Help me choose some pipes for Viper

Well as long as you like them what ever floats your sled. :rockon: I have hard a lot of people run those and are happy and from your graph they are the most powerful what do you get for top speed? ;)!
I had CPR's on last year and wouldn't run them again. If I piped mine again, which I probably won't, I'd try SLP's or AAEN's.

the slp pipes uses 3 into 1 out the stock hole,what about aaen's i have never seen a viper up close equiped with them.On there web site it only shows the top view .I remember reading that mufdvr had problems with snow enter by the hole.Do aaen's fit well with an "ER" model or does batt have to be moved also.
I ran 121mph on radar last weekend, best top speed ever! pretty happy with that, but I just welded up the broken pipes too! smoked two 900 artic cats, one was a tripple thunder cat. Also beat the shit out of a stock 2003 RX1, he was'nt happy! Had about 50 feet ahead @ 1/2 mile! can't complain it's running kick butt now! I'd race just about any stock sled produced, and feel confident I could win.
Cool as for the pipes fitting on the er i was talking to sxrspec and he has done a few and they are no problem fitting it on with the reverse but you might have to move the battery but all in all so it still a good choice. :WayCool:
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Srxspec said:
You will need to relocate the battery for the SLP pipes as they have a larger silencer which is one of the reasons they're so quiet. I have done this on several with no problems at all.

Where's the best place to move the battery to?
Im a little late with the dyno tests here but I would not take that test that was done a while back to the bank. I have had a chance to run a few piped vipers and that test shows Aaens down on power and I have yet to get beat by another set of pipes on a Viper. That doesn't mean someone doesn't have a faster set up but these Aaens are very strong. I think they all can work great with the right guy under the hood. I talked to Olav about that dyno and he is a pretty straight shooter and stated all the pipes besides his were within an HP or two. The Aaens fit sweet and Hauck made me a plate for the outlet hole so no snow can get threw into the belly pan. I know a guy with SLP's who's machine runs well. If you can get a deal on Aaen,SLP,CPR's or the Bender's that what it should boil down to. I have had CPR and now Aaens. If I had to do it all over again it would come down to what I could buy cheaper.
not trying to bash any pipes but the only pipe i personaly have seen have problems is benders.a very big yamy dealer in sask set up 3 of them, right to bender specs,all 3 of the blew up not once but twice, and my good friend had benders also he blew up twice before he got rid of them,although that was in 02 , i think with any pipes the head mod is a must period,i run cpr pipes with the head mod, 1000 miles not a prob, i rode a vector last week, i cant believe it is the same horse as a stock viper, i found the throttle been mashed to the bar for the 90 % of the time i was riding, i dant think i could ever ride a stock viper now, i see on xxx rating it shows cpr being second last, what are the issue with motor issues
Just an opinion, Have heard of a few CPR piped vipers blowing up, usually because of running the RPM's down to low(clutching)? Reliability of pipes, I rated them low because of my own personal issues with pipes cracking. They cracked first at where the mag pipe rubs the pto pipe. Then the mag pipe cracked where it sits on the shock tower(stand off). The pto pipe cracked again where the cold air/snow hits it on top, along the weld, and split in half within 30 miles. Most people would have had to pay for these repairs, but I do my own welding so it was really no cost. Just lost time riding, and getting towed by a ski-doo sucked. You only have 1000 miles, see what happens at about 2000-3000 miles. Jeff told me that I must have had them spung down wrong, but I had no extra springs installed, just the ones I had with the kit. Sorry, but I do expect a set of $750 pipes to last longer than 2000 miles. Kinda combined two subjects into one, basically headaches encountered with the addition of the pipes. Just M2C
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I personally have tried Bender and SLP for mountain riding. The Benders have better low end power than the SLP's. For fit and finish I think the Benders were easier to install and the silencer is smaller and lighter. Its a toss up.

If you are going to switch pipes you need to keep your head in the game with your jetting. First take notes. Write down your current set-up: Main jets, Pilot jets, Clip position Air/Fuel screw adjustment and ANY OTHER CHANGES like heads or gasket peels and AIR BOX mods also include your current clutch setup. If you don't know your clutch set-up you or your mechanic should be able to figure it out when you change weights. Make sure you write it down when you make the change in case you decide to change back to your current pipe set-up. I do the math and go just a little fat to avoid burn down and then lean out from there after a test ride. Don't forget that temperature plays a factor. If your setting your jetting on a warm day its gonna lean out on a cold day. What is your current set-up? What pipes do you have now?

i am running benders now... should i be watching out for any problams that these pipes might cause?? i notised that in the Info, that benders give the 2nd Greasted amount of power, but the Least amount of Reliablity.. not really a person that knows alot about Pipes and why they make so much power and loose so much reliablity, is there anythign i should know about?
Just make sure you run an opticool gasket, rear heat exchanger, and get the head mod done to even out the compression. EGTs are also a GREAT idea on piped vipers. Set it up like this and you definately have a good start on good reliablility.
What EGT gauge speciically do you reccomend? I just bought ceramic coated SLP's to play with this winter :) I'm excited!
So for someone that will be putting on 2000 MILES + a season i might be better of without pipes. Im also concern that i might not always have premium fuel around when riding futher up north and it seems that these pipes or the slp pipes that im looking at need premium fuel.
I talked with one dealer last week and he said slp pipes were the safest and also not as loud as the others . I need quiet pipes in Quebec the patrols and cops are always handing out tickets.
The dealer also said that vipers in stock form have gone many years and miles without any major problems. I see alot of vipers for sale in quebec with 8000km to 14000km . So i guess im going to have think this one through !
