The skinny on Yamalube (by nosboy)


VIP Member
Jan 26, 2004
It just drives me crazy when people get on " this oil does this and that oil does that" Kick!!!!!! Heres the real deal on YAMALUBE!!!!!!! If you guys want to STILL BE IN DENIAL,,,, PLEASE don't read this post!!!!!!!1st... Yamalube is made by CITGO (cities services oil company).. The packaging facility is on 39th and cicero in Chicago ( a few miles from my home)....2nd,,, Yamalube comes from the EXACT SAME ZILLION GALLON TANK AS DOES at least a DOZEN other brands of 2 stroke oil.... 3rd.. Yamaha does NOT have an oil refining or packaging company , 4th Yamaha buys their oil from the LOWEST BIDDER... They come up with a specification such as TC-W or JASO and the oil MANUFACTURING companies meet their specifications and submit their bids to YAMAHA.... YAMAHA in turn, contracts the LOWEST BIDDER in the demographic area that they market the oil in.... If you live anywhere near CHICAGO,,,The YAMALUBE comes from a zillion gallon VAT on 39th and cicero..... You could buy K mart or wal mart or farm and fleet 2 stroke oil and get the EXACT SAME OIL that is in the Yamalube bottle for HALF THE PRICE... Yamaha doesn't open up the caps and THROW ANY MAGIC POWDER in the gallons of oil when they come from citgo.... Sometimes they come directly from citgo and the yamaha warehouse NEVER EVEN SEE the cases!!!!! I know first hand because a friend of mine who WORKED for CITGO for 25 years used to bring me botles of TEXACO 2 stroke oil..... YES TEXACO 2 stroke oil and you know what???? He got it from CITGO where he worked!!!!!! and furthermore, citgo doesn't open up the bottles and throw the MAJUC POWDER FROM THE YAMAHA CHEMICAL PLANT to make YAMALUBE work better...... Heres another little TIDBIT for you guys,,,,,, The next time you go to pep boys or auto zone or murrays aoto,,, look and see just how many different kinds of ANTI FREEZE there are...... ARE YOU READY FOR THIS ONE???????????? THERE'S ONLY 2 COMPANIES IN AMERICA THAT MAKE ETHYLENE GLYCOL ANTI FREEZE.......... 20 brands,,,,,,,2 COMPANIES!!!!! BOTTOM LINE,,, MY VIPERS (2) and my sxr all use KLOTZ,,, My power valves are clean... My girlfriend has a viper,, her powervalves ALWAYS DIRTY!!!!!1 she drives my sled,,,, DIRTY POWERVALVES.... SHE drives a snowmobile like a FARM TRACTOR.. I drive a sled like I stole it!!!!! With MY SLEDS,,,,,, It's not about the oil!!!!!!! I use KLOTZ!!!! FAR superior to ANYTHING CITGO MAKES!!!!! there you have it!!!! Gary Oles nosboy :o| Since Novenber 2005 when I frist wrote this post.. ONE of the ANTI FREEZE companies BLEW UP and NOW THERE IS ONLY ONE!!!
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Im sorry, When I spoke of the anti freeze, it should have said 20 brands,,, 2 companies...... I get a little carried away typing at 11:30 when I should be sleeping!!!! Gary Oles nosboy
one of the anti freeze companies is DOW CHEMICAL... and NO prestone doesnt make anti freeze... they package it and market it (just like Yamalube) (yamaha doesn't even package it!!!!) P.S>>>>>> DOW was the one who BLEW UP!!!
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good point!!!

AMEN to that!!!, if they would run good oil and not the std stuff they wouldnt have to buy rings as often either, you cant beat technology, man made 100 percent synthetics are it!
I just read your post mr viper on the compression thing... VERY IMPRESSED!!!!! I'm glad that there is some people with sense on this forum!!!! gary Oles nosboy
I haven't seen one of those in 20 years.. The last one I saw was at a jeep dealer that I worked at in the early 1980's... it was part of a SUN MACHINE from the sixties!!!!! I 'm sure someone came up with something a lot mor advanced than that thing was,,, but,, it worked!!!!! Try the snap-on catalog!!!! Gary Oles nosboy
SNAP ON PART NUMBER EEPV309A It is in the snap on INDUSTRIAL TOOL CATALOG catalog 600i issued Jan 2002... That is the most current snap on catalog that I have... Gary Oles nosboy
I wrote a letter to the guy at BLUE MARBLE OIL, Because I've heard som great things about it... he was REAL KNOWLEDGABLE and wrote me a full page letter explaining the ins and outs of BLUE MARBLE!!!! I was real impressed EXCEPT when I asked him about IF IT WAS SYNTHETIC!!!! Having been through trade school, I was taught about synthetic oils in engines class... I've been using synthetics ever since!!!!! When he said that blue marble WASN"T SYNTHETIC,,,,, The OLD SCHOOL thoughts came into my head, and needless to say,, I STILL USE KLOTZ!!!!! Gary Oles nosboy
I have been through a LOT OF DIFFERENT SCHOOLS and passed with astonishing grades.....Needless to say... I'm sticking with synthetics!!!!! Gary Oles nosboy (KLOTZ to be exact!!!)
Thanks nosboys, I have read several post on what oil to use, its ok to use yamalube and its not. I have heard lots of good things about klotz and amsoil. On the trail, I see more amsoil? I'am going to switch this year and run all synthetic. My local dealer carries both. Thanks for the information. ;)!
There are so many different flavors of oils becouse there are so many different users. Truely a marketing issue. I do believe in synthetics, man can make a better product than mother nature.
Though there are only 2 manufactures of 2 stroke oils, I have to believe that there are a lot of differences in the standards each company requires their oils to meet. Back in highschool (mid 80's), my buddies and I would be out on the trails in the night and stop and build campfires. To help start the fire we would use some of our oil from the sleds. I'll never forget the night I had a hard time starting the fire with my oil. At the time I was using some off brand (cant rember which). But the oil just wouldn't burn well enought to help start the fire. We pulled some out of another sled that was using Polaris's oil. Holy crap! Stuff light right up, keept burning, with a bright hot flame. First time I ever realized how differnt oils could be!
SLP has a leak-down tester that goes for about $55. I have not used it yet, but I did hold one in my hands and checked it out pretty good.

