A couple of bucks
VIP Member
Just got this 96 MM for $725 (Canadian)View attachment 58472
You friggin stoooooooooole that puppy. I'd want to be buried with her.
keene vmax 600
New member
Yeah think I did pretty good I'll get it off the trailer today and get done better pics and maybe a vid
New member
Very nice. gotta get mine off the trailer and cleaned up for this winter if it ever comes...
New member
We NEED a video of all 4, hoods open and idling! Awesome collection! I HAVE to get one for my collection!
New member
New member
New member
New member
Now THAT is excellence!for the record, these are not mine.
A couple of bucks
VIP Member
Is that a 153?
New member
Yes, 153"
A couple of bucks
VIP Member
A couple of bucks
VIP Member
What skid did you put in it?
New member
151 out of an 09 nytro. 2.25 track, drop and roll chaincase, 8 tooth 2.86 drivers. Tried several different skis, currently have skidoo pilots on it. 96 year struts rebuilt and revalved by Schmidt bros. RPC quad pipes, trying different clutching combos now. Geared about 1.88/1. Still goes 95 mph on the phone gps. Going out tomorrow, going to see if I can get the track speed up. Want a good all around sled.

151 out of an 09 nytro. 2.25 track, drop and roll chaincase, 8 tooth 2.86 drivers. Tried several different skis, currently have skidoo pilots on it. 96 year struts rebuilt and revalved by Schmidt bros. RPC quad pipes, trying different clutching combos now. Geared about 1.88/1. Still goes 95 mph on the phone gps. Going out tomorrow, going to see if I can get the track speed up. Want a good all around sled.
View attachment 61139
View attachment 61140
Very Bad ***... love it.
A couple of bucks
VIP Member
I'd say you have it. Just a few tweeks here and there. I'm not really sure how much more you'll get out of a 151 inch track w/ a 2.25 lug.Want a good all around sled.
A 2.25 isn't an all-around track. Just trimming them down to 1.5 is more inline w/ a "crossover" type of track. And more than likely give you more track speed as well.
I have a 144-1.5 on my 96 and it does really really well. And it's only a 600.
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New member
I was referring to an all around deeper snow sled. Not too long to be just a point and shoot sled, but not too short to be lower hillside limited either.