I have to replace the rollers on the hauck one. They sell a kit to replace them still. The hauck also is not a just bolt on and go the is machine work needed to mount it. Super torque is a bolt on and go. Waiting for snow to try it. But with the hauck you can use yamaha helix with it. Pro's and con's for both I guess.
The Hauck roller made the Mountainmax more fun to ride. I should try that on the srx as well, but I really feel that with the current set up (heelclickers and a dalton helix), I have all the upshift and backshift I need.
most people install a roller secondary to get faster backshift off trail. brother has a hauck one on his rxwar as he used to break the towers off on his stock one in under a season. made 2 seasons on a used one i had kicking around. have to rebuild it this season as rollers are bad.
I run a MPI roller kit on my piped 600 MM and I tell you it sure helps that little 6 backshift to get back to where you need the power. Helps me take this thing for walks also. Just a 50/40 helix too.
My dad's sled (97sx7) is set up almost identical to mine as track/suspension/engine/pipes with the exception of clutching ...he's running a maxxuim/mpi roller. I've got a multi angle. I can say without doubt his clutching makes the sled more fun to ride than mine. Kind of a crossover type setup 50/50 on off trail. Both mild angles for flatland off trail. I really like the instant back shift. Was about to order an mip setup sometime later in the season last year and they had sold out of every helix they had in stock for the clutch. I've done a fair amount of reading up on these things, really to be no middle ground... People love them or hate them. Few different designs on these that vary from one manufacture to another, all seem to achieve same results. Swap out for the team, Bolt up and go on the mpi, machine work for the hauck ect... ect... but you get to use the conventional type Yamaha helixes you prob already have which is a plus for many on the hauck.
I have a super torquer roller for sale if you are interested. I bought it and never ran it so I have no experience with it as far as that goes.
I have use a Hauck on my viper and tried it on my daughters 500xtc. I had no durability issues but I am not using it on either sled currently. It always seemed like it was more difficult to keep the sleds in the correct rpm zone when setting up the clutches than with the standard secondary. It seemed like conditions would affect it more. It does give a good back shift but the secondary spring in it needs to be so strong to work correctly that I wonder of a standard secondary with a similarly strong spring and a primary setup to compensate would back shift just as well. It may have the best use in sleds with little low rpm power or riding in deep snow. The extra side pressure friction from the stronger spring should lower top speed a little if that is a concern. My 2 cents
I bought replacement rollers before last season, and they (yellow ones) hold up much better than the previous black rollers.
if you do alot of tight trail riding or are a on the gas off the gas constantly kinda guy, the roller clutch will provide a definite increase in backshift making the sled more revy feeling and snappy down low to mid range. it all comes down to your riding style, they work well when set up right. youl need a smaller helix with a roller then a button because of the decrease in friction, the upshift is also faster.
