New member
Ok I was having a hell of a time getting my TPS adjusted today. I have made the homemade 5 volt TPS tester from the tech pages. the tester holds a steay 5.01 volts. So it's in working order. Now when I hook it up to the tps, the math tells me I should be at .681 volts D/C just sitting there. It's all fine and dandy it just seems to be extremy touchy. Every time I make an adjustment it takes 10 to 20 seconds for it to settle down and hold a steady voltage. Trying to get the .681 volts just seems impossible. Is this the way it is or is something wrong with my TPS?
Ok I was having a hell of a time getting my TPS adjusted today. I have made the homemade 5 volt TPS tester from the tech pages. the tester holds a steay 5.01 volts. So it's in working order. Now when I hook it up to the tps, the math tells me I should be at .681 volts D/C just sitting there. It's all fine and dandy it just seems to be extremy touchy. Every time I make an adjustment it takes 10 to 20 seconds for it to settle down and hold a steady voltage. Trying to get the .681 volts just seems impossible. Is this the way it is or is something wrong with my TPS?
It sounds to me like you have a defective TPS. The voltage changes should directly correspond to the rotation of the sensor. The readings should not vary once the sensor position is stationary. The sensor works just like a light rheostat in your house.
On my 2002 SRX, I had a TPS that was varying the voltage throughout its rotation and it gave me all kinds of grief until I replaced it.
New member
Ok just did a resistance test like the book says. Between the positive and neg terminal on the TPS it is suppose to between 4-6. I'm getting 6.14.
New member
Do you just unscrew the bolts all the way out and pull the tps out to reamove it?

Do you just unscrew the bolts all the way out and pull the tps out to reamove it?
yes remove the 2 screws and remove it.You will need a special hex tool that is hollowed out in the center unless you can get them to turn using vise grips
New member
got it out. thanks guys. hopefully i'm not replacing it for nothing it 200 bucks.
got it out. thanks guys. hopefully i'm not replacing it for nothing it 200 bucks.
Before you buy a new one try to borrow someone elses or at least use you test methods on another TPS to ensure your testing is not flawed.
Also try measuring the resistance as you rotate the TPS to see if it jumps all over the place as well.
New member
Sideshowbob, I would love to test it against another tps, I don't know anyone with a SRX in my area also when I run into someone with one it pretty rare on the trails. When I try to rotate it it does just jump all over the place it's verry verry touchy. I may shoot some video to post how touchy it is.
The voltage or resistance should not be spiking, it should be smooth and linear.
Were you having performance issues?
Were you having performance issues?
New member
Wish I knew how to upload a video from my iphone i could show you how the voltage jumps.

the updated part # is 2D1-85885-00-00.I picked one up from a dealer here for $100,but my stepson new the owners..which helped.Cycle partsnation has them for $135.00..check it out.It is item 88 in the parts fiche.Click on carburetor..
PS: they are in Kalamazoo MI
PS: they are in Kalamazoo MI
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New member
Dang already ordered it from my local dealer. I will have it in 3 to 5 businesses days. They charged 201. Don't know if it is the updated part.

well hopefully you will know once you install the new one the difference because it sure cured my issue.Sled is running like it should since that time..Good luck and keep us informed also.
Not 100% sure on this but check for prefix "A2" on your replacement part as I believe this is what Yamaha used to indicate an updated TPS.
New member
Gota say holly shit. I haven't gotten to even ride the machine yet but just can tell the difference in the garage after putting the new TPS in. Idle is much smoother rpm is just snappy almost scarry and wide open just seems retarded compared to old TPS. As far as testing the old to the new it's 2 different worlds as far as voltage readings. I have a feeling this is going to be a whole new machine compared what i'm use to. Just worried all the clutch and jet tuning I have been doing is just having to be started over with the new TPS. CHECK YOUR TPS!!!!!!!!!

well what has happened since you replaced the TPS.Does it ride differently now..keep us updated