Presenting the 2006 Yamaha's-A note for al

Growing up around Polaris sleds, I think I am more than qualified to cover this topic.
Did the XTRA-12 ride better the the XTRA-10, yes. It was a much more plush ride. It also did have more travel than the XTRA-10, it was around 11.5".
2 weeks ago I rode through 30 miles of a mixture of washboard bumps and 3 foot deep holes in the trail. I pounded my '01 Polaris 600 XC EDGE X over those bumps and through those holes as hard as it would go. I honestly think the sled spent more time in the air than it did on the ground. I checked it over when I got home and I did not break one single part. I read about people breaking W arms on their RX-1s and bending trailing arms on their Vipers trying to keep up through the ditches with REVs, Firecats and EDGEs. As I see it, Yamaha simply hasnt caught up in terms of suspension. Yamaha rules in terms of engine technology, and fit 'n finish (the others are slowly but surely catching up in that regard though) but still they put suspensions under their sleds that cant match the performance that the engine is capable of.
Im not saying Yamaha makes a bad sled, in fact they make great sleds. I cant take anything away from them in terms of engine durability. However, as Ive said, they need to do a little more work in the suspension department.
I plan on riding an '05 RS Vector this weekend, and I hope that it will proove me wrong. However, I have a feeling that I will walk away with the impression that the overall package is great but it needs more suspension work.
My family has owned Polaris since 1978 and we've always had good luck with Polaris. I like my 600 XC. It does everything I want it to and seldom catches me off guard. However, I like Yamaha too. I feel in love with these sleds when the first blue SXs came out and still love the looks of a Yamaha. I loved my '90 Phazer II.
However, where I ride the trails often get very, very bumpy. I need something with a great suspension and I dont feel that Yamaha's suspension are up to the task. Im also not sure that I want a sled that is 530-550 pounds.
Again, I dont expect anyone to support me on this opinion, and Im not asking anyone too.
I wish that Yamaha would have not given up on 2-strokes so quickly. They have left a lot of people like myself, who want a lightweight sled (under 500 pounds) with very little choice but to look to the other brands. I am truly sorry but thats the way it is. Its good that Yamaha still makes the SX Venom but for what the sled costs you could get a 500cc ditchbanger and get more sled for less money. For about $500 more than a Venom you could get a very nice 600 XC SP and have something that is much, much better than a Venom.
Once again, I hope this doesnt start trouble, because that is not my intent. However, if Yamaha truly is reading this I hope they will realize that they are driving away some people by focusing on 4-strokes.
This is fact: I love Yamaha. I think they are a great company who always strives their best to put out a product that is of the highest possible quality. However, when I can get a product that fits my needs better from another manufacturer, I have to take that opportunity. Why should I buy a Yamaha and have to put $500-$1000 into it to make it do what I want, when I can buy a REV 600 H.O., an F6 or a 600 XC SP and have something that will do everything I want after about 5 minutes of suspension setup time?
I like coming on TY. You guys have always been a really cool bunch and have never judged anyone no matter what sled they ride. Even when I first came on here you all treated me like family and that meant a lot to me. This is one of the better snowmobile forums there is in terms of the quality of people who frequent it. It seems like you all just want to make your own sleds better and help out others if you can. I think thats very cool and something that is rare to find.
WOW - Hebi keep the responses to 1 chapter. I think I agree with most of your thoughts. My example of the xtra12/10 was only that different mfg's measure different.

For example a sx (with 8" of travel) has the same TRUE vertical travel as an xtra 10
I am simply making a point - I enjoy and respect polaris.

Yes Yamaha is getting a little crazy on prices - and the resale isnt what it was before (odd seeing that a 4stroke will outlast a two) Infact the resale of a rx1 is probably less than a rev 600sdi after one year. (this isnt a skidoo plug - just an example)

If I lived in Canada I would buy the new Y in a second, but I dont.

I really thought Y was going to make a statement like in 97 but IMO - not even close
MrSled said:
Hebi...your a great addition to the keep up the great posts....:)
I thank you for that, it is truly an honor to be allowed to be part of this site. ;)!
And while I have mixted reactions about the '06s, you can bet that if Yamaha ever prooves to be that they have a rear suspension that is as good or better than the Polaris EDGE rear is, I would be on a Yammie in a heartbeat.
As it stands right now, Im going to run my 600 XC for a while longer. The thing runs so sweet and rides so smooth that Id have a hard time justifying getting rid of it.
My project this next summer is going to be to make it into more of a standup-style sled. My brother just got a Polaris Pro-X 700 and I really like the handlebar height. Im going to put bar risers on my sled and while it wont be the same as a Pro-X, it will be very close!
And by the way MrSled, if you ever get the chance again to have some TYers proto the new sleds, I hope that you will seriously consider me. I know Im not the most knowledgable person on this board, but no one on here can rival me in terms of enthusiasm, passion for snowmobiling and a wilingness to stand up to the Yamaha reps and tell them what they need to be told so that Yamaha can build the kind of sleds that they are capable of building and that their customers deserve!
Polaris changed how they measure their skids a couple years ago. They used to measure at the center of the rail, like Yamaha. But they wanted to compete in the snox wannabe wars with AC and Skidoo, and bang! They started measuring at the back axle, like those 2. Yamaha still does it the honest way, however.

