The skinny on Yamalube (by nosboy)

Nosboy, I just bought a viper this fall, I have no idea what was run for oil. Being this is the first power valve engine we have, I was thinking of running Klotz, Which version do you recommend. Should I clean out the oil tank and rebleed the system also or just add the Klotz to the tank when it gets low? Thanks for your input. Allan

alswagg said:
Nosboy, I just bought a viper this fall, I have no idea what was run for oil. Being this is the first power valve engine we have, I was thinking of running Klotz, Which version do you recommend. Should I clean out the oil tank and rebleed the system also or just add the Klotz to the tank when it gets low? Thanks for your input. Allan

Well I'm no expert but I would recomend running Amsoil Interceptor in your Viper. I run it in my SRX and it makes a difference.
I think it's KL210.. The REGULAR KLOTZ 2 stroke snowmobile oil... I DUNNO WHY someone would tell you to run AMSOIL INTERCEPTOR,,,but,,,, I suppose people buy POLARIS and ARCTIC CRAP sleds also?????
SUCK OUT WHATEVER oil is in the tank,,but,, no need to rebleed,,clean out,,or drain.. Just get what you can and go from there... KLOTZ is a FANTASTIC OIL!!!!! You'll be HAPPY with its performance and results...
nosboy said:
I think it's KL210.. The REGULAR KLOTZ 2 stroke snowmobile oil... I DUNNO WHY someone would tell you to run AMSOIL INTERCEPTOR,,,but,,,, I suppose people buy POLARIS and ARCTIC CRAP sleds also?????

Maybe because it's a proven oil?

The smell of Klotz is enough to keep me away from it. And it's history (perceived or actual) with free air sleds of old has kept many I know away as well.

Maybe things have changed over the past 20 years but Klotz was never high on the list of quality oils amongst the trail riders I know.

I've seen a lot of drag sleds run it, but not so much on trail. But you only have to walk back a 1/4 mile or so when drag racing. ;>)

Rage on!
Klotz is pretty good. No carbon or oild build up on the power valves from season to season in the SRX 700 I use it in. Build up on the power valves will cause them to stop sliding freely which could cause a cable pull through. You should check the power valves begining of every season to make sure they are clean. I believe that the power valves are the most affected part with respect to which oil you might be buring.

Use to run it in a Polaris Indy 500 too, not really needed there but Klotz smells ok, to me.
Smells like flowers :) sort of, when sled is idling

Smells like a sheet of bounce fabric softner stuff, I'm told, when riding behind it on the trails.

Some people don't like it, bah. They just need to ride faster so they are not taking up the rear.

Klotz can be expencive though. Ipone works pretty good. Ipone is supposed to smell like strwberries, says so right on the bottle. Ipone does not cause nasty build up on the power valves either.

Jus my 2 cents.
Let's face it, all oil is like pu$$y --- Most of the time it's all good.............

Damn this thread needs to be locked now, but it's the most fun thread I've ever seen!
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snomofo said:
Maybe because it's a proven oil?

The smell of Klotz is enough to keep me away from it. And it's history (perceived or actual) with free air sleds of old has kept many I know away as well.

Maybe things have changed over the past 20 years but Klotz was never high on the list of quality oils amongst the trail riders I know.

I've seen a lot of drag sleds run it, but not so much on trail. But you only have to walk back a 1/4 mile or so when drag racing. ;>)

Rage on!
KLOTZ used to, (and still does) make oils WITH caster oil additives. It's called SUPER TECHNIPLATE... They call it "bean oil" and it CAN NOT mix with conventional oil AND does NOT sit well for extended periods of time.. It kinda turns into JELLO (or BOOGERS) if you will..... "Bean oil works FANTASTIC when it comes to lubricating RACE MOTORS,,, ESPECIALLY when you introduce NITROMETHANE,,,NITROUS OXIDE,, METHYL ALCOHOL,,,MEk,,,ACEONE,,,etc,,etc,,etc... AMSOIL or IPONE or BLUE MARBLE or ANYONE ELSE will agree with me when it comes to EXOTIC FUELS!!!! Well,,, guys decided that "if it works so good in a race motor,,, why wouldn't it work so good in my TRAIL SLED???? Well,,, 1st of all,, your trail sled is NOT A RACE SLED and does not ACT the same way!!! I have a RACE CAR and if I let you take it to the local AUTO PARTS STORE,, you and it would NEVER MAKE IT!!! But yet it can run 140MPH in 10 seconds FLAT (almost).. Do you see my point???? Super TEchniplate has NO BUSINESS in your trail sled!!!! NOW YOU KNOW Why there was so many problems with it.....
20 years ago,,, klotz DID NOT HAVE the SYNTHETIC SNOWMOBILE OIL that they are selling today.. With the introduction of ALCOHOL in todays fuels,,, SYNTHETIC oils are the ONLY WAY TO GO!! I could write PAGES AND PAGES of the DO'S and DONT'S of METHANOL,, but,,, I see that there's some other guys writing story's for you guys!!! KLOTZ is a PROVEN WINNER,,, TIME AFTER TIME... USE KLOTZ snowmobile oil in your INJECTED or premixed sled and YOU WILL BE HAPPY!!!!
nosboy said:
They call it "bean oil" and it CAN NOT mix with conventional oil AND does NOT sit well for extended periods of time.. It kinda turns into JELLO (or BOOGERS) if you will..... "Bean oil works FANTASTIC when it comes to lubricating RACE MOTORS,,, ESPECIALLY when you introduce NITROMETHANE,,,NITROUS OXIDE,, METHYL ALCOHOL,,,MEk,,,ACEONE,,,etc,,etc,,etc...