Nosboy: you sure do have a passion for fuels, oils, and engines. That is very welcome here, and I respect that. There are quite a few folks on here just trying to help others out, many more on here simply trying to learn something, and likely even more somewhere in the middle.

Just remember . . . It's all good!!!
As far as seeing more amsoil than KLOTZ,,, EVERYONE and their brother can be a dealer for amsoil.... Kinda like AMWAY did..... I lost respect for amsoil when I talked to a guy dealing amsoil at the novi show a few years ago... KNOWING a little bit about 2 stroke motors AND OILS, I got caught up into a conversation with MR AMSOIL,,,, Needless to say,,,HE LIED HIS *** OFF and tried to sell me something that wasn't or couldn't do what he claimed.... We looked at pictures and we looked at parts (because I had a dummy on the line) and HE LOOKED AND PLAYED the DUMMY part REAL WELL!!!!! AFTER I told him who I was and Where I came from,,, he just HASTILY got involved with someone else!!!! A real Chickenshit dealer.... From that point forward, I will NOT buy from a company that sells oil to anyone and who doesn't respect their product enough to at least SCREEN the potential dealers or at least TEACH THEM HOW TO LIE CORRECTLY!!!!! THATS NOT TO SAY that AMSOIL is a "BAD OIL"... QUITE THE CONTRARY!!!!!! I personally think AMSOIL is one of the FINER OILS on the market today,,,, I just won't buy from an IDIOT who wants to get rich on the coattails of someone intelligent!!!! I am HAPPY with KLOTZ,,, although HARD TO FIND when you're in a bind on the trail,,,,I still USE KLOTZ, I swear by KLOTZ and I will continue to support KLOTZ as long as KLOTZ will provide for me!!!!! Theres a FEW great oils on the market today, and KLOTZ and AMSOIL are two of them.... I personally have done LABS on AMSOIL and ESTERLUBE in the LATE 70's and early 80's ...and was IMPRESSED SO MUCH, that I have been using and promoting synthetics since!!!!!!! Gary Oles nosboy
good post MONTY!!!!!! The killing part is the OIL that YOU WERE USING IN YOUR SLED that WOULD NOT BURN would actually be a LOT BETTER GRADE oil than the stuff that burns brightly!!!!!!! I'm pretty sure that ther are only 2 specifications for 2 stroke oils the JASO and TC-W (the W is for Winter)... If they meet those specs,,,,, the MANUFACTURERS deal with them!!!!!!!!! AS far as only 2 manufacturers of 2 stoke oil,,, I know ASHLAND and CITGO are the two..... I thought there were 1 or 2 more,,, but I guess not...... I dont use conventional 2 stroke oil,,, never have,,, and probably never will!!!!! Gary Oles nosboy
nosboy said:
As far as seeing more amsoil than KLOTZ,,, EVERYONE and their brother can be a dealer for amsoil.... Kinda like AMWAY did..... I lost respect for amsoil when I talked to a guy dealing amsoil at the novi show a few years ago... KNOWING a little bit about 2 stroke motors AND OILS, I got caught up into a conversation with MR AMSOIL,,,, Needless to say,,,HE LIED HIS *** OFF and tried to sell me something that wasn't or couldn't do what he claimed.... We looked at pictures and we looked at parts (because I had a dummy on the line) and HE LOOKED AND PLAYED the DUMMY part REAL WELL!!!!! AFTER I told him who I was and Where I came from,,, he just HASTILY got involved with someone else!!!! A real Chickenshit dealer.... From that point forward, I will NOT buy from a company that sells oil to anyone and who doesn't respect their product enough to at least SCREEN the potential dealers or at least TEACH THEM HOW TO LIE CORRECTLY!!!!! THATS NOT TO SAY that AMSOIL is a "BAD OIL"... QUITE THE CONTRARY!!!!!! I personally think AMSOIL is one of the FINER OILS on the market today,,,, I just won't buy from an IDIOT who wants to get rich on the coattails of someone intelligent!!!! I am HAPPY with KLOTZ,,, although HARD TO FIND when you're in a bind on the trail,,,,I still USE KLOTZ, I swear by KLOTZ and I will continue to support KLOTZ as long as KLOTZ will provide for me!!!!! Theres a FEW great oils on the market today, and KLOTZ and AMSOIL are two of them.... I personally have done LABS on AMSOIL and ESTERLUBE in the LATE 70's and early 80's ...and was IMPRESSED SO MUCH, that I have been using and promoting synthetics since!!!!!!! Gary Oles nosboy

Were I to switch to a synthetic, can I just add it to the Yamalube as it transitions, and can I just leave my settings for my oil the same??? This sled has only used Yamalube, this is a big step man....
Yes you can add it to yamalube,but after a while you need to adjust your oil pump setting,why???Because with synthetic's u can use less oil.
