What kind of injection oil do you use????


New member
Dec 18, 2005
Hey everyone, I'm just wondering what kind of oil everyone uses, and if there's a differance in any of the oils that are out there and if a synthetic oil would be better?

Thanks :yam:
Everyone is going to have their own brand that they swear by. Try doing a search and you will find this topic has been discussed time and time again on here.
Just switched from Yamalube this year to Amsoil synthetic (non Power valve). It costs the same amount as what the stealer wants for yamalube here, within a toonie anyway.
i got some $5 a galon walmart special 2 stroke oil im running right now it was a sunday and i was low on cash. its rated s3 so it cant hurt any ot run a galon of it but after its gone goin back to yamalube
it was eitehr that or put artic cat oil in and i dont believe in suporting other brands. lol. funny thing its its teh same exsact color and smell as the articat powervalve oil. its prolly the same stuffits liek bluish green.
