wow. That's a lot of stud for that height of lug. Just be careful not to break/bend them. Most recommend 3/8 of an inch over the lug. (trail riding) I have the Hacksaw 1 inch track with 1.080 Stud boys. I should have used the 1.187's.
Thanks for the input! She is only going on ice and grass now. First ice test this Tuesday..
Sorry to say those studs will be bent to poop in no time... While you had you're skid out did you replace the for sure worn out bushings?
Yes I replaced all worn out bushing, and the front was missing one of the wheels from the extra wheel kit so I replaced both.
Active member
O you can have a lot of fun with that setup. But if your sled is making any kind of power you will stretch the track from hard launches on ice, than the outer picks will grind out your heat exchanger before the centre ones do.Even with shimmed protectors there will be a time you have let the track go loose.
Now take it up too the c note and let off the gas. The under side of your tunnel under the seat will look like freddy kruger was under there. Just push up on the track with your hand and see if the picks hit under there. Yes you can put bigger protectors or shim them as well but use lots of good rivets because they will come loose.
Now take a jump and land the wrong way on the *** end and ,,,you quessed it.
Now take it up too the c note and let off the gas. The under side of your tunnel under the seat will look like freddy kruger was under there. Just push up on the track with your hand and see if the picks hit under there. Yes you can put bigger protectors or shim them as well but use lots of good rivets because they will come loose.
Now take a jump and land the wrong way on the *** end and ,,,you quessed it.
O you can have a lot of fun with that setup. But if your sled is making any kind of power you will stretch the track from hard launches on ice, than the outer picks will grind out your heat exchanger before the centre ones do.Even with shimmed protectors there will be a time you have let the track go loose.
Now take it up too the c note and let off the gas. The under side of your tunnel under the seat will look like freddy kruger was under there. Just push up on the track with your hand and see if the picks hit under there. Yes you can put bigger protectors or shim them as well but use lots of good rivets because they will come loose.
Now take a jump and land the wrong way on the *** end and ,,,you guessed it.
Sounds like you are talking from experience! I agree its a bit hairy, but not much I am going to change now. I put 100 miles on the trails with no issues.(Bent a couple over) I have since tightened the track and just installed a heel clicker clutch set up and will be doing some launch testing for a race tomorrow on ice. It should hook! I appreciate the insight and I will keep an eye on the track. What size picks would you have recommend for 660' ice racing?
Active member
Ya I have broke more stuff on my sled from running over aggressive picks for race than head out on the trails. You will find nonslip drivers will stop the track from jumping cogs. Don't run too much transfer in the rods and set the fra to the bottom notch I think but it could be the
3/4 track 1.080 chisels would still be aggressive on the outside rows.
3/4 track 1.080 chisels would still be aggressive on the outside rows.
Bottom is the stiffest which is what I have it on! I also have my transfer rods cranked as much as possible. What will that do?
FWIW, I used to run 192 of the 1.187's on my stock track. Never had ant issue with exchangers, but I have a XTC, so might have more clearance than a SRX ? Not sure ...
It hooked amazing, glare ice, snow, ect.
It hooked amazing, glare ice, snow, ect.
FWIW, I used to run 192 of the 1.187's on my stock track. Never had ant issue with exchangers, but I have a XTC, so might have more clearance than a SRX ? Not sure ...
It hooked amazing, glare ice, snow, ect.
I made about 6 passes on ice yesterday from the dig and no problems yet. She hooks pretty good but not like chisels!