usually 110.00 a case of 4 gallons for KLOTZ!!! (lately)...The KLOTZ snowmobile oil mixes well with yamalube... DO NOT BUY SUPER TECHNIPLATE!!!!!! It WILL NOT MIX WITH REGULAR OIL!!!!! man will you have a disaster if you do!!!!! it kinda gels up like jello!!!!!!! Super Techniplate is premixed NEVER INJECTED!!!!! AS far as resetting/leaning out the oil pump,,,, I DON'T!!!! Because I would rather have too much oil than not enough.... YES synthetics can be mixed 100 to 1 while regular oil can go to 50 to 1.. BUT,,,,,,,,,AND HERE IS WHERE IT GETS TRICKY!!!!!!!!! SYNTHETIC OILS HAVE A SUPERIOR DETERGENT PACKAGE compared to MOST 2 stroke conventional oils... The detergent package actually keeps the exhaust valves cleaner,,,,, an over rich condition of KLOTZ, (like not resetting your pump) will help even better with keeping the valves clean and from sticking...... MOTOR OIL DOES NOT DIRTY UP THE VALVES..... The residuals from combustion are CARBON,WATER, besides all the rest co2 and oxides of nitrogen etc...etc...etc... The KLOTZ actually keeps the carbon deposits "gummy" (gummy is a bad word)... keeps carbon from getting hard!!!! That in turn, keeps your valves cleaner,,,, NOW THERE IS A HUNDRED different theories and a thousnd different reasons WHY someones valves get dirtier than others,,, but SYNTHETIC OILS (any of them) Have FAR SUPERIOR detergent packages in them than YAMALUBE!!!!! BUT,,, THE ethers in MTBE DID actually help with carbon deposits..... WITHOUT GETTING INTO THERMAL DYNAMICS or todays Physics lesson,,,,,,, KLOTZ works well.... Gary Oles nosboy
for some reson, I never did like torco...probably the black smoke they produced on 35th and Kedzie in Chicago!!!!!!
The chemistry lesson for today is,,,,, DON'T SMOKE CRACK!!!!! (I don't know WHERE that came from).... Gary Oles nosboy
Active member
it wont hurt anything at ALL to leave your setting stock, just can safely get a little bit better economy with a good synthetic oil.
New member
nosboy, you need to becareful what is said about farm tractors. Alot has changed since the 50's. Go to and get a better look.
anyone know anything about TORCO oils? they sent me a sponsorship offer last week, But I turned them down. Dont know about the product and I am too happy with my RedLine oil to change.
Any idea if the KLOTZ Benoil still smells like the old casteroil stuff. Man I love that smell!!!
Any idea if the KLOTZ Benoil still smells like the old casteroil stuff. Man I love that smell!!!
YES KLOTZ BENOL smells wonderful!!!!! I would use it as deodorant if it wasn't so expensive!!!! Sorry If I offended anyone about the farm tractor comment!!!! The last time I drove a farm tractor, I was around 10 years old (1971) and they weren't too sophisticated!!!!! Gary Oles nosboy
do you think its possible to mix the Beniol and the RedLine oils? Or, how about just adding some casterbean oil to my Redline.... hmmm
do you think its possible to mix the Beniol and the RedLine oils? Or, how about just adding some casterbean oil to my Redline.... hmmm
New member
my tractor is so sophisticaed that it has rubber tracks & GPS , the only cat I 'll ever own or ride !!!
Cousins in N.D. have two Cat Challengers - an 85 and 75 I think. They use the smaller one of the two to groom their snowmoible trails in the winter
Active member
camoplast even makes the tracks for those bad boys, its almost like owning a sled, lol
New member
Are there different Klotz oils for sleds avail.
Good post.. This has got me planning on switching from Yamalube to Klotz.
Do they make just one style (or blend). If not which one would be recommended for a stock Viper? Thanks
Good post.. This has got me planning on switching from Yamalube to Klotz.
Do they make just one style (or blend). If not which one would be recommended for a stock Viper? Thanks
New member
here you go, this guy will save you some money. $22 gallon. klotzlubemn@aol.comZion Lion said:That Klotz is crazy Money....
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New member
Not trying to start a peeing match here, but doesnt TC-W stand for two-cycle water-cooled?nosboy said:TC-W (the W is for Winter)...
From what I understand, the TC-W3 standard was created in the '80s using a 2-cycle outboard boat motor (thats why its "two-cycle water-cooled").
Zion Lion
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n2oiroc said:here you go, ill save you some money. $22 gallon.
Hmmm, the catch being? Sorry I am a cynic at heart... then there is the shipping to Maine...

New member
I'm no expert but there are atleast 3 standards commonly referred to for snowmobile oil, ISO, JASO and API (TC).
The specification that Yamaha requires is the JASO - FC. I believe the highest current standard is the ISO - EGD. I currently use Shell Synthetic, it meets both standards.
This article explains a bit about the different standards.
The specification that Yamaha requires is the JASO - FC. I believe the highest current standard is the ISO - EGD. I currently use Shell Synthetic, it meets both standards.
This article explains a bit about the different standards.
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New member
email him to get a shipped price. i know a lot of guys on hcs are very happy with the cost. he does not gouge on shipping.Zion Lion said:Hmmm, the catch being? Sorry I am a cynic at heart... then there is the shipping to Maine...
New member
no i use amsoil, i have a great local guy thats cheap. klotz would be my choice if there was a local klotz guy.Zion Lion said:I sent him an email.. do you use Klotz?