We were running a bean oil in the mid 90's in the our asphalt oval car, provided by Castrol as part of the series sponsorship. It was kinda cool, had a purple tinge to it and smelled much like vegetable oil when it was fresh. We had to run it on a completely clean motor and were only told that mixing it with conventional oils would be very BAD. They didn't bother telling us what exactly would happen though. Cool stuff, and this is the first time I've seen it mentioned in passing on the net (haven't gone looking for it).
A friend and I would run Radio Controlled BOATS with ALCOHOL and up to 85% NITROMETHANE in Glow plug motors and make just MILLIONS of horsepower with those suckers!!!! We just couldn't believe just how fast those little motors SCREAMED!!! We used SUPER TECHNIPLATE and occasionally KLOTZ BEAN OIL ( don't know if they still sell it anymore) but PEOPLE just LOVED when we came around.. They just couldn't get over how fast those little boats ran!!! Brings back OLD MEMORIES!!!
They called it BeNol ... It flashed around 550 Degrees... NOTHING flashed like Bean oil.. Castrol used to call it CASTROL "R" and YAMAJUNK (citgo) made a version that REALLY VARNISHED up everything in its path and REALLY GOT GUMMY when it was RAINING OUTSIDE.. It had a REAL PROBLEM with MOISTURE.... (yamajunk "R" that was).. i don't think CITGO ( or YAMMIE for that matter) even makes that "R" stuff with the castor bean oil anymore (good thing)... Man,,,,, you guys are stirring up some OLD STUFF.....
The only reason that I DON'T LIKE CASTROL,,, is because JOHN FORCE gets it for FREE and I HAVE TO PAY for the stuff!!! Do you know why JOHN FORCE uses AUTOLITE SPARK PLUGS?????? Because they're FREE also!!!!!! Don't mind me,,, just HATEIN!!!
Theres a guy in Minnesota that's usually on here selling product. klotzmn is his screen name.. I don't know ANYTHING about Canada and the last few times I went there, I got into TROUBLE with their Government.... It's a LONG STORY !!!
One of these days,, when SOMEONE brings up a post about OIL SMOKING vs SMOKELESS,,,,,, I will write a post about the FLASH POIN of oil and HOW THE HIGHER flash point actually CONTRIBUES to the amount of SMOKE through the exhaust and the BENEFITS of having SMOKEY EXHAUST compared to SMOKELESS exhaust...... More will be revealed,, I'm going to eat some BREAKFAST and Get the TRUCK washed!!!
What is your take gary on adding oil to a tank of gas after a rebuild.
Leaveing the pump on stock setting?Leaner?

Does oil really effect power valves or is all the gas...blowby of a older moter....hotter pipes..
nosboy said:
One of these days,, when SOMEONE brings up a post about OIL SMOKING vs SMOKELESS,,,,,, I will write a post about the FLASH POIN of oil and HOW THE HIGHER flash point actually CONTRIBUES to the amount of SMOKE through the exhaust and the BENEFITS of having SMOKEY EXHAUST compared to SMOKELESS exhaust...... More will be revealed,, I'm going to eat some BREAKFAST and Get the TRUCK washed!!!

Nosboy is TY's official technical expert on snowmobile oil and usage :2strokes: :yam: LaLaLa ;):D
SOLD a 73 Cuda 340 4 speed to a guy in Canada over the eBay website... Transported it for him and brought it across the border.... He called me on the way across the border and told me to tell Canadian Govt that the selling price was 15,000.00 when in actuality it was 27,500.00..... AFter Canadian Govt Interrogated the HelL out of us,,, he broke down and told 27.5K and I LIED MY *** OFF and KEPT the 15K story,, Nevertheless,, they BUSTED ME for Falsifying the purchase price and CONFISCATED my Durango,,,trailer,, and 73 CUDA 340 4 speed... I paid the $3806.00 CDN FINE and proceeded to deliver the car to the buyer!!!!
