After re-reading I knew you were talking about the suspension shaft before I even saw the other posts, sorry. What year an model sled is the skid out of?
I found something that may help you, its a 3 part video of a sc4 suspension in a 99 sx. Its still a proaction chassis so should be like yours. Here is a link to part 1. I like it when the guy trash talks the pro-action! lol
I found something that may help you, its a 3 part video of a sc4 suspension in a 99 sx. Its still a proaction chassis so should be like yours. Here is a link to part 1. I like it when the guy trash talks the pro-action! lol
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Nice find! That's a helpful video for sure! I'm not sure what year of doo the skid is out of, I just know it's a 121 SC4. That video shows me the rear mounting location well, and I know the center-to-center measurement is 23 7/16". Now I just need to determine the height from the tunnel on the first bolt and I'm good to go. What I don't know for sure is if it runs parallel to the tunnel top? If so, I can just use the rear location's distance from the top of the tunnel. Otherwise I may try to approximate from that video.