

New member
Jan 15, 2006
upstate ny
you guys claim the 700 srx is so fast how should it run stock? i am not seeing it with mine i have never had it apart but im sure its all stock it ran about a sled ahead of a 95 900 tcat stock in 660 to me thats not fast my friends piped mike houle 800 z ran about 8 sleds ahead of the same t cat what mods do you recomend? or tune ups it has 2100 miles on it the pvs have been cleaned and i just installed new donuts on the pipes it does have a gutted can
Bang for the buck, its hard to do much better than clutching and traction for that sled. Clutching for this sled has been beat to death on this site. Finding a setup from these forums should be no problem. A good port job might also be the ticket if you're not afraid to spend a little more money.
You MUST clutch these sleds to make them feel like they have another 200 cc under the hood. What RPM are you running when you pin it for a long time? What do your RPM's do from the very second you hit it, to the 15 seconds after that when you have been pinning it. Let me know and I can help you more!
tell you the truth i dont know i have only rode it a few times and it didnt impress me so i dont use it and i had a leaking water pump gasket im replacing the gasket tonight and ill test it and let you know
You have done nothing but complain about your SRX since you joined this site. If you dont like it and you dont think it is fast sell and go get your Doo.
You realy need to educate yourself about just how fast these are.
Fastest sled in the NB snow drags, 700 stock class.
You probably have a sled that is not working properly or well set up. Check it out fix whats wrong and stop signing in just to complain about Yamahas.
yamyrider said:
You have done nothing but complain about your SRX since you joined this site. If you dont like it and you dont think it is fast sell and go get your Doo.
You realy need to educate yourself about just how fast these are.
Fastest sled in the NB snow drags, 700 stock class.
You probably have a sled that is not working properly or well set up. Check it out fix whats wrong and stop signing in just to complain about Yamahas.

you need to leave this topic alone yamyrider i am asking for help so i dont need to complain about it is that a problem? if it is with you then theres no need for you to reply does every post have to be a fight? your a never mind but i didnt sign in to complain lay off
another thing i have no problems with yamaha my first sled was a phazer 2 second was a srv my srx runs like **** is it a crime to ***** about it

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jamesfiii800 said:
another thing i have no problems with yamaha my first sled was a phazer 2 second was a srv my srx runs like shit is it a crime to bitch about it
Go ask the guys over at dootalk...You seem to stir the pot over there about yamaha's as well!
do i need to sell my skidoo to be welcome to TY ? is that the problem you see i own a skidoo and get all touchy ? we are grown ups here arent we? why cant 1 person own to different makes?
srxguy said:
Go ask the guys over at dootalk...You seem to stir the pot over there about yamaha's as well!
yes i did tell the guys at dootalk about the about the argument i was in with what sled will an srx take why is that a problem
ok i have had enough of this forum some of you guys are too far in to yamaha its coming out your *** i own both im not in too skidoo so far that i cant handle a skidoo losing you need to grow up i started this post to get help with my yamaha but i guess theres no help here for a skidoo owner why is it that someone could go to doo talk owning a polaris yamaha or arctic cat and still get help with there sled
Its to bad that such a new member to the site hasn't taken the time to get to know the people here! One thing I have found is that they don't care what you ride, but your atitude is a different story. Ive taken the time to read some of your other posts, and honestly, you come across as quite the smart ***!Like when MrSled asked if you were a dealer, maybe you should go back and read that post!
I didnt think this post started out to bad, it just took a bad turn,tempers flairring!!
By the way, one of our helpful Moderators goes by 'Skidoo-Boy', and guess
what he rides! Like I said, we dont care what you ride, as long as you ride!

If you want to be respected, you must respect.

Well, good luck in what ever you decide.
the reply to mr sled wasnt supposed to be a smart *** coment i was simply joking with him and i didnt get a temper on my other post till someone brought up the stupid childish thats what your wife said bs
and i am getting a temper now because i asked for some simple help and got a bunch of **** about it it was going good till the 5th post

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Personaly, I would try and start over. Tone down some of the joking and pay attention to how you word you questions. Its truelly a great site,with alot of people that are not only willing to help , but want to help!
Good Luck

The begining of this post starts off " you guys claim srx's are so fast" , try to understand how that sounds when a Yamaha lover reads that.
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Sno-Xr said:
Personaly, I would try and start over. Tone down some of the joking and pay attention to how you word you questions. Its truelly a great site,with alot of people that are not only willing to help , but want to help!
Good Luck

The begining of this post starts off " you guys claim srx's are so fast" , try to understand how that sounds when a Yamaha lover reads that.
i dont see how thats so bad are you saying yamaha lovers dont read the post before starting a fight with another yamaha owner?
like i said till post 5 it was going good 2000srx thanks for trying to help and thank you jwifferdill for trying to help i respect you 2 for trying now maybe with no further fighting from members that DONT plan on helping i can report my findings to 2000srx after i run my srx
The first thing i would do is pull the primary and put a dial indicator on the end of the crank to see if it is out. Yamaha seems to think .006 to .008 is acceptable but that is way out. If the crank is out the sled will run fine BUT it won"t be very fast. If the crank is ok then get the carbs cleaned and set up,then the power valves. There are a few good clutch set ups in the tech section, try Turks. Make sure all bearings are running free, check prim & secondary busings. Remeber it's better to catch a bee with honey than vinegar!
