Fitch Fuel Catalyst: Fact or Fiction???

Millinocket Rocket said:
Makes sense, but as far as draining the tank goes, what happens to the little bit of fuel that doesn't get removed from the tank? I would think it would dry up into something undesirable....

I syphon the fuel from the tank, splash a bit of pre-mix into it and then run the engine 'til it stalls which seems to suck the tank dry. Anything left would be pre-mix which IMO isn't an issue... provided you fill it/delute it with fresh fuel next fall.

nosboy said:
Most people cannot comprehend all that !!! At least you pay attention !!! Use Trichlorethylene ( brake cleaner) on the pull thingy to GET A BETTER GRIP and START PULLING AWAY !!!

Ever see what brake clean does to some plastics?

I'd suggest the non-chlorinated.
