SRX testing

The video was fine? It took 80 min to upload and then youtube had to enhance it or whatever it does. Then I finally watch it and it looks like im like 10 feet from handlebars looking down. If I look close enough, I can see the gauges and a few times rpm went above 8000. I like option 1. I have the tools to do option 2 but I'll probably screw something up. How much slower will it shift? Can't imagine too much. Maybe just the 300rpm I need I bet at top end. I just dont want to see 8500 before shifts. I don't want to split motor in 2 like I saw on here a few days ago. I will try that other spring but may not get to test for a while. I will try. I think its spring here. I set cam up a little differently to see if that helps. Maybe split screen, one on gauges and one ahead. Interlace 2 videos. I wonder if you watched that "other" video? And while Eric is on here skinning cats, you could leave a little feedback after the video too. I like cats.
from my perspective it doesnt matter if i can see where your going, it means nothing to me watching it trying to diagnose a issue, I only need to hear the engine and see the tach to see whats going on pretty much. Heres a link to another members video maybe you can do the same mount he did or something, his shows the gauages really well. I dont know anyhting about loading videos it likely has to do with the foramt in which your saving it or something, theres a few guys on here that know all about that stuff, maybe ask in the general section and someone can assist in that.

the term over rev and under rev dont mean the engines gonna blow up if it runs at 8500rpm, thats clutch term meaning the engine is on peak power or off peak power. You could spin that engine up to 9000+ rpm and it is not gonna split in half. so dont let that scare you.
Did Youtube ask you if you wanted to stabilize the video because it was shaky? If it asks you that say NO, it makes it look all shifty and move around weird.
Yes it did ask and I said yes. It was and it helped. I made a new video today with the YWY spring. This one I set cam at 720 and 60fps. I get home and video is 830mb! I have downloaded full length movies less then that(legally, of course). I think I am uploading them in HD. Todays is going to be a while and you'll be surprised with the results! Maybe upgrade life ins policy? I hit some good bumps at around 90 or so. I will check that video link. I am afraid because motor and not to mention sled is 17 years old. I have another motor but needs rebuilding. Oil light came on today but I kept going because I knew there was plenty left. I'll say no thanks to the 9000rpm, maybe if it was new and blew a belt, I could handle it. Speaking of belts, I don't need to get one of those super expensive ones do I?
video coming soon.....No soothing background music? LOL
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The second video looks pretty good to me. One thing to keep in mind is if you spin, the clutches have a tendency to overshift and then when the track hooks up again it will pull your rpm down until it can recover. If you are bored, I would try switching back to the WWW spring and taking a little weight off from the tip of your weights, and possibly the middle as well. This is all trial and error. Take off a little bit and test. By a little bit I mean like a half gram. You are very close already. Also, try to keep the weights within at least .1 grams of each other. Its very easy to do, all you need is a grinder of some sort and a gram scale. A dremel tool will even work just fine. If you cant get enough, do as MrViper said and drill a little out of the rivet.

Another thing you should look into is getting a book about clutching. Imo, the easiest to understand book around is Aaen's clutch tuning handbook. The website is Read it, re read it, and then read it again. Some of the info is a little dated, but the concepts are still the same. Another perk of that book is contains all of the manufacturers weights and springs, specs for all of the springs, and for Yamaha it includes the shift forces of all of their weight profiles. While the Yamaha information is all on this website, I think its a lot easier just having the book in the garage and I can just flip to it quick and everything is right there easy to read. Its easier than trying to read it on my phone, and a lot less time consuming than getting on the computer and looking for it.
I dont know what happened to the idle. It just happened and I tried to screw around with cable. It stopped doing that on way home. I gotta google gopro for youtube settings. Didn't video look all pixelated to you?
I don't want to do the weight grinding and such. By the time I would be done, all that would be left is a clutch out of balance and a pile of dust. Clutching is just one of those things I have a problem understanding. Like tell me a weight and I could give you a very basic ballpark idea of what would happen, or a spring too. You guys seem to know exactly what will do what. I don't think I can ask for much more out of that thing. Is yamaha the only mfg that has different stock profiles on weights? I gotta make a video of John Deere, That will be scarey! Once you hit 45mph on that its anybodies guess on what will happen. 60 on that feels faster then 115 on Yami. I'll look into that book. Motor must be in ok shape yet to go that fast. Not going to be bored for a while, Did the plastic ski upgrade on 94 wildcat and now got all the parts for my 2001 ZL800 skid update. Skis helped alot. Steers like the yami, actually may make a tighter circle. Something is loose in left front though. Almost like I left a control arm bushing out when I had front end apart. For a 21 year old heavy sled, It still goes. Not like yami though. Blue, are you the one whos motor broke in half? It was someone with an avatar like yours.
Do I dare clutching my vintage sled? HMMMM
I can really test what I've learned so far.


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no,waiting for cylinder to find first.The pin just looks like it wore down a little.I read somewhere if you run your engine on the rich side,this can cause the ring to spin..
