Little red ...

paint the springs on the front black and leave the shocks silver unless you find some gold olins for it.
You can make any color windshield you want from a clear one. You can paint the inside with rustoleum or krylon plastic paint. Or use RC car paint (it costs more, doesnt spray as good). The clear on the outside makes it look like a million dollar paintjob. I have done countless stock windshields black. Works great. (The sled in my avitar has the windy painted). PS, i always us addhesion promoter first
I really like the black stock 00-02 SRX windshield, and I actually just found 2 of them for $40 a pop on craigslist. So, think I will go that route. That's what I have on it in the pic.
Guess I will get the gas tank, and seat installed(if I can make a deal on it) and see what it looks like, then make a decision on trailing arm and spring color.
Sounds like the rest of my hood decals wont be here till end of may...
The ones that say “trail performance” and the small one that says 700 for the one side of the hood.
Been in Florida for a week, be home tomorrow to resume work on it. Should have a new seat ready to mock up.
Got the Viper gas tank, but for some reason, it sits lower that the original and doesn’t line up well to the instrument panel.
Will try to adjust more when I have the new seat in place.

I always thought they were identical in size?
Some pics of slow progress...
1. Added Viper Seat
2. Viper gas tank
3. Viper Instrument panel
4. Hood Decals complete(almost)

Waiting for front suspension components to get powder coated black.


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Are you going to leave the silver wheels on back? red or black would look sharp on there. I have some red transfer rods if you're interested...I'd give you a good deal on a set!
Well, can’t decide yet, either black wheel, with red hyrax, or vice versa.
Still haven’t decided on front spring color.
Uh no...cant do yellow.
My thoughts were either leave rear wheels silver, and front springs, red hyfax
Red rear wheels and springs, black hyfax

Im afraid if I take all the silver away, there will be nothing left to go with all silver in the decals.
Im thinking red rear wheel
black hyfax
red springs

also going to switch the rear bumper over to a viper setup as well, will powdercoat the bumper/bar black as well.
Looking good Jason, real good. Damn thing looks like how yamaha should have done it! I think the silver wheels look nice personally. Goes right with the badass decals
