121 to 136?

I stretched my SRX a long time ago. I went with the hacksaw over the Ripsaw. I had a 136 1.5 ripsaw on my warrior. When I decided to go with the hacksaw instead. The ripsaws just dont hold up. Lost a few outside lugs in no time. Not that it jeapordized the integrity of the track. The predator track is another really good choice. I don't know if they even make it any more.
I have not seen the predator in a 136. I did see it in a 121. I have lugs missing all over the place on my ripsaw. Mainly just on the tips
I have a new 136 predator that I have been keeping for a spare. I ended up with it after I bought the hacksaw. It's 1.25 track vs the 1 inch hacksaw. The hacksaw is a better choice for studding without worrying about changing everything. I was always going to put the predator on the warrior if that track failed. Just got rid of the Warroir so I wil save the predator track for the next sled I stretch.
We switched the Viper this year to a 1.375 Cobra track. with 105 1.675 studs. Of coarse we have 8 tooth drivers also. The SC3 skid was a massive improvment over the Pro Action. al
How do you like the cobra? How does it hold up with studs? It seems everyone says not to stud it.
