electric start might be better...lol Or if you have kids send them out to exercise on the pull cord before you get to it and pull it over... Old fashion car starter____ Here you go kids go start the car and don't forget to turn the heater on...hahahahaha
If your talking about your 01 SRX? If so, try using 42.5 pilots like the other year SRX's have. It will start much much easier
Yes it's my 01. I'm running 45 pilots in it where it's ported and the carbs are bored to 35.5mm.
Active member
Maybe those bored carbs are doing it. Since they are bigger you can't create the suction needed to allow the ventui effect to work when pulling by hand, thus not bringing in the fuel needed to start when cold which needs a richer mixture anyways.
Backwoods M Max
New member
Maybe those bored carbs are doing it. Since they are bigger you can't create the suction needed to allow the ventui effect to work when pulling by hand, thus not bringing in the fuel needed to start when cold which needs a richer mixture anyways.
That seems like the root of your problems. I would swap carbs from your other sled and give it a try. If that's the case then a primer may be the way to go for your application.
This problem was never an issue the first winter I had the sled,it was only since last winter and now this one that I've had it appear.
New member
In my opinion you have an issue. Not taking anything away from the people that say you dont but I wouldnt live with that issue. I have had a few two stroke triples for radar runs and drag racing. All were over 15:1 compression, and anywhere from 190-210 psi on a compression test, running bored flat slides, with VP C12 or 113 fuel. Not one ever took more than 3 pulls to get fired after sitting for 2 weeks with temps anywhere from 20F to -5F. My current turbo RX1 will NOT start when its real cold out. The problem is the fuel. I first have to start it on regular 91 pump gas and then switch back to VP C16. The reid vapor pressure of C16 is too low for cold weather. Are you absolutely sure your carbs are spotless? All passageways, jets, starter jets, pilot, everything must be clean.
New member
Another thought, have you checked the condition of your reeds? They do wear out, chip, crack, and lose tension over time. This will also cause hard starting.