What's everyone using for chain case oil? Heard bad about amsoil, heard some use atf?
Active member
don,t use atf unless your just racing. 75w or 80w gear oil 3:16x (yammie tony)
Backwoods M Max
New member
I'm running royal purple synthetic for my second year this year. I had good results last year it seemed to produce less fuzz on the magnet.
Active member
I have used amsoil chaincase oil for about 3 years. Seems to keep its consistency in the cold where as gear oil will thicken up and make the sled harder to get moving in the morning. Seems to come out cleaner as well at the end of the season.
Active member
used amsoil for 4 years and been through both chaincases since then more than once and it has done a great job.
Amsoil X 3
A couple of bucks
VIP Member
Maxima Extreme Cold Synthetic
Pour point of -40F & it's a 70w
2nd runner up
Spectro Syn-Sno
Pour point of -50 & it's a 75w
Pour point of -40F & it's a 70w
2nd runner up
Spectro Syn-Sno
Pour point of -50 & it's a 75w
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New member
I've always used atf in my trail sleds and never had a problem. I change it often though.
Sent from my E6560C using Tapatalk
Sent from my E6560C using Tapatalk
A couple of bucks
VIP Member
Here's food for thought. What is a cam shaft timing chain lubricated with?
-48 pour point 32oz for $10 can't go wrong. Why would somebody pay the same for amsoil it's the same stuff synthetic gear oil in a 8oz? It also seem on par with the maxima oil it is also just synthetic chaincase oil right?
-48 pour point 32oz for $10 can't go wrong. Why would somebody pay the same for amsoil it's the same stuff synthetic gear oil in a 8oz? It also seem on par with the maxima oil it is also just synthetic chaincase oil right?
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Super Moderator
You can use jam as long as you change it every year, point being change the case oil yearly. I use mobile one synthetic gear oil. You can get 3 oil changes out of one bottle. Any synthetic gear oil will be fine, i used to use amsoil but the mobile one is cheaper and ive found it comes out cleaner at the yearly oil change. $11.00 a bottle.
A couple of bucks
VIP Member
Mobile 1 is very close. I just prefer Maximas 70W vs Mobiles 75W. Just personal preference. Use whatever weight/vis gear oil you'd like. Just make sure it is top notch. After all, an automobiles timing chains longevity is directly related to engine oil quality.It also seem on par with the maxima oil it is also just synthetic chaincase oil right?
Ask yourself when doing the oil change
1. How much metallic fur ended up coming off of the magnetic dipstick in one season.
2. How much chain tensioner adjustment is needed.
Both of these points are related to oil quality.
After all, on a hot day would you like to drink a Steel Reserve or a Corona.
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I need a pc the print is tiny
I need a pc the print is tiny
Reading it I was starting to see why amsoil was a good choice. Then I get to the end and see sponsored by amsoil lol makes me apprehensive of results.
this looks pretty good
this looks pretty good
this looks pretty good
this looks pretty good
You cant go wrong with Yamaha's chain case lube.
the problem with dealer brand oil is price. Its the same on all points except price per ounce.You cant go wrong with Yamaha's chain case lube.