What kind of injection oil do you use????

Blue Marble?

A few questions to you guys that are using Blue Marble oil...

I was told this is a "smokeless" oil? Any comments?

I was also told this oil increases gas mileage? Any comments?

Have you noticed any change in the way your plugs burn or last? Any less fouling? Anyone done a teardown and noticed any internal differences?

I have two 2001 Phazers and currenty use Yamalube S-2 but am always looing for improvements!

Thanks! - Greg
I have been using IPONE and it seems to work very well, low smoke and has that strawberry smell, gota love that Ester based oil!!!!!! and its under $40 canadian for a gallon!

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SR433,Just started using BM this season and ther is defenitely alot less smoke and very little odor. Haven't checked the plugs or pv's yet. Plugs should be interesting because I haven't changed them since the start of the 04 season. I'll post when I do :2strokes:
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IPONE here, good stuff. Your clothes don't stink..........
Im going to pull a PV and have a look and see how clean they are.
SR433 said:
A few questions to you guys that are using Blue Marble oil...

I was told this is a "smokeless" oil? Any comments?

I was also told this oil increases gas mileage? Any comments?

Have you noticed any change in the way your plugs burn or last? Any less fouling? Anyone done a teardown and noticed any internal differences?

I have two 2001 Phazers and currenty use Yamalube S-2 but am always looing for improvements!

Thanks! - Greg

I think any oil will create smoke until the combustion chambers are at full operating temp - Correct me if I am wrong, but a lot of the blue smoke you see at startup is unburned fuel.

Oil increasing gas mileage? I don't believe if it did that it would be noticeable.
yamlube...but I did smell that polaris gold and it smells awsome. my friend is running it in his new 600 fusion..
I absolutely LOVE talking about oil..... ANY SYNTHETIC is FAR superior to conventional motor oils... Yamalube is made by CITGO...... K mart and WALMART oil is the SAME EXACT THING as YAMALUBE.... CITGO bottles the SAME EXACT OIL into 20+ different containers.... YAMAHA does NOT have a oil refinery (the last time I looked!!!) NEITHER does ski-doo , Arctic crap or polaris!!!!!! They buy their oil from BP,MOBIL,OR CITGO!!!!! Citgo has the contract for YAMALUBE!!! They had it for a LONG TIME... Yamaha comes up with a spec (jaso or tc etc etc) and the "big 3" bid on a contract!!!! Whoever is DEMOGRAPHICALLY and cost effectively,,, usually WIN the contract.. YES, you can buy YAMALUBE at WAL MART for 1/2 the price.... Synthetic oil is FAR SUPERIOR to ANY conventional oil!!!! USE synthetics... I don't care WHO you use,,,, but,,,, please,,,for your OWN GOOD,,,USE SYNTHETICS!!!! ( I use KLOTZ) Gary Oles nosboy.... PS: Blue marble is NOT synthetic!!!
as far as SMOKE is concerned....... SMOKE is a byproduct of combustion... SOME SMOKE is better than NO SMOKE!!! Now I am talking about the detergents and your POWERVALVES.... NOT THE TREE HUGGERS!!!!!smoke means USUALLY incomplete combustion, and THAT usually comes from your OIL!!!!! "WET" powervalves will cycle and clean themselves a LOT BETTER than DRY powervalves... Chances are, if a warmed up motor is smoking a little,,, Its a GOOD THING!!!!! It MAY eat spark plugs more often,,, but,,WOULD YOU RATHER REPLACE POWER VALVES AND VALVE CABLES OR SPARKPLUGS?????? Gary Oles nosboy
PS: PLEASE buy my viper on ebay number 4609457474 Thanks Gary Oles nosboy

Looks like you and i are the only Klotz guys here. Klotz Technaplate?
SUNNY FLORIDA!!!!! Daytona, Ft Lauderdale and St Augustine!!!!! Usually go sledding BUT,,, The snow came a few days ago!!!! Were going to Eagle River Saturday Morning to bring back the sleds!!!!! (ride also)!!!!!
There isn't too many KLOTZ guys out here!!!!! What can i say????? STUCK ON ******!!!!! I'm trying to be nice... new years resolution
