Mr Sled,
just checking to see if you got my check???
just checking to see if you got my check???

if you sent it to my PO box, it was not in there yesterday, I can check today.
yes sent it to the PO box on Monday or tuesday, so it should be there by today i would hope.

Pete, New Total:$828.00, sorry I should have posted it last night.
Just read this post, haven't been on TY much lately. Our condolences and prayers go out to the family.
Please be safe everyone!
-The Mooks.
ps. we weren't sure if the donations were still being taken, but we know Tom will get it to the right people!
Please be safe everyone!
-The Mooks.
ps. we weren't sure if the donations were still being taken, but we know Tom will get it to the right people!

Mook, we will be doing donation for 1 more week and then I will turn the money into the trust.
New member
Fellow TY'ers:
Saturday night's (April 2nd) benefit event was a huge success! They said it was a full house (it looked pretty full to me also) so I would guess there were around 400 people or more. As you all know, it was a fundraiser for the Bjorkman family. Sharla Bjorkman has a long road ahead of her raising 4 very young children (2 boys, 2 girls).
It was also a celebration of Ben's life and how he liked to live it. There were bands playing inspirational music all evening and during every break the emcee would talk about Ben and the ripple effect that occurred since his untimely death.
She talked about how Ben loved to ride his Yamaha Viper. She talked about snowmobilers in general and how they like to help eachother out. She talked about a website called She mentioned what the website is generally about and that there are members all across North America and other parts of the world. She talked about how members of send their thoughts, prayers, and donations to a family they do not even know. Right then, there was a huge clapping of hands and I will tell you that it made me feel so PROUD to be a member of this site.
After the clapping was over, she read a letter that was sent from Michigan (a fellow TY' know who you are) to the Bjorkman family. The letter described how this tragedy touched him and his family and that he sends their support and prayers along with a donation. The whole place was touched. A truly touching moment for me where I couldn't fight back the tears.
The next morning my wife and I dropped in on Sharla and the kids. She is a very strong and faithful girl. She is overwhelmed by the support of the community and by people whom she doesn't even know. I told her she will be getting a donation from in the near future and she is still baffled by the whole thing. She is very very very thankful to all of you.
She has decided to keep the Viper and the 4wheeler for her children. She loves to snowmobile and ride the 4 wheeler with the kids and the kids love it too. She wants her children to enjoy what their father enjoyed doing and I am absolutely positive Ben would have wanted it that way.
I would like to thank Mr. Sled for setting up a Paypal account and administrating the best snowmobile website on the web. I can't begin to imagine how many hours you put in to provide a service for all of us to enjoy. Thanks again!! I would also like to thank all the people who have simply read these posts, sent their thoughts, prayers and support.
God Bless, Peace and Be Safe.
ps. I will be posting a pic of Sharla and the kids in the near future once I figure out how to do it (I am a Yamaha guy...not a computer guy).
Saturday night's (April 2nd) benefit event was a huge success! They said it was a full house (it looked pretty full to me also) so I would guess there were around 400 people or more. As you all know, it was a fundraiser for the Bjorkman family. Sharla Bjorkman has a long road ahead of her raising 4 very young children (2 boys, 2 girls).
It was also a celebration of Ben's life and how he liked to live it. There were bands playing inspirational music all evening and during every break the emcee would talk about Ben and the ripple effect that occurred since his untimely death.
She talked about how Ben loved to ride his Yamaha Viper. She talked about snowmobilers in general and how they like to help eachother out. She talked about a website called She mentioned what the website is generally about and that there are members all across North America and other parts of the world. She talked about how members of send their thoughts, prayers, and donations to a family they do not even know. Right then, there was a huge clapping of hands and I will tell you that it made me feel so PROUD to be a member of this site.
After the clapping was over, she read a letter that was sent from Michigan (a fellow TY' know who you are) to the Bjorkman family. The letter described how this tragedy touched him and his family and that he sends their support and prayers along with a donation. The whole place was touched. A truly touching moment for me where I couldn't fight back the tears.
The next morning my wife and I dropped in on Sharla and the kids. She is a very strong and faithful girl. She is overwhelmed by the support of the community and by people whom she doesn't even know. I told her she will be getting a donation from in the near future and she is still baffled by the whole thing. She is very very very thankful to all of you.
She has decided to keep the Viper and the 4wheeler for her children. She loves to snowmobile and ride the 4 wheeler with the kids and the kids love it too. She wants her children to enjoy what their father enjoyed doing and I am absolutely positive Ben would have wanted it that way.
I would like to thank Mr. Sled for setting up a Paypal account and administrating the best snowmobile website on the web. I can't begin to imagine how many hours you put in to provide a service for all of us to enjoy. Thanks again!! I would also like to thank all the people who have simply read these posts, sent their thoughts, prayers and support.
God Bless, Peace and Be Safe.
ps. I will be posting a pic of Sharla and the kids in the near future once I figure out how to do it (I am a Yamaha guy...not a computer guy).

Pete, Wow what a great follow up. She is more then welcome and so is anyone else that is part of this site, it my pleasure. I was going to run the paypal until the end of this week and then I will request payment from paypal to get the funds transfered. What would be the best wayt to get the money to the family and who would the check be made out to??
New member
Mr. Sled:
Cheque payable to:
Trust for Bjorkman Family
Send donation to:
Scotia Bank
Dowling Branch
Dowling Plaza
Box 99
Dowling, Ontario
P0M 1W0
Cheque payable to:
Trust for Bjorkman Family
Send donation to:
Scotia Bank
Dowling Branch
Dowling Plaza
Box 99
Dowling, Ontario
P0M 1W0
New member
hay is the pay pal acct still open?
Yes it is Snoman53121...Tom said it would be open until the end of this week. Send away and put a smile on 4 little kids and moms face.

Hope it's not too late, I sent a donation today . . .

not to late...
New member
hate to look stupid but how do i do it

pm'd u back
New member
Hat's off to Pete and Tom.
Time to pay it forward. Donation sent.

Time to pay it forward. Donation sent.
I would also like the expaination. Never used Paypal.
copy this email,
go to your paypal account and click send money, enter this where it says reciepient, the rest is same as ussual. Maxdlx
go to your paypal account and click send money, enter this where it says reciepient, the rest is same as ussual. Maxdlx
Just sent my donation. Nice thought by all.