Larry Bryzelak
New member
I have a 99 srx 600 that was totally rebuilt this fall. I went to start it for the first time and it started great. I went to take it for a ride and it seems I have a bog when I hit the throttle. The mid and top end are crisp tho. I set the air screws to the shop manuel specs before I put it back together. The book says 1 1/2 turns out. Any info would help. Thanks
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Make sure your clutch parts are good... no flat spots on rollers and all the bushings are good... even the helix and center cover on primary.
Larry Bryzelak
New member
I pulled the primary apart and checked that. It looked good but I did notice the secondary was stuck open and both clutches were red hot.

What secondary spring are you running and what belt?
Larry Bryzelak
New member
I believe it is a black spring. The belt was a spare that I have no clue what type it is. I bought the sled with a blown crank and it was in peaces. So that's why I'm not sure if the belt or secondary was right to begin with. There was a red spring in the trunk when I got it if that make more sense.

Get a new 8DN belt and set that secondary spring to like 6-2 or 6-1 and I would bet your bog will be gone.
Larry Bryzelak
New member
Ok thanks I'll try that. What does 6-2 or 6-1 mean?

There are numbers on the secondary helix and near the button posts on the secondary when you take the helix off... its has a slight twist when you remove the helix as it rides on the buttons and each end of the spring rides in a numbered hole that when added up x 10 determines the degree of twist. like 6-2 is 8 x10 is 80 degree.
Larry Bryzelak
New member
Ok thanks for the info. I'll keep you updated.
New member
Larry, Welcome!! First off... Mr. Sled is the man. Second, need to find out why the secondary is sticking open. Anything broken? Spring should be black but have a paint mark on it. Yours in stock form should have a green spring in it and wrapped to 60. But who knows whats in there...... Need to know what is in it as far as a helix too. Primary spring and weights? Center to center and offset good to go? Lotta knowledgeable people on here but they'll want to know what is in the sled and where everything is set at. Also, move this to the SRX, Viper section, you'll probably have better luck with responses. Maybe MR. Sled or one of the moderators can do it for you.

Larry, Welcome!! First off... Mr. Sled is the man. Second, need to find out why the secondary is sticking open. Anything broken? Spring should be black but have a paint mark on it. Yours in stock form should have a green spring in it and wrapped to 60. But who knows whats in there...... Need to know what is in it as far as a helix too. Primary spring and weights? Center to center and offset good to go? Lotta knowledgeable people on here but they'll want to know what is in the sled and where everything is set at. Also, move this to the SRX, Viper section, you'll probably have better luck with responses. Maybe MR. Sled or one of the moderators can do it for you.
I new there was a reason why I was posting on it...LOL "Its moved to the SRX section."
Larry Bryzelak
New member
Yeah that would be great. I didn't know I could put it in another category. I will check everything out with the clutch and get back with you guys. Thanks again.
Red hot? I would really look them over for cracks too on the sheaves. Had that happen but never got red, just really hot. Check out my post in the other brand section called clutch nightmare.
Larry Bryzelak
New member
Hey guys just an update on the sled. I changed the belt out to an 8dn belt and it runs great! All thoes problems and it was just a belt. Thanks for all the help. Now I have another problem.. My right rail on the suspension snaped off at the curve. Is this a common problem with the pro action suspension or was it something else that would cause this? And would anyone have one I could buy possibly? Thanks.
Hey guys just an update on the sled. I changed the belt out to an 8dn belt and it runs great! All thoes problems and it was just a belt. Thanks for all the help. Now I have another problem.. My right rail on the suspension snaped off at the curve. Is this a common problem with the pro action suspension or was it something else that would cause this? And would anyone have one I could buy possibly? Thanks.
While not common for the rail to snap - loose parts leading to it and junk bushings/cracked welds are common. Search BTV "tighten yours" for lotsoreading.
Larry Bryzelak
New member
Ok I have another question. I don't think the skid I pulled out is the original one. The skid has 4 boggie weels in the rear of the skid. Any idea on what it could be from? The original one looks like it has 3 weels in the rear. Any help or am I just crazy? Thanks.
Someone could have added the 4th wheel at some point,it was very common especially with studded sleds.
Ok I have another question. I don't think the skid I pulled out is the original one. The skid has 4 boggie weels in the rear of the skid. Any idea on what it could be from? The original one looks like it has 3 weels in the rear. Any help or am I just crazy? Thanks.
I'm confused.
Your post suggests you have two skids. The one you pulled out and the original? If you're looking in a book to reference "original" then yes, they most often came with three and as FB pointed out, often get another when someone studs it.
Although my '01 700 had it already and surprised your 600 didn't come with one.
Post some picks, member up and folks here will hook you up.
Larry Bryzelak
New member
How would I tell what year it is from? Is there part numbers on the rails?
Larry Bryzelak
New member
I'm saying for the 99 srx 600 skid the parts page has 3 weels in the rear. The skid that I have on it now has 4 weels so now I have no clue what year the skid is from unless I can find a part number.I found out the srx 700 has 4 weels from 98 to 2002 but the part numbers are different. 98 to 99 are the same and 2000 to 2002 are the same. But all 5 years of the 700s had 4 weels. All of the 600s have 3 weels. I will post some pics.