Yz 125 trail/ enduro


Active member
Jan 10, 2013
ontario GTA
Does anyone have any experience in making these bikes more trail or enduro friendly? I'm looking for things to do like gearing, flywheel weight, pipes etc....
experience with 250. Flywheel weight and gnarly pipe are a great addition. Tbh with you the 125 isnt the best of trail bikes as it likes its rpms and lack of bottom end. what id do--- fw weight, pipe, suspension, lighting stator and headlight, skid plate and handgaurds. One of my favourite mods on my bike are going with a tubliss tire system and racetech suspension
experience with 250. Flywheel weight and gnarly pipe are a great addition. Tbh with you the 125 isnt the best of trail bikes as it likes its rpms and lack of bottom end. what id do--- fw weight, pipe, suspension, lighting stator and headlight, skid plate and handgaurds. One of my favourite mods on my bike are going with a tubliss tire system and racetech suspension
I find 250 2 strokes wear me out too fast in the woods, they are constantly pulling. and I'm not looking to spend the money on a 250 4 stroke. I like the idea of flywheel weight. Do you know anyone who makes weights for a 125?
Get a wr250! Great trail bike, not as high strung as the yzf250 but definitely more woodsified!

If you get a wr all youd need to do to make street legal is to add a horn and have it registeres as a motorcycle. Oh and 450 ftw ; ) No better feeling to be in 5th gear goin 100 and have the front wheel come up at will yet have such a smooth controllable bottom end In the trails.
If you get a wr all youd need to do to make street legal is to add a horn and have it registeres as a motorcycle. Oh and 450 ftw ; ) No better feeling to be in 5th gear goin 100 and have the front wheel come up at will yet have such a smooth controllable bottom end In the trails.

If I ever get another trail bike it will be a WR model for Sure!
my 03 has never seen a track. nothing but mountains with tight twisty trails and many obstacles. all i did was gear the thing down on the counter and up on the rear.

from there i added a kickstand. one of the best $100 ever spent. no more falling over on the triangle stand or tree searching.

another cheap(free) mod i did was to cut hand holds through the plastics surrounding the air box. very similar to what the free stylers do to enable superman style tricks. none of that for me(intentionally), but it sure makes it easier to move the bike around when needed. saves the fenders and such. i have duplicated this mod on several.
Should run her as is and get a 144 kit. Seems to be a real popular mod on the 125s

If I was looking to do that I would have bought a 250 and saved the trouble ahahaha. I'm going to try it out In The woods as is first. It's fairly stock minus a procircuit silencer, unbreakable levers and protaper bars. I'm going to be looking at bark busters, setting up the suspension, maybe a pipe, and maybe flywheel weight
