New member
I'm looking to put a set of apex handle bars on my srx. Since the throttle assembly doesn't come apart will the apex one work?I need to know if the t.o.r.s will still work or if I will have to bypass it.An correct me if I'm wrong but will the 03 viper mountain throttle cables work for my rise?or would I be better off using some mountain max cables.

Super Moderator
Apex bars will work. Few things. If you can get the 06 bars as the ends come off. People complained that they wanted heat all the way to the end of the bar so in 07 they are all one piece. Or you can perform surgery on your throttle block and make it work but I didn't want to do that. Also if you can find a 04 viper block it is 2 pieces an that will work also just need new 2 into 1 throttle oil cable. 03 mountain cables will work for this mod. I did this to both my vipers and love it. Do a search apex bars on viper, tons of posts. Will work the same on srx

Super Moderator
http://www.totallyamaha.net/forums/threads/78800-Viper-with-Apex-Bars. Great post for this. Pic of mine but I don't have pic of wife's. http://www.totallyamaha.net/forums/threads/86904-Pair-of-vipers-go-144-quot/page12 Post 117
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New member
Ok that's good news.I was wanting heat to the ends so I'll look for a set of 07 bars an 04 viper throttle assembly.thanks for the info super1c

Super Moderator
fixed above post with some links for ya. Meant to include, helps make sence of post. HAHA
New member
Ok thanks