Why am I losing rpm's?

I'll try a shot at this one:
Drew, I think your helix has too steep of finish.
JyST?? You mentioned you do lake riding. Us both being from WI, you probably have hardly any snow. Enough to cool heat exchangers but maybe slides are getting hot and starting to stick to track at that speed. Are you sitting on gas tank when you let off gas? Anything smell funny? Had similar issue with Cat tonight. Lake was pretty much bare ice and sled ran worse and worse and got a smell like burning rubber, almost belt like but different. I couldnt get past 80 then. I told GF we should go home before Cat falls apart, but she was having so much fun on SRX that it took some convincing. Got to boat launch and had to cross street, I did and looked back and she had handlebar turned and smashed into curb. I ran over and helped it over curb as cars were coming. Got sled up and then the red and blues started flashing. I got in argument with warden and cop was talking to GF(They were hiding in boat launch to nab drunk sledders). I quit drinking 7 months ago and she never did so they tried everything to bust us for something. Anyway. when we finally left, The arctic cat fired right up and rode smooth and free. Thats why I asked about lake. Yami never did this just arctic cat. but you never know...
Hope I helped
P.S. TRY not to argue with conservation wardens!
I do plan on trying a different helix at some point. I also didn't really have enough snow to be confident its not right the way it is. I might get to try more this weekend. Hope your ticket wasn't too expensive lol.
No ticket, just a warning. Thats what started it all. I wanted to know what law I broke and what I was being warned about. I helped gf get sled over curb asap. I dont know, I just have to find a different way back from lake.
I think its the helix because that track setup is heavy and the earlier srx's had a little less ballz then the newer ones and finish angle is a little too steep for engine output. I had no idea 2 degrees would even make any difference. I bet you could find the 51/43 on classifieds here for cheap. I bought a brand new one because I had to buy a whole bunch of stuff and less confusing just getting it all from same place. Unless motor is modded, that will work. No loss of rpm at all. Maybe a little in beginning if holeshot doesn't hookup like mine but doesn't really loose rpm just maintains until speed is matching where clutches are shifted to. I have a youtube video of this but am bad with the gopro cam so hard to see gauges. I will link it here. Speedo was at 115 or so and tach was 8300 or so. Hard to see though.
There is one on ebay right now new $100. I had to type in "yamaha srx 51/43 helix" for it to show up
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At least you only got a warning. Sometimes you just have to let them think they are right. I'm guessing you went with the oem Yamaha helix. My cousin has a RX1, I bet he would let me use his helix to try. I also am thinking this summer maybe getting porting done. Not sure yet though. Also may go to a 1" track. My track looks like it is getting wore out. Too many decisions and 1 effects the other. Nice video. It is a little hard to see gauges but you can see rpms a little. It is hard enough to see them when on the sled when you are trying to hang on.
I called DNR and they said that if I got a warning, it would be in writing. Never got anything and he didn't notice my address is wrong on license. Yes yami helix, expensive for a chunk of aluminum hey?
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Well I got my valves all cleaned and sucked out all the $hitty amsoil now waithing for yamalube to show up so I can test.
Amsoil bad? did you see the pics of powervalves on back of bottle? Better then new or 9.9 out of 10 and it shows crosshatch after 100000 miles. This was an "independent" lab.
Actually, thats all I ran since I got my sled and no real bad problems with powervalves. I never cleaned them the way described on here but weren't caked with carbon or whatever. I now use Klotz, not because of bad stories but found a good price on a gallon. Both injected tanks full on sleds so havent used it yet.
Where in WI are you Jstyer? I have pullers and alignment tool if your close enough. Thats all I got as far as clutch tools. No compressors or anything.
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my valves were so gummed up and had one completely stuck after 500 miles, I am going to try new oil and get her back out and test before I do anything. I live in northern WI up by Rice Lake
