

VIP Lifetime Member
Mar 18, 2012
new york
put my heelclickers 40/10 in my srx today, heel 5g center empty tip 5.2, hc red primary. using 15mm rollers. 50/40 Dalton green at 70 in secondary. my engagement is 4800, im thinking I need more heel weight(maybe 6g). am I going the correct way. thanks. also let me add brand new track, rollers, and brand new springs in both clutches not sure if that is uping the rpms
That's weird. I have the same amount in the heel in my set up and it engages at 4200-4400, I think I have 15,6mm rollers in it. Red primary spring also. But I see now, brand new rollers, probably that's what's doing it. If it was me, I'd break them in with another set of weights. It's acting up as it is binding.
That's weird. I have the same amount in the heel in my set up and it engages at 4200-4400, I think I have 15,6mm rollers in it. Red primary spring also. But I see now, brand new rollers, probably that's what's doing it. If it was me, I'd break them in with another set of weights. It's acting up as it is binding.

that's what im looking for 4000-4200. im going to add another gram tomorrow and see what happens. maybe back secondary to 60 also. I have an old set of 15's ill try that if the weight doesn't work. thanks
why use 15mm rollers in a srx when they come with 15.6mm?? smaller roller will make you use less weight and be harder to hook up in snow.
why use 15mm rollers in a srx when they come with 15.6mm?? smaller roller will make you use less weight and be harder to hook up in snow.
read the instructions and they said use 14.5 or 15 and I read on here u said 14.5 are no good ( cant hook up). if your saying 15.6 are better than ill be changing them. thanks I was hoping u would chime in
just brought the insructions out again and if I would of read alittle further it says the srx is calibrated with the 15.6 thanks don for pointing that out
ok changed rollers back to stock 15.6 and when I took the cap off the red spring has stuck itself in the cap. seems like it is binding anyone else had this happen and if so how did you fix it. i cant spin the spring when its in the cap, catches
Look for a groove/dip in the cap or moving sheave, shouldn't catch.
it doesn't catch on the sheave spins nice its just the cap. ill try another cap off my spare and see if that makes a difference. thanks for the info
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ok cleaned cap and changed cap bushing. got 15.6 rollers in and still engaging around 4600. I got 6grams heel 5.2 tip nothing middle. I took some sand paper and even scuffed up the red spring thinking to much powdercoat causing the spring to bind in the cap.im thinking it should engage lower. any ideas. im using brand new 8dn belt
how much nuetral clearance is there? side clearance from the belt to the side of the sheave?
how much nuetral clearance is there? side clearance from the belt to the side of the sheave?

not really sure if this is what your asking is but primary is off the sled and I took a new belt and put it around it. then I did it to my other primary and I did notice the hc primary wont let the belt down as far as the loaded 8nd20 setup on the shaft. touches the sides before hand. im just guessing and want to see if im learning anything here bad inner bushing? thanks again for helping
put your clutch back on sled, install belt like normal. Push the belt towards the outside of the clutch up against the sheave, then take feeler gauges and stick them in between the belt and the non moveable sheave(inside sheave) till you just have light drag, whats that clearance?

then check your other sled and see what it has.
put your clutch back on sled, install belt like normal. Push the belt towards the outside of the clutch up against the sheave, then take feeler gauges and stick them in between the belt and the non moveable sheave(inside sheave) till you just have light drag, whats that clearance?

then check your other sled and see what it has.

Guess im not learning lol get back to u tonight after work thanks
put your clutch back on sled, install belt like normal. Push the belt towards the outside of the clutch up against the sheave, then take feeler gauges and stick them in between the belt and the non moveable sheave(inside sheave) till you just have light drag, whats that clearance?

then check your other sled and see what it has.

the sled with the hc (problem one) was .012 my other srx was greater than .026 my father in laws was .023 I put my stock one back on and that one is .023 I pushed the belt to the outer sheave and slid the gauges in the front on the inside sheave to the belt hope this is what u needed
did you use the same belt on the sleds you check?, what your saying is its tighter so if thats the case the engagement would be lower because it would touch the belt sooner, try the same belt and check another sled.
on my 2000 the one im having issue with yes I used the same belt for hc set up and my stock clutch. (.012 hc to .023 stock) same torque on both 88 ftlbs then loosen and retighten to 43lbs
well thats too tight so something wrong with the clutch but thats not whats making the engagement high either it would be lower, the closer it is. I dont know what you have going on there.

You need around .020" side clearance.
