Presenting the 2006 Yamaha's-A note for al

I have to figure out where I read about why yamaha's don't sag as much. Crap. But your right, but it was based on the difference of the skids and that is why some say that the others lie about measuring, that it's about looks not full springing effect up and down (sprung versus unsprung??). I don't know the truth of it maybe someone with more experience can explain. I'll keep looking though. peace.
rising rate vs falling rate. falling rate falls into the holes so it has more sit in. rising rate has less sit in because it is set to soak up the bumps, not fall in the holes. proaction is falling, new is rising.
I think rising and falling rate have to do with the motion ratio of the shock... Meaning rising rate the shock ratio gets better or increases through out the stroke. The opposite for falling rate.
Ok, since I got flamed on the original post that got erased for my comments.. The Nytro is a vector with a new seat and riser. It probably has some other minor engineering upgrades and the obovious shocks and windshield. I would not call this an all new sled. Infact I asked the yamaha rep if the nytro shared the vector chassis and he said yes but it has a thicker seat and hadnle bar risers.. I then asked if it was considered rider foward he said kind of but not as aggressive as the apex.

I'm not saying that the nytro will not be head and shoulders above the vector it very well could be. The test riders will have to answer that.

The apex is new or significant redesign. I don't think that the rider foward position is as aggressive as the REV but I'm not sure it needs to be. I have not had the chance to ride a rev yet. My buddy just bought one so I will have to hop on it.

And the FRUGLY seats are a lot better in person. Overall I think the appex is pretty sweat but I think all the insurance agents are going to rate it high like the RX1. If yamaha follows there pattern in the near future there will be a 120hp engine in the appex chassis. I think I'm waiting for the later or picking up a used vector.
mdkuni, an amazing job? There's basically 2 different sleds with different motors that come in 5? flavors each? Now, amazing? If they offered a turbo, that would be amazing, a 150 hp 3 cyl 1000 cc would be amazing, a new 2 stroke, within 5% of the weight of the others, that would be amazing...
jwiedmayer said:
Ok, since I got flamed on the original post that got erased for my comments.. The Nytro is a vector with a new seat and riser. It probably has some other minor engineering upgrades and the obovious shocks and windshield. I would not call this an all new sled. Infact I asked the yamaha rep if the nytro shared the vector chassis and he said yes but it has a thicker seat and hadnle bar risers.. I then asked if it was considered rider foward he said kind of but not as aggressive as the apex.

I'm not saying that the nytro will not be head and shoulders above the vector it very well could be. The test riders will have to answer that.

The apex is new or significant redesign. I don't think that the rider foward position is as aggressive as the REV but I'm not sure it needs to be. I have not had the chance to ride a rev yet. My buddy just bought one so I will have to hop on it.

And the FRUGLY seats are a lot better in person. Overall I think the appex is pretty sweat but I think all the insurance agents are going to rate it high like the RX1. If yamaha follows there pattern in the near future there will be a 120hp engine in the appex chassis. I think I'm waiting for the later or picking up a used vector.
Your Yamaha rep was sort of right. The Nytro's dimensions are the same as a Vector, but there are some differences.
The Nytro uses the ProAction CK rear suspension the Vector uses the ProAction rear. I believe the CK uses clicker shocks, whereas the the regular just uses standard (non adjustable???) shocks.
Also, the Nytro gets Fox Floats.
Also, while I dont like the looks of the seat either, we asked for it. We complained that the RX/RS didnt have enough underseat storage. Be carefull what you wish for....
Also, freezerburnt, no harm done.
Your right Hebi, But that does not make the Nitro "All New"...

The other thing I over heard him tell some guy that they did not use the mono shock on the nytro because the ck did better in big jumps.. Sounds wierd to me..

Either way I was much more impressed with the new sleds in person.
One other thing in the back of the brochure it says the fox shocks can be purchased as an accessory. I wonder how much they'll be?
Nytro was designed to "play" more in the bumps, instead of just soaking them up like a normal Yamaha tends to do. The ProActive CK is able to be preloaded on road approaches and stuff to use a little of the rebound to pop better. It feels a lot like a Cat in its bump behavior. Plus, the clutching is a little higher and the gearing is lower to give it more squirty response. Does that make sense? It was pretty fun in the little time I had to ride it, albeit kinda chilly.

I guess they can play word semantic all day. It's an all new sled because yamaha never offered this type as Wade explained. Alot of you sound like me, I don't like qualifiers... Especially words like "BEST" and "FASTEST". Advertising words are like marriage vows. You don't know how good they are or what was meant until later. lol...
Great input wade. Even car mfgs claim something is all new like the colorado was five new models what ever its the same truck with different cabins and wheelbases.

I have no doubt they made it better than last years model. And it looks great in person.
Here's an outsider's view. I've been riding Cats since '81. I've only had one rotten sled out of the whole gave me troubles from the first trip I took it on. Kept it for 2 or 3 seasons then traded it, giving Cat one more chance. Three sleds later, I'm still happy with Cat's reliability...none of them needed anything more than maintenance except that one. I must say, this new lineup of Yammis' has me wanting to leave the Cat's den though. Like someone else mentioned, it's also about a manuf. having what the customer wants, not just quality, and right now Cat doesn't have what I want. Even though I've loved my Cats, I've always been open-minded when buying a new sled, and looked at the competition every time I buy, there's just been nothing that made me want to switch....until now. I see myself riding a new Attak next season if Cat doesn't introduce a real 4-stroke sled next month. Yes, I question if the suspension will be comparable to what I've been used to, but overall Yammi is offering me what I want in a sled with the Attak. After seeing one, there may be other things to nitpick like some here have already tried to do without even seeing one, but I acknowledge Yammi's quality and overall product. If I do purchase an Attak, I hope it's all it's cracked up to be (this would be the first time I've ever spent close to 10 g's on a sled). It's funny, two years ago I didn't want to think about a 4-stroke, but now I'm ready after seeing what Yammi did with theirs....150 hp, no oily mess or smell, greeeaaaat mpg's, sign me up!!! ;)!
last year I thought the machz was the best looking sled on snow, but now the apex gt gets my vote. THANK YOU YAMAHA :rockon: :yam:
One of my railing buddies is also looking to leave the cat's den....He feels the same way you do. After 20 years of riding with him he's had way more problems than I have had and that has not gone unnoticed.
snoden700viper said:
One of my railing buddies is also looking to leave the cat's den....He feels the same way you do. After 20 years of riding with him he's had way more problems than I have had and that has not gone unnoticed.

Don't get me wrong snoden, I wouldn't be leaving Cat for quality issues (my buddy has had more problems with his SX, the one with crank problems, than I've had with the ZRT that gave me headaches), I don't think one problem sled in 20 some years is a big deal. Definately had many more good miles than bad. I just want a smooth powerplant in a 136" chassis. I still need to get over being concerned about buying a sled in it's first year model run before I actually buy an Attak. Time will tell, and I seem to have a lot of that. ;):D
