The making of "Darth Viper"

LOL!!! If you would quit sending in engines to cheat with, I could get busy on it......LMAO!!!! :rofl:
:) good things in time, and you are never done your own project when you work on other peoples! just like how a carpenters house is never done ;)
I'm impressed... nice attention to detail...When your done... Just ship that beast to NB... Thanks
I have 44 lectrons, made some nice alum. adapter plates to go on to yamaha case. Will be using a set of crankshop 1025 race pipes made to fit the chassis. I ran the pipe dimensions thru my 2 stroke computer software and they are super, super close in the dimensions I need, so I can make them work.
The motor would obviously make the best horsepower with 48mm lectrons with as big as it is but I am going to actually trail ride this thing too! The 44mm's will be a better throttle response and lower speed set up.
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mrviper700 said:
Thanx Guys, seats on and done. I started with a brand new 03 viper seat right out of the yamaha box and used a black vinyl dye on the stripe, the stuff works pretty good, hopefully it will withstand the elements and be rub thru resistant, showing the blue color beneath. I also added a clear rear tailight. Look at the reflection in the tunnel extension of the seat, this is a testament as to the awesome paint work done by: 02srx ,on this site, Bob is a artist!


Again, this sled looks sick! Can I ask were you got the clear tail lamp? Thanks, Brett
Looking really nice Don. Instaead of a mono rear, what about a zx2 136 in black. Maybe it couldn't take the HP, but then again maybe no rear skid will be able to handle your HP. Paul
The clear tail light lens is from a 98 R1 motorcycle, they are the same as a sled. I got it off ebay.

Paul, I am going to look around for something else as far as skid goes, dont know what all yet. I look at the sled and to think its gonna have a custom motor, custom paint, it mise well have a custom suspension to bring it all together. Front shocks will be changed yet to fox floats or something that fits the sleds custom work.

In another month or so I will try to start updating the build and getting something accomplished on it again.
Thanks Don!


mrviper700 said:
The clear tail light lens is from a 98 R1 motorcycle, they are the same as a sled. I got it off ebay.

Paul, I am going to look around for something else as far as skid goes, dont know what all yet. I look at the sled and to think its gonna have a custom motor, custom paint, it mise well have a custom suspension to bring it all together. Front shocks will be changed yet to fox floats or something that fits the sleds custom work.

In another month or so I will try to start updating the build and getting something accomplished on it again.
Guys when Don said that pictures do this sled no justice he was 110% right. I saw this sled in person. The paint job is like a freakin black mirror. All the little fine details are flawless. UNREAL is all I can say. When Don went to let his dogs out I tried to load it up in my truck for a fast get away. LMAO. Beutiful work Don!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have neglected ol Darth, been spending time on the turbo sled. I am waiting on parts for "Big Boost" so its Time to pull Darth out of the corner and complete it, I have some free time this weekend. So I am going to complete the chassis 100%, I have to paint the front frame sides by the shocks, install rear hose and hose covers and the rear flap.

I have been keeping an eye open for a set of the black clicker shocks off a newer apex, if someone comes across a set let me know, I think they would be a nice transplant onto this machine.

(edit): I have decided to sell the sled, I am cleaning out the shop, too many projects and they are not getting completed sitting here, dont have the time to put into them, so I am cleaning out the shop. I will be way to busy this coming spring with building a addition onto my house thats the same size as my whole house, so the sled would only sit and collect more dust.
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darth viper

I am amazed.....speechless........i want it!!!!

How much do u have into that project??? LOVE IT