After watching Tom fly by me at 80mph, over endless washboard, I'm thinking the '05 RX1 has something special going on. I'm sold. And, Hebi...that test ride you did, 30 miles of washboard with nothing broken...big whoop dude. Sounds like 1/3 of a typical saturday for me.

I love to try different brands, and see what works and what is hype. Do you?
Hebi said:
Yes, the Monoshock is nice but you have to look at one thing: suspension travel. It only has about 11.8" where as everyone else has 13.9"-14" of travel (my '01 Polaris has 14"). The more travel you have, the softer you can set up the suspension and the better the ride will be. Yamaha has always lagged behind in the suspension department, and as I see it, they still do. From my point of view, Yamaha is trying to use fancy shocks to mask the fact that they still have inferior suspensions.

Oh the great book writer Hebi speaks again without facts

Hmm that so called 14" suspension in your Poo is a M-10 and it has 10inches of travel :realitycheck:

The Xtra 10 only had 8.2inches of travel and the Xtra 12 had 10.3 inches

funny how you believe what you read LOL
VJ & FB - I am glad someone else is on board with the "out of scale" measurement used by some others - after all they have been doing this since the late 90's.

I just hope thay Yamaha hasn't lowered themselves to that level based on the weights they just provided. It seems that the rtx should weigh more than the nytro based on the enguine difference, gear reduction box etc. I would like to see one on the scales thats all.

FYI - The pro X and edge are a complete different ride. The only thing they share is the hood and gas tank. Differentto the eye and design - bulk head, rear skid, shocks, trailing arms, radius rods, etc. etc.- not just a riser and graphics like an edge X

FreezerBurnt said:
Oh the great book writer Hebi speaks again without facts

Hmm that so called 14" suspension in your Poo is a M-10 and it has 10inches of travel :realitycheck:

The Xtra 10 only had 8.2inches of travel and the Xtra 12 had 10.3 inches

funny how you believe what you read LOL

The M-10 has more than 10 inches of travel, sorry to burst your bubble. And how do you know Hebi's sled has an M-10, could it not be the "edge" skid?
weight thing not so tough

I ran our 04 warrior ran an 11km course (cross-country/no groomer/no trail) with icy ponds and 3foot moguls (6:30sec). Kept the speed to 60mph or below. Ran the same course a year earlier on our 98 Indy 500 (USI skis, etc.) with more snow, no ice and no moguls (7:14sec) Weight difference between the two over 150 lbs with gas (as much as I weight). I staggered off the polaris sweaty and sore/stepped off the yam ready to run again. Even I could hardly believe the difference. It wasn't speed as I ran the Indy to 80mph+; it was all in the chassis and the ergos. :flag:
EJ ;)!

Hebi must have the M-10 as he said his Edge has the 14" travel

The Edge suspended skid has 13.9 as he also stated

Poo advertises the M10 suspended Edge as 14" and the Edge skid as 13.9"

M10 has 10" :ORC

The M10 has always had 10" of travel since 92

Funny how people believe smoke and mirrors advertissement from AC and Poo

If I were to measure my SC 10 in my sled the way Poo and AC do I would have close to 13-14" travel
YAMAHA did in fact deliever a boat load of great sleds. They should shake up the other companys and raise the bar again. I can't wait to see them in person. ;)!
I like his writing style actually. It's good to see how everyone look at thing differently. I hope we are all just writing for fun and not taking anything personally.
I think the sleds are awesome and the looks put the rx-1 to shame.If they perform as good as they look like they will oh man look out. Awesome Job Yammi...Cant wait to see em in person tomorrow.
FreezerBurnt said:
Oh the great book writer Hebi speaks again without facts

Hmm that so called 14" suspension in your Poo is a M-10 and it has 10inches of travel :realitycheck:
I do not have an M-10, I have the EDGE skid. I say that it has 14" of rear travel because that what the specs for my sled claim.
I also question how they measure the travel because when you sit on the sled the suspension sags an inch or 2, so it may only have 12" when you are actually on the sled.
Ive noticed that the Yamahas Ive sat on dont have anywhere near the amount of sit-in (the distance the suspension sags when you sit on it) that other sleds do.
It will be very interesting to ride an RS Vector this weekend and compare the ride of the 2 sleds.
Guys, Im not trying to bash on Yamaha Im just trying to make a comparison. I dont claim to have all the answers or to know everything about these sleds. Thats why Im here, to learn all I can from those people who actually own these sleds and are more knowledgable than I.
