Presenting the 2006 Yamaha's-A note for al


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Apr 25, 2003
Weston WI
Sorry...LMAO I removed this post by accident.... ;):D ;):D Lets get her going again....

I really feel Yamaha delivered a great package of sleds ;)! ;)! They have done some new innovative things and tried to target a few key areas....lets give them a hand.

Before you guys are so quick to judge...go see them in person...ride wont be unhappy.
I owe it to Jimbo.. Thanks for stepping up and not taking it personal. I love Yamaha sleds period. I don't care what others say the engineering is hands down the best. I was just overly excited by the hype.. I understand that Yamaha has to spread their tooling out over many years which causes some trade offs. Maybe this is what we are seeing. I was just thinking there would be a revolutionary look!

Jimbo did you happen to have a aftermarket shop. I talked a guy out east a few years back that knew yamahas like the backa of his hand.

Your right sled, I need to see them in person.. Hopefully Thursday!
MrSled said:
Before you guys are so quick to judge...go see them in person...ride wont be unhappy.

I'm not as concerned with the way they ride as I am with the way they look, to me, the RX-1 had it all, looks, performance, and a nice suspension. The RX-1 wasn't gawdy looking, didn't have a Batman looking windshield, and a tube raft for a seat. Sleek, Stylish, Refined is what Yamaha has always been about and, IMO, I feel that they lost a big chunk in the looks category as of now, when I see them in person, I hope my opinion changes, I really do. All I can say now is that I'm disappointed that Yamaha would have so many models as unrefined as they are, ie, exposed handle bars, creative windshields, stand up ergos, etc... Just my thoughts, I'm happy that there are many out there that do like the '06s, they're just not for me.
The original post was more "harsh" than intended, but was based from an e-mail swap one year ago.

I suppose nobody can really comment until THEY ride the new units, and decide if it is for THEM. The weight is a major concern for me and that is why I never purchased a vmax 4

I wish Yamaha made a sled that worked for me, because they can and thats what is so annoying.
My apologies for not running filter before sending my previous post.
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bleueje17 , I have driven the other sleds...dont tell me what you think, when they are not my words. I have since ridden them all....I can tell ya the Rev is a nice sled. Another thing I WILL BE RIDING them next week and then I can give you my real honest take on the new sleds....but I am really pissed at your comment. I dont think you have the right to judge me. You dont like the new sleds...dont buy one.... :o| :o|

And its still true...I will ride Yamaha no matter what.
bleueje17 said:
I wish Yamaha made a sled that worked for me, because they can and thats what is so annoying.

