Back to stock jetting for the viper question


New member
Sep 1, 2010
buffalo ny
I looked with the search function but I am not sure what ones I need.
I am about 600 feet above sea level in buffalo Ny.
I am switching back from my SLP pipes to a stocker. I lost my jets when I moved to my new house and can not find them. (Not like me at all)
Can any one help me out on what I should be running for best performance? or stock. and I can not remember if I had to move my needle location. It has been about 4 years and the memory is a little foggy.

Thanks for the help!
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stock jetting is 156.3 mains, 45 pilots and run the needles at 3.25 which is the 4th groove down from top but with both washers above the clip.
Thanks guys!
I love my pipes but I have been riding with my 2 year old and I think they are too loud. For right now. I thought they are the quietest triples for the viper. Could be wrong. Any way I may just look for a 4x4 pipe for it.
Would the 47.5 risk fouling plugs at low speed riding?
most people end up turning there fuel screws out to 2 turns anyway. I been running 47.5 in mine for awhile and in cold like 0 and below still had slight idle hang after hard run (probably a HOT pipe). So I think you should be fine. Also you can order main jets on Amazon bought a 4 pack for $15 myself with free shipping.
After driving and calling around I found a dealer with the jets I need. Thanks for the help.

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So I finished the carbs today. Its about 26 degrees out. I have a off ideal bog now. After I'm rolling no issues. I kept the pilots at 47.5. Needle 4th down from top. And 156.3 mains. The sled was snappy before the pipes. I have around 680 miles on them. With the pipes the sled acted like a dirt bike. Instant throttle response. Now at ideal if its hanging it and I hit the choke it will start to rev up. I only let it warm up and ran around d the yard for about 10 minutes. Also at ideal it sound like crap. Maybe I'm just used to the sound of the triples.
Thanks for any help.
I don't want to sound dumb but I had yo take way to much apart to get to the needles. I may have put the shims on the wrong spot. Can I get to them while the carbs are on the sled? And write ups on this?
If I pull the top caps and on the center carb if I loosen the screw will that relieve the spring pressure to get to the needles?
I pulled the whole face of the carb off to get to the slides. I'll pull the carbs off one more time and clean them and redue the needle height. It sounded today like it was hitting a rev limiter.
I pulled the whole face of the carb off to get to the slides. I'll pull the carbs off one more time and clean them and redue the needle height. It sounded today like it was hitting a rev limiter.

Throttle cable to tight. TORRS kicking in. Loosen cable, you would be suprised how much play that cable needs in it.
You can use the stock 45 pilots. If you have a hanging idle, you're fuel screws are not adjusted correctly. You'll find you're using a touch more fuel than other vipers if you ride with any, with the fatter pilots.
Yeah I can smell the raw fuel in the exhaust now. I could not before I starting going back to stock.
If you can keep idle hang at bay with 45's go for it. I had to turn my screws out too far. Defo noticed the mpg's go down too.
Loosened the cable sled still feels like its hitting a rev limiter and won't move unless I feather it.
