I might have a problem

Nice find. Good to see a few other people with the same addiction.
I currently have
02 780 srx
01 780 srx
(3) 01 srx 700's
1 2000 srx
1 99 srx
1 98 srx

and 5 vipers lol

Anybody need to buy a sled?
Nice pick up Staggs, I have only seen one Aaen 780 SRX before and trust me she was a runner! good luck. almost grass draggin time again, get that big bore ready!
jeff nice. is it collecting or never seen a yammie you would not take. lol. my garage is packed too. 1983 540 vmax, 1993 exciter sx, 1995 vmax 4 800, 2002 srx, 2000 srx, and my lawn mower. lol. 3:16 (yammie tony)
Staggs, with you on this one... 1980 ET 300 (mod), 2000 GP1200R waverunner, 2000 SRX BB 835, 2002 SRX (mod), 2006 APEX RTX, 2007 Grizzly 700 SE... all season rider and not done yet!