Like Mr. Sled said, if you do not like the new one's don't buy one. Yamaha has done an amazing job. In my opinion they look awesome and I know they will ride awesome. Call it brand loyalty call it not keeping an open mind, call it what ever you want. I have I ridden other sleds, they have some good things about them but I would never take one over a Yamaha due to the fact that their quality, performance, and reliability can't be beat! :yam:
I love critics..... After being self-employed for 16 years and also working for uncle sam, I like to think I have common sense on stuff. The worst things about running a company is you CAN'T make everyone happy. But it's the ones that we call "legends in their own minds" or an "engineering whiz" that really get my goat. People who think the world only revolves around them and only them. These are the people you tell something can't be done or it PROBABLY WON't work, based on years of experience and they still tell you to do it and get ticked when it doesn't work. I sense that from quite a few people here and I have to laugh. We all have different opinions and as far as I can say there is more important things in life than Yamaha dissapointing you. I wish that was the only thing I faced in my life. Other than that the 06 look good ON PICTURES. As far as letting me down? I guess all the manufacturers do for not including SNOW as an options... Thanks for the laughs.
I Will Give Yamaha Quality And Reliability.performance??? Not Without Spending Lots Of Money.i Know...i Own 2!!!
OldCat your probably right, nobody looks at performance the same. I need something that fits an all around style, not just ditchbanger or lake racer. So to me I have no issues with what they offer. Hey you can die hitting a tree at 15mph not alone 115mph. I also can see sleds from the others that would fit me. But coming from old school reality, I don't have time for issues and if I have less of a chance with product "A" I will buy that product. For those who can take more a chance of then me, I totally understand their opinion. I guess it made me feel good last year when a guy made a comment of having the slowest 600 out there, I laughed and said no, I do I have a Yamaha, he said yah but your slow and still on the trail. We both laughed and walked away. It's all for fun and we all should keep it that way.
One Other Thing...4 Stroke Is Great As Far As Longevity But There Is No Way In Hell The Average Joe Will Keep It 10,15 Or 20 Thousand This An Advantage? As Far As Resale Lets Say In Three Won't Brin Any More Money Than A 2 Stroke. Look At The Rx-1.i Really Feel That Price Is Gonna Kill Sales For 06.
i couldnt believe how awesome these new sleds are. i always said i wouldnt buy a 4 stroke because of the rx1. not that i didn't like the rx1 but it just wasn't for me. i thought yamaha was going a totally different way. really surprised me. would get an apex gt if i could.
15,000 miles on the same sled? Only a few will, with these snow conditions. lol..... Your point well taken. But for someone who wants a used sled they will have plenty of options with the 4 stroke. If they last as long as they "SHOULD" Would I rather buy a good 4 stroke with 3k or or a 2 stroke with 3k. That could play more of a factor in the used segment. Depreciation stinks no matter what.
I think Yamaha did a pretty good job on the '06s. There are some areas where they STILL need to improve, but the overall package looks very good.
First off, suspension. I like what they have done in giving us some of the best shocks that money can buy, but why havent they increased the travel? I mean heck, my '01 600 XC has a better suspension than even the monoshock and its a 5 year old sled! 11.5-11.8" of travel might have been fine in '99 or '00, but in '06 there is no reason why Yamaha doesnt have at least 13"-14" of rear travel. I dont see how the Nytro is going to compete being heaver and still having less suspension.
Second, the new hood design. If I understand it correctly, the hood isnt attached to the sled with hinges and cables like they were in the past. The hood is like an Indycar, in that it lifts off and disconnects from the sled competely. The sides also come off too, from what I understand. Im not sure I would like this, I think Id rathar have it hinged like a traditional snowmobile. However, Id like to see how this design works in person before I pass judgement upon it.
Also, price. Honestly, who can afford to drop $10,000 on a new sled? Thats just crazy to me to spend that much on something that you can only use a few months out of the year. If I lived in Canada or in the mountains and could ride 4 or 5 months that would be one thing, but my riding season at best is from mid December to mid March. That is waaaaaaaaay more than I could justify spending on a sled!
Im sorry guys, but to be totally honest with you, I wouldnt be buying a Yamaha if I were getting a new sled this year. I think I would probably go with a Polaris Fusion 600. I know I wont get a lot of support with this from you TYers, but I really dont care.
Ive seen the Fusion in person, and while the looks are kinda iffy on the showroom floor, these sleds look great on the snow (especially the black ones!!!). Polaris will get the bugs worked out of their fuel injection system for '06 and it will be an awsome sled. Also, the ride and handling of these sleds is amazing. The saying, "I will run out of guts and talent before it runs out of power and suspension" holds true here. The Polaris "rider select" adjustable steering is also something that you look at and say, "Yeah, why did they think of that years ago???" It allows the rider to quickly adjust the handlebar angle for their own preference. You can go from high "standup" bars to low "cruiser" bars in less than a second.
The only problem I had with the '05 Fusion was the size. I dont ride on very many lakes, so a 900 has no appeal for me. Put the smallblock 600 with VES in the Fusion chassis and thats my next sled.
Like I said, I dont expect you guys to agree with me but Im only being honest. When Yamaha catches up in terms of suspension I might be back. However, if Polaris keeps on improving their quality like they have been lately, I may not have enough reason to go back to Yamaha, mostly because of all the bad luck Ive had with their dealers.
Yes, the Monoshock is nice but you have to look at one thing: suspension travel. It only has about 11.8" where as everyone else has 13.9"-14" of travel (my '01 Polaris has 14"). The more travel you have, the softer you can set up the suspension and the better the ride will be. Yamaha has always lagged behind in the suspension department, and as I see it, they still do. From my point of view, Yamaha is trying to use fancy shocks to mask the fact that they still have inferior suspensions.
I think what sled co's need to concentrate on is a complete balanced and reliable package for the terrain at hand, ...30" travel, ...250" skids, ...not sure if bigger is always better, ...I applaud Yamis bold direction and I suspect there will be a lot of "eating of crow" one the evalutations are in.
Hebi - I agree with a lot of your thoughts BUT dont look at the travel numbers because each company measures different. The old xtra 12 was only around 10" of true vertical travel---just as an example.

Again, I think Yamaha simply sent there sleds to ROX for a makeover, but not an extreme one...
travel isnt everything. it truly is a situation of quality vs quantity. remember in 97??? sc-10 had 10 inches and rode worse (yes, I have ridden and can compare) than my 97 600 sx did with 8. all about how it is controlled. besides, did polaris ride that well with the x-tra 12 back when it first came out than the xtra 10 did a few years back? nope. just a matter of how it works.. if travel meant comfort my dads truck would be smoother than a cadilack.. it does not.... my opinion :)
Well, I like them. ;)! That being said, I am tied to my REV for another year and half. By then I want to see the Rage with the rider forward, taller bars, 136 with the monoshock. I am really excited to see a new one in person, sit on one, etc. I am more of a off trail guy, and that's a little more weight than I want to try to dig out. I was riding with a guy two weeks ago who has an 05 RX Warrior, he got stuck, and that thing was heavy. Couldn't feel the weight on the trails though. Lose a little more weight, and I'm there. I think Yamaha is going in the right direction for sure. We all know what they are capable of. Looking forward to reading Tom's report and what he thinks about the new sleds. Where and when can I see these here in Wisconsin? Later, Skylar.
