My viper is stolen !

People that steal from others should be shot! Its usually someone who's jealous because they are such a loser that they can't afford to buy there own. So they feel like a bad *** and take it from others.
You know if we follow the Turkish way of theft prevention things may be a bit different. Kind of hard to go thru life after your hand was chopped off.

Seriously though. Sorry for your loss. As a fellow sled theft victim I know what your going thru. Get pictures. Keep your pictures of before maybe the insurance company will mark up the value for you. Report it stolen asap. Don't give up.
if it does get chopped, the VIN is stamped on the tunnel, the primary ID is on the motor and the bellypan has stickers with the VIN on the inside. good luck and sorry to hear
Sorry to hear man

Im keepin my eyes peeled for both online sellers and on the trails, cuz you never know where the sled could end up..

hopefully you get her back, she was a beaute!

Anyone ever think of those dog tracking things, that you inject into them, and you can locate it with a GPS or something.
I'm in shock. I called my bro up when I read this post. That is horrible man.
That Viper was one of a kind. So how do things work with insurance? Do they give you an amount equal to buying a new sled in 2007? I have no idea how it works with sleds. I was aked how much a new sled like mine would cost by my insurance company.
akrievins said:
I'm in shock. I called my bro up when I read this post. That is horrible man.
That Viper was one of a kind. So how do things work with insurance? Do they give you an amount equal to buying a new sled in 2007? I have no idea how it works with sleds. I was aked how much a new sled like mine would cost by my insurance company.
Thanks Guys for your good wishes ! Im really pissed off at the moment ! I lost a day at work lack of sleep last night ,had to file a report with the police today, Tried fixing whats left of the door, Found out they even stole my 1978 everest 444 that i got running last week, stole my suit , gloves, helmut,(2) snowmobile belts new and used, old vintage license plates from the 70's 60's & 50's from the garage, a few bootles of booze,snowmobile cover, snowmobile bibs (2) and they made a F ing mess at the cottage. And few few other missing items
As for the insurance and the police report it will at least a month if not more until i see any $$$ to buy another machine
They will probaly just give fair market value for the machine ! What they dont know is that this machine was not your every day used beat up viper that your dealer may have for sale with a million miles on them at top $$$
I hope i can claim some of the extras i had on the machine , The problem is some stuff i bought used such as a 2005 predator one inch track with 144 studs with only 500 miles of use . (no bills) or invoices.
Quebec#1: That sucks, and you're right, they will not pay for 3 to 4 weeks, hoping for a recovery. They will offer you used book value or slightly more. The good news is you do not have to accept it. Remember, it is an offer. Assemble all the pics, info, any e-mails re parts you bought, everything you can lay your mitts on. Also if possible, take the pics to dealers in your area, and have them on their letterhead, state what they would pay for the sled, they must sign and date this, and have a phone # on it. I have been thru this a couple times with vehicles, and you can get more than book value if you do your homework! hope this helps.
Theirs no way im going to settle for less ! I have all those pics that a posted on this site that im going to use and ive found about $1500 in invoices so far from extras that a bought for the machine. We will see what happens when i meet with the adjuster on monday !
I really wish they would find my viper ! I dont have the cash for a new one and beleive me if you saw my viper you could swear it was a 2007 in the showroom.
I was just looking around this cold saterday afternoon at the classfieds and snowmobile sites at used sleds. It really hard to find a prestine machine with low milles close to home ! :o|
The sad thing is that Im not completly brand loyal and will buy a machine with a 700 or 800 that suits my needs if the price is right and its clean with low miles.
I would like an apex but its out of my range. The Rx1's dont really inspire me all that much . Vipers are getting harder to find with low miles on them.
I would like to find a machine with all the extra's that would fancy my needs. I found one Viper on HCS a 2004 blue but it would take at least another $1000 in extras and lots of tunnel polish to get it like my old one. Yes Guys Im heartbroken ! :( :( :( :( :itchy:
sorry to hear that, it really is a shame that gutless pricks can get away stealing from others. my $.02
good news !!!!?????

I got a call from the cops this morning and they found it ! They found my machine along with 5 other stolen machines down some cow path about 15 minutes away from home.
Im going to the cop station on Tuesday afternoon to fill out a release form and then to the impound place.
The cop said the machine is intact and thats all that i know for now.
I met with the insurance adjuster this afternoon and im to bring it to a dealer up my way for inspection and any repairs.
Im pleased that i got my viper back but hope im not in for any problems.
I still dont know who stole the machines incl my 1978 everest (still not found) and all the other stuff that they stole incl my helmets jackets ect..
Lets hope they catch those scums give them a little bit of good old justice witch i know wont be alot but its a start. I will report back once i get my machine back and see if anything was damaged.
silversnow said:
That is great! I hope it is just as when it left your house! :WayCool:

Oh please I really hope so ! :itchy: What a pain in the *** all this has been for me. Ive lost Two days of work and another tomorrow and i still have all the other items that went missing to be replaced. Also i spent most of sunday cleaning up the mess that they left behind last week. :beer:
:rockon: :) awesome!!! I'm so glad you got it back it looked like a very nice machine and like you put alot of time in it and care. hope they find the people that took it and get the rest of you stuff back but atleast now you have the big one back and you can get some riding in
Good for you bro. That has to be some relief. I am happy for you. Hopefully all will be good when you see it. Good luck.

wow, thats AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!! you must be psyched as all get out! good to see the luck turn for you lol!! post recovery pics! sled actually looks a lot like mine :)
