Bad plugs experiences?

Backwoods M Max

New member
Mar 31, 2011
New England
So I had my first "fouled" plug experience. I think that 1 of my 3 plugs was bad from the start this season. I threw in a new set of BR9ES's and when I checked them the mag and center were perfect and the pto was black. The other day the pto cylinder dropped while out clutch testing. Eased home, pulled the plug and figured ok it's just because the pto is jetted rich. Cleaned the plug with a wire brush and brake cleaner to try it again. It fired for a little while then quit again. Came home and pulled it out and it was still clean but wet with fuel. I panicked, pulled compression just to be sure, 130 hot across the board.

Threw in a new plug, went out and ran it again and now it's dry with a nice smoke ring and great burn on the ground strap. Oh and the power is back, I think I was doing some clutch tuning with a weak cylinder but that's another story.

Please share your try's and fails with spark plugs and if your running alternatives to the oem recommended plugs? I saw something about Bosch plugs being very high quality and very consistent plug to plug.
E3 plugs NEVER AGAIN will i use them. All 3 fell apart and on one the electrode had a crack in it. Also the little nub on top is screwed on with like 1 thread so when you go to pull your cap it strips. Dont run anything but the good ol br9es or iridium equivalent
I fouled 2 br9ecs in my 99 srx on the same cylinder in 1 trip. Come to find out my plug caps needed changed. Haven't had a problem since I changed them. The 2nd time it did it the backfire blew the donut gasket apart for the exhaust. My cousin had 2 go bad on his rx1 in the same trip. Cant remember which plug he uses. He changed the coil pack after the first one went and still had one go bad. Hasn't had a problem in a while so I think his was just bad plugs from the factory.
Are those E3's the ones i read about and like $15 apiece?

Yes. They are absolute gimmik. I work at a garage in town and the only 2 vehicles i know with them in both had multiple running problems and had them.literally fall apart. One plug in my buddys supercharged transam had the core break off and only the electrode holding it in.
I haven't bought spark plugs for my sled since the two spares I zip-tied to the airbox holder a week after I bought it new. BR9ECS

They're still there.

Surpisingly, I only fouled one Champion in my fuji powered XCR after screwing around with Autolites.

I wouldn't spend more for a spark plug than what a proper NGK costs.
They sure got some weird ones out there. My John Deere calls for surface gap plugs and the number is discontinued so its been br9es, actually, all my sleds have br9es. I don't foul them but put new ones in each year. My srx had a whole case of br10es plugs in seat(10 pack, not a huge case). I wish I had some use for those. I never even used the br9ecs plugs.
How about those with the 4 ground straps, what are those suppose to do? Create 4 sparks?lol I can see the 2 plugs per cyl but 4 ground electrodes? Why?
What next?
Those E3's are suppose to have a lifetime warranty, does that cover the damage they cause?
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They sure got some weird ones out there. My John Deere calls for surface gap plugs and the number is discontinued so its been br9es, actually, all my sleds have br9es. I don't foul them but put new ones in each year. My srx had a whole case of br10es plugs in seat(10 pack, not a huge case). I wish I had some use for those. I never even used the be9ecs plugs.
How about those with the 4 ground straps, what are those suppose to do? Create 4 sparks?lol I can see the 2 plugs per cyl but 4 ground electrodes? Why?
What next?
Those E3's are suppose to have a lifetime warranty, does that cover the damage they cause?

I tried contacting e3 multiple times with no answer or replied email and most places wont return plugs. I still have them Just to show people.
Had a plug foul, replaced it with a new one that was bad too..... Chased the problem around until one day I took all the plugs out and swapped them by accident when I put them back In..,, that's when I realized lol.
I've had dirty plugs on chainsaws and lawn mowers fail to fire and I've cleaned them with a wire brush and solvent with good results. When I cleaned this one and it still didn't Fire I figured it was electrically bad vs mechanically fouled. A little Internet searching revealed Ngk with the reputation that plugs are bad in the box and inconsistent with heat range.
I've had dirty plugs on chainsaws and lawn mowers fail to fire and I've cleaned them with a wire brush and solvent with good results. When I cleaned this one and it still didn't Fire I figured it was electrically bad vs mechanically fouled. A little Internet searching revealed Ngk with the reputation that plugs are bad in the box and inconsistent with heat range.

I have never seen that. Think of all the MFG that would have dropped them by now if that was true. Heat range is a very big deal if your giving out a engine warranty.
IMO, you fouled the plug testing. If they do come back to life, it's from heat. Not wire brush or solvent. Gas is the solvent that took it out
