Trust fund for Bjorkman Family


Youve got a contribution!

Anything I can do to help ease pain for the Bjorkman family, if a little money helps in some way then it is only small price to pay for me.

Thanks - Mike
we are the greatest.... everyone that has particicpated/donated is anyway deserves a pat on the back.... just another reason we love this site....

way 2 go!!!! :rockon:
-Viper Tom- Or -Paul (Maxdlx)- or -Tom (Mr Sled)-,

Can I send one of you guys a check or cash and then you can paypal it for me. I don't have a paypal account and do not want to put my one and only card on the net. I do need to get another card for internet use.

Hey guys and gals...

Mom and the kids are doing okay considering....Mom is deeply overwhelmed by the support. When I tell friends and coworkers on what is happening here on this website they are mind boggled. Do you know what?? I am not surprised at all by the support. TY'ers are no doubt the greatest people out there. When I see "YAMAHA" to me it now means a whole lot more than just sleds. Think about it...

I was over at a friend's the other night and we were in his garage. I saw Ben's Viper sitting there and it was awful to see. We had fished it out days after the tragedy. It has been drained and lubed and is going to the dealer to get some other work done to it and it will be sold. Hopefully she gets a decent price for it.

Things are going good for the benefit concert which will be held at the town hall on Saturday night (April 2nd). When all is said and done, I will make sure that the people of Totallyamaha will be thanked publicly.

I will keep you posted....


I think another week atleast

Could you pm me the paypal link , my family sends it's prayers and were deeply touched by this post ! Thank you Mike
i would think another week would be ok.... somebody be sure to let pete know how much is there before the benefit on saturday night, that way he could let people there know how much support came from all of the people here at ty.
Mr. Sled, Friday night will be perfect. I was just speaking to one of the organizers of the benefit concert and she will be telling everyone in attendance the story behind and the people who send their prayers, thoughts and donations to the Bjorkman family from across snowy North America. Again...I will keep everyone in the know.

I will check the post on Saturday morning for a final to report.

