I just picked up a XL-V 540 fan for next to nothing that I’d like to try and get running and potentially build into a vintage Snocross/lake cross racer. It’s missing the fan shrouds/belt unfortunately and I’m unsure of its year as the tunnel plate is missing. Throttle cable is frozen and steering is as well from sitting outside for many years. Engine rolls over easily
Suggestions on where I should start and what year this is anyone? I’m super familiar with the redhead Proaction sleds but not these even older sleds. Thanks TY!
Suggestions on where I should start and what year this is anyone? I’m super familiar with the redhead Proaction sleds but not these even older sleds. Thanks TY!
she looks good. odds are the ski posts are what is seized. that is what happened to the vk i have when it sat for 15 years before i found a chain case for it. the engine parts are the same as a vk540.
thanks, I have the stems coming off the skis soaking in PB Blaster and the entire carb linkage as well. Hopefully it frees up, how’d you get yours to free up and what year is this sled you think?she looks good. odds are the ski posts are what is seized. that is what happened to the vk i have when it sat for 15 years before i found a chain case for it. the engine parts are the same as a vk540.
lol mine was done by a high school small engine tec class. i was told it was a bugger but it did show them some skills and they did re seal all the motor and go through all the idlers and suspension for me.
based on the colour of the hood, it looks like a 1986 model year from what i can find. my dad had et340t from that year and it was same colour. yamaha sleds tend to be all the same colour for the year they are made in the 80's other than the high performance sleds usually.
based on the colour of the hood, it looks like a 1986 model year from what i can find. my dad had et340t from that year and it was same colour. yamaha sleds tend to be all the same colour for the year they are made in the 80's other than the high performance sleds usually.
After getting the starter cup and fan belt parts off of a guy in MN, the sled has great spark. 115# in each cylinder compression.
I bought another carb as well so Im confident it will run after I replace all the fuel lines. Steering still is not free however so I’ll have to probably take the tie rods off the spindles or something next.
I bought another carb as well so Im confident it will run after I replace all the fuel lines. Steering still is not free however so I’ll have to probably take the tie rods off the spindles or something next.
Hey quick update, I’ve done a lot on this XL-5 and it’s shaping up to be a great sled for what I want to do with it.
My friend and I got a 1” lug Polaris 121 track under it, I have bought Boyesen reeds, an SR-V PSI pipe in good shape. Biggest upgrade besides the track is definitely the 40mm Mikuni round slide off a ski doo 670 jetted thanks to a Mike Vollmer and getting different parts in it through Wahl.
Getting the steering spindles free after sitting outside forever was an absolute PITA, I ended up pulling engine, disconnecting the steering linkage to try and pry at it. Finally was able to get slight movement in each ski with boards in the ski saddles and every once of strength I had. Torch and PB Blaster didn’t help much at all. All and all sucked big time 0/10 wouldn’t recommend
Wahl throttle block, rsi hustler bars, rsi and rox pivot riser parts. Hood is at the local body shop awaiting some crazy paint.
My friend and I got a 1” lug Polaris 121 track under it, I have bought Boyesen reeds, an SR-V PSI pipe in good shape. Biggest upgrade besides the track is definitely the 40mm Mikuni round slide off a ski doo 670 jetted thanks to a Mike Vollmer and getting different parts in it through Wahl.
Getting the steering spindles free after sitting outside forever was an absolute PITA, I ended up pulling engine, disconnecting the steering linkage to try and pry at it. Finally was able to get slight movement in each ski with boards in the ski saddles and every once of strength I had. Torch and PB Blaster didn’t help much at all. All and all sucked big time 0/10 wouldn’t recommend

Wahl throttle block, rsi hustler bars, rsi and rox pivot riser parts. Hood is at the local body shop awaiting some crazy paint.