Larry Bryzelak
New member
One more question, can i reuse the o rings and seals and base gasket when i get it back together or should i get a new set?
One more question, can i reuse the o rings and seals and base gasket when i get it back together or should i get a new set?
yes, just make sure they are clean, I usually hit em with some wd40 and wipe off with paper towel, no issues.
if it was really at 30 psi you would pull it over and be able to tell, try a new tester first
Larry Bryzelak
New member
Update. So i bought a new compression tester and came out with 135psi in all 3 cylinders. Glad thats all it was. Thanks guys for all the help. Now what would make me have to put gas in my cylinders to make it start? Thats the only way it will start when its cold. When its warmed up it starts right up. Could this be a float issue?
choke cable might not be adjusted tight enough, also you might know it has 2 positions, theres up which is half choke and then ful choke is almost straight up. check your freeplay on the choke, it might need to be tigtend up. you can look at the rod for the plungers on carb rack, adjust till it just releases when you let lever down, this will make sure you have full choke when lever is all the way up in 2nd spot.