Which other model's crank case will fit my '99 mountain max 700? Help?


New member
Jan 23, 2014
Damaged crankcase on '99 Mountain Max 700.

Which other model's crank cases fit my sled? I have a dilemma here as a beginner.. Two of my piston skirts broke and left a crack in my crankcase, so I need a new case # (8CH-15100-01-00) according to Partzilla cross reference..
As I'm asking on the TYclassifieds, many people are offering complete bottom ends from '01 mountain max etc. saying it will fit my sled even though the crank case has a different part # than mine..
I Checked on Partzilla an on '01 and other sleds that people said their complete bottom halves would fit my sled, and they use the same crank part # as mine (according to partzilla) but a different case (8CH-15100-03-00)..

Can I just purchase the newer (8CH-15100-03-00), put my crank in it and be good? Why doesn't partzila state this? Sorry if this question seems dumb I'm pretty new at taking apart engines and much mechanical work.. Thanks.

I need the right case that will fit my 99 mm 700. Will (8CH-15100-03-00) case fit my sled and crank. Thanks!
call up a sled salvage yard. if you go a 2001 and up red head bottom end, you can switch over to the 300w ignition with the brighter headlights and OBD if that interests you.
Any redhead case from 98 and up will fit. Like it's already been said, the 2001 and up cases would allow you to put the newer 300w stator in, allowing you to run a dual headlight. I put a 2001 engine in my 98 last year and put a dual headlight in, and really love the extra light at night.
If your looking to do the repair as easy and painless as possible then grab a bottom end from any red head from '97 to '00,you can just bolt the rest of your engine onto the base and be done.But if your not against some extra work then get a bottom end from '01 and up along with the wiring harness,CDI,carb rack with TPS plus a few other items and you'll have a sled with the dual headlight and like the other guys said the 300 watt magneto.
I don't think a 97 case will fit, I think there is a difference in the crank bearing(s) and the case might be different therefore.
After 97 they used the roller bearings. The 98 and up has a BIG roller bearing on the mag side and the 97 had a dual ball bearing. You can use the 97 case but You must dill a hole for the anti rotation pin of the roller bearing.
as said the cases and crank bearings were changed to the new updated wider bearings, and theres more center case bolts on the 98 up. The ign. system doesnt have anything to do with it on the red head triple as yamaha merely changed the flywheel on the single to dual bulb sleds and of course of the 300 watt stator, the ign pick up and all is in the same spot and same diameter flywheel, just added another magnet for 3d ign.
