New member
First time posting already tried to do some searches but it did not yield my issue..
So i recently purchased a 1998 srx 700 my first yamaha and my first sled in a while.. the sled runs great but the tach and fuel gauge dont work well the fuel gauge does sometimes.. I know that is due to maybe rub through and i am currently about to start looking there. Yesterday however i took the sled out for a ride and it ran great for 2 hours stopped got gas restarted it , stopped at a friends house started stopped a few other times and no problems. I than stopped at my work cause my visor kept icing up and i figured some rain x would fix it. so when i was done cleaning my shield i went back out to leave the sled started and i put my helmet on and went to leave and it died.. It would not start i changed plugs than relaized there was no spark.. So i towed it indoors to let it sit for the night as i had plans and could not look at it at the time.. Come to today I came it to start tearing it apart and testing things and it started on the first pull ... I dunno if the stator overheats or if it has to do with the rub through if there is one??
I am clueless also the temp light started flashing on my way to my work .. it would flash in 7 blink intervals??
any ideas??
So i recently purchased a 1998 srx 700 my first yamaha and my first sled in a while.. the sled runs great but the tach and fuel gauge dont work well the fuel gauge does sometimes.. I know that is due to maybe rub through and i am currently about to start looking there. Yesterday however i took the sled out for a ride and it ran great for 2 hours stopped got gas restarted it , stopped at a friends house started stopped a few other times and no problems. I than stopped at my work cause my visor kept icing up and i figured some rain x would fix it. so when i was done cleaning my shield i went back out to leave the sled started and i put my helmet on and went to leave and it died.. It would not start i changed plugs than relaized there was no spark.. So i towed it indoors to let it sit for the night as i had plans and could not look at it at the time.. Come to today I came it to start tearing it apart and testing things and it started on the first pull ... I dunno if the stator overheats or if it has to do with the rub through if there is one??
I am clueless also the temp light started flashing on my way to my work .. it would flash in 7 blink intervals??
any ideas??
Active member
Could be the stator going bad. My stator went out on my sx700 a few years ago, it ran good but if I shut it off and tried to start it back up it wouldn't start again unless I let it sit for a while. Worked great after I put in the new stator.
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
7 flashes is power valve servo not responding. I had a 99 SRX that other than 7 flash code everything was fine. Pulled every inch of harness out and went over it, found nothing. Pulled the recoil off and flywheel had ben beat to hell, pulled the flywheel and found stator even worse. I suspect you have a rub threw (or more than one) The towing it inside may have jostled stuff around enough for it to fire back up.
New member
Thanks for the reply's guys i just got the harness out and am now checking it over heres hoping that i find something. i will keep you posted.. would the harness rub through also cause it to all of a sudden not start? or am i looking at astator problem as well as a rub through?
makw sure to pull the harness out from under the engine thats the one that will be chaffed up and shorting out the wires, theres about 500 post on this site on it with instructions, put it all back in convolute tubing when you have repaired it so you never have to do it again.
New member
thank you sir.. i did read alot on here about the wire rub. so i took it all out from under the engine found 2 wires that were rubbed so i decided i was going to tape every wire individually than tape them together than put it in wire loom.. takes a long time to wrap every wire lol.. hard on the back also .. got 2 wires left to tape and than i will start putting it back together..would the wires also cause the servo problem that is sparatic?
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
Yup. Wire shorting to chassis which everything is grounded to can and will all sorts of weird things.
I did not know that these things flashed codes. I'll have to check into that once all my other stuff is done. Stator intermittent? Never had one. Either good or bad. Maybe TORS issue?
New member
Alright so the harness had 2 rub through under the motor. I fixed them and individually wrapped all the wires from beginning to end. Put. it all back together and tach still reads 0 rpm doesn't even budge. So what am i looking at now. Stator? Since it died. on me the other day and i had to wait overnight to get it going again?
does the tach do anyhting with the sled running and you change from high beam to low beam, does the needle jump?
New member
i am heading there now to check it out somemore.. i will check the hi and lo and see what the tach does!! i will keep you posted .. thanks again.. great forum here everyone is very helpful and nice !!!! glad i joined and i hope one day i can help someone out the way you fellows have helped me
edit :: so i am here now and the tack does not move if i change from low to high or turning on the handle bar warmers nothing.. also i am still getting the power valve servo code (7 flashes on the temp gauge) i think that is what it is .. could that all be related to the servo?
edit :: so i am here now and the tack does not move if i change from low to high or turning on the handle bar warmers nothing.. also i am still getting the power valve servo code (7 flashes on the temp gauge) i think that is what it is .. could that all be related to the servo?
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New member
take off the 3 screws holding on the black plastic cover on the servo motor mounted to the airbox, youll see the servo pulley and cables when you take off the cover. Start up the sled, then while keeping an eye on the servo motor, turn down the idle speed way down , does the servo open counterclockwise?
New member
the servo motor never moved i kept turning the idle all the way till it died
guess i need a servo motor or am i having bigger issues than i think? can it all relate to the servo not being good?

its one of 3 things....
1.) wire harness is rubbed thru else where in the harness and shorting out the servo. Check over at cdi box sometimes thry rub the harness where they plug in above the footwell and up the sides of the steering support tube.
2.) the cdi box is bad, it can still run but the signal for the servo comes from the cdi ox and usually its the shorted out wire harness that does this it ruins that portion of the cdi
3.) servo motor is shorted out.
you could tell real quick if you can find someone with a known good cdi from 98-99 srx eithe 600 or 700 and just plug it in and try it, if the tach works and servo moves its the cdi, if not its the harness rubbed thru somewhere and wires shorted/touching each other. its not gonna ruin the good cdi to just check it its only if you ride t for a bit it will hurt it.
1.) wire harness is rubbed thru else where in the harness and shorting out the servo. Check over at cdi box sometimes thry rub the harness where they plug in above the footwell and up the sides of the steering support tube.
2.) the cdi box is bad, it can still run but the signal for the servo comes from the cdi ox and usually its the shorted out wire harness that does this it ruins that portion of the cdi
3.) servo motor is shorted out.
you could tell real quick if you can find someone with a known good cdi from 98-99 srx eithe 600 or 700 and just plug it in and try it, if the tach works and servo moves its the cdi, if not its the harness rubbed thru somewhere and wires shorted/touching each other. its not gonna ruin the good cdi to just check it its only if you ride t for a bit it will hurt it.
New member
Ok well i check for a wire rub near the cdi. I don't know any one with a srx to try there box. Is there any other way to test cdi boxes? Again thanks for all the helpful tips.
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
Ok well i check for a wire rub near the cdi. I don't know any one with a srx to try there box. Is there any other way to test cdi boxes? Again thanks for all the helpful tips.
If you search "Power valve adjustment" there is a thread or two (maybe even a write up in the how to section) of how to do it, I never have done it this way so cant elaborate. There is a plug in you can hook a battery up to after you make jumper wires to "park" the servo for adjustment, if it wont park I suspect servo would be bad. 99% sure Viper servo would interchange if you know some one with a Viper.
New member
Do i have to run the sled to operating temperature to get a proper reading on the stator . i have the sled indoors in the heat?
the readings are usually specd out at like 68-70 degrees so if its warm in the shop it would be ok, or you can heat up the stator with a hair dryer for a little bit first.
New member
Ok i am going to check for a rub through near the foot board. So frustrated man. I just purchased this sled a month or two ago. Almost at my wits end.