No snow here, but had to rip some grass while my 10 yr old filmed this...


New member
Dec 25, 2014
Okotoks, AB
Yesterday my 10 year old son put together a short video of me playing around on one of the SX Vipers I picked up a few weeks ago. Only had a skiff of fresh snow to cover the grass but I needed to get this out for a quick rip around the yard. We really need a good dump so we can get out on the machines. High temps in December melted away all that we had from earlier in the season. Thinking my kid can make video's for me from now on as he learned what I could teach him and has been running and gunning on his own ever since.


Windows Live movie maker. I have Pinnacle Studio 14 but my kids is learning the basics before he jumps to the more technical software. He's doing good and I like the way he alters speed and the cuts he uses.
