
What he's refering to is the crank issues Yamaha had with the 98 model SRX's where most if not all would go out of spec (wobble) as they had soft pins when pressed together new.Yours should have been fixed but if your not sure take the vin number to a dealer and he should be able to run it and tell you when/if it was done.Good luck.
fourbarrel said:
What he's refering to is the crank issues Yamaha had with the 98 model SRX's where most if not all would go out of spec (wobble) as they had soft pins when pressed together new.Yours should have been fixed but if your not sure take the vin number to a dealer and he should be able to run it and tell you when/if it was done.Good luck.
oh ok yes it was replaced at the dealer i purchased it from
if this helps i got beat bad by a pipes sx and let the guy ride it he told me the mid range was not there take off is good and top i hit 117 on speedo
if it is help you are looking for you came to the right place. Just eaze up on the joking and sarcastic comments. Like someone mentioned one of the mods here is a DOO rider and is VERY respected here. You will find that we are all very protective of this site and dont like when a new member seems to be comming on very stong. If that was not your intention then I will appologize for my comments. You seems to be saying right away that SRX is not fast when they are one of the fastest 700 out there.
If you are having a hard time with the SRX we can help.
If the sled is not performing you need to tell us what RPM's are at wide open throttle. You can have clutch problems, carb or power valve problems.
James, what kind of clutch set-up are you running now. Is it stock? I got a clutch set up from Turk and it woke my sled up quick style. PM him he should be able to help you. I believe the 98's should be running at 8200-8300 at WOT.
im not sure here it is the driven nees a good cleaning what helix is this the spring is y/w/y and the helix says 8bv then a 70 thanks


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Whatever belt you've got on there, I would personally recommend getting rid of it and getting an 8DN Yamaha belt. I had an Ultimax II on my SRX when I bought it and the sled would act goofy. Wouldn't pull the same rpms. Put an 8DN on and couldn't believe the difference. Clutches look as if though they could use a nice cleaning too
Toss it and get an 8DN, use that as a back up or something. Don't know what helix that is. I was running with 50/40 helix, green secondary wrapped at 60. Forgot what I had in the primary, cant remember. Dont have the sled anymore. Theres alot of set-ups you can use.
If its squealing at idle you need to adjust your belt deflection, there are 3 little bolts on the back of the secondary, remove the bolts and re-install them without the washers, that should solve your belt squeel.
shortstop20 said:
OEM belt is the only way to go for the SRX.
Dang, I just put a new Gates on mine also. There was a Yamaha on it but was shot. :( I'm pretty much in the same position as Jamesfiii800. I just got a 98 SRX and haven't been too impressed with it's power. I think the clutches are stock. How do I tell? It is studded(lots!, I haven't counted)
What I did this weekend was take out the powervalves and cleaned them. All three were stuck in the closed position! all cables were still attached to the valves but were not attached to the servo wheel! Did they come off by themselves or did someone unhook them?! Anyway, I didn't want to take off the pipes so I didn't adjust them yet, just cleaned and hooked them back up. I made a few passes across our field and could definitely tell the difference! It still didn't scare me though, just got me excited! ;)! I will be going for a longer ride some time this week, so I'll check out how it feels and watch how my RPMs act. No lake action so I won't be topping it out. Honestly I won't be racing much, if any, I just want it to scare me a little then I'll be satisfied! :eek: 700 :rocks:
the power on the srx is very gradual and smooth. You wont really notice how fast you are going unless you race someone. Stock clutching really sucks though.The srx really shines when you get going 70-80mph plus.
700, make sure you hook those cables back up into their corresponding positions on the servo motor. Also if you had the valves out you should have adjusted them too. It's pretty easy to do.
Boy I tell you when I pulled that servo cover off and saw those cables all loose, I got one of those sick feelings in my stomach cause I had remembered seeing a picture of the correct pattern on here but hadn't printed it or memorized it. (I don't have internet at home) But then I looked at it and could tell which slots lined up with each cable, then I ran the engine and looked at where the servo wheel was postioned when idling and each cable then lined up with where I thought they should go. I turned the wheel by hand to get them into the slots and then ran it with the cover off to make sure all looked right. I am 99.9% sure it is correct. I didn't mess with the cable adjustments and I realize they are probably not adjusted perfect because of cable stretch etc. but they gotta be fairly close and I plan to adjust them by feel when I get time.

I was also checking out the Tech Pages and found the stock clutch specs so I can figure out if mines stock or not. Thanks guys! ;)! 700
On the wheel the longest cable or the cable across from the clutch side (Mag), that cable goes at the farthest wind and on the servo wheel will be located in the middle. The other two will go side by side on the less winded spot. I hope this makes sense.
700 said:
Dang, I just put a new Gates on mine also. There was a Yamaha on it but was shot. :( I'm pretty much in the same position as Jamesfiii800. I just got a 98 SRX and haven't been too impressed with it's power. I think the clutches are stock. How do I tell? It is studded(lots!, I haven't counted)
What I did this weekend was take out the powervalves and cleaned them. All three were stuck in the closed position! all cables were still attached to the valves but were not attached to the servo wheel! Did they come off by themselves or did someone unhook them?! Anyway, I didn't want to take off the pipes so I didn't adjust them yet, just cleaned and hooked them back up. I made a few passes across our field and could definitely tell the difference! It still didn't scare me though, just got me excited! ;)! I will be going for a longer ride some time this week, so I'll check out how it feels and watch how my RPMs act. No lake action so I won't be topping it out. Honestly I won't be racing much, if any, I just want it to scare me a little then I'll be satisfied! :eek: 700 :rocks:

I'm not saying every other belt just plain sucks, but the OEM Yamaha belt seemed to perform better on my SRX.
O.K. I drove it to work today.

Besides for a cat tail stock catching on fire under the hood and scaring me half to death :eek: I had a pretty good ride. 2-3" of fresh powdwer on the trail 30 miles to work.

Now here's what my RPMs do. The primary seems to engage at about 3800. (It does have the stock G/G/G spring) If you really ease into it, you feel it grab at about 4100. When you pin it, it jumps right to 8900-9000 and stays there until you let up. It doesn't matter when you pin it or for how long, it stays right there. I took it up to 100 once and it didn't feel like there was much left. If you back off and try to hold it around 8000 it runs at 70 mph. Seems as though I better do some clutch work. I would say the first thing to do is take everthing apart and clean it. Can anyone give me some pointers on this? Do you lube the surfaces with anything. Also, then I'd know for sure what parts are in it. As far as the secondary goes, I can't see any paint marks on the spring. (It's black) and it's end is in the hole next to the 6 on the Helix. The belt sits about 1/16 or so above the sheave. I hope all this info means something to you, cause all I know is it's over revving :roll:

To add to the confusion, The one time when I pinned it from a stop, It would only rev to 8200 or so and it wouldn't go over 80mph. After I let up on it once or twice it went back to normal. Would this be a sticky secondary? O.K. I'll shut up and let you guys think! :wink: 700
