My viper is stolen !

I just came back from getting the release from the cop station and getting my sled at the impound yard. Well its not the same viper that i last saw ! The case is still wide open and they did recover 6 sleds. My sled was taking for a joy ride and thats for sure ! The hood has a bunch of deep scratches and the right trailing arm has a huge dent. My track has a bunch of outer lugs torn and even some studs are all bent out of shape. The machine needs a new ignition since those creeps still have the keys. The pastic part were the windshield is is cracked and also the windshield. My rear snow flap is in bad shape and so is the rear bar behind the seat. Im missing a control switch for the hand warmers and one mirror is busted off. The machine looks like it aged 10 years and im wondering now if wouldnt have been better if the cops never found the machine. It looks like they filled the machine up with gas but it looks like premix. I lost almost another day at work and its cost me $245 for impound fee's that the insurance company should pick up.
I brought the machine to the dealer and it looks like a new hood, windshield, the plastice part were the cluster guage is , trailing arm, snow flap,rear handle grip,track, studs, slides,control switch for the handwarmers and ignition & mirror
I just hope the insurance company fixes and replaces all of the above. As for the engine we still dont know ?
I feel beat up right now ! :itchy:
sorry it got trashed, but it CAN be saved and brought back to its glory!! dont get down, you got it back at least! and get a hacksaw while you are at it if you still want studs ;)
madmax said:
is it possible that the insurance company will salvage it?
I think so, It all depends on wether the engine is ok . But most is cosmetic except the track & studs. Dont forget vipers in Canada are still worth $1550 to $2000 more than in the states. But in a way your right, parts do add up very fast $$$$$$$$
sorry to hear that man, That really sucks #$%&* they must of rolled her if they bashed up the windy and the hood. make sure the oli pump dosn't have air in it. Maybe why it had Premix in it? did you run it yet?

That is great you got it back and it sounds fairly cosmitic. The dealer will replace with all new parts.
Quebec #1

Glad to hear you got your sled back!! Any word on the engine?? Hopefully all works out for you...I know I've made a lot of changes / additions to my Viper, would be tough to have to start over.
Mjet67 said:
Quebec #1

Glad to hear you got your sled back!! Any word on the engine?? Hopefully all works out for you...I know I've made a lot of changes / additions to my Viper, would be tough to have to start over.
I still havent got any news from the insurance company. Its almost a total right off , Thats what the dealer told me. Its more cosmetic from what i know than anything else at the moment.
I see some of my friends ride their machines and never add a thing to them and never wash and wax them , Thats not me. For me to go out and start all over again with a stock viper it would break my heart.
I lost a good part of last season because of a broken wrist and this season we had no snow up until about two weeks ago, Im going Crazy ! :o|
I would be happy if i get my machine back and should have some kind of news in the next few days, I will keep you guys posted..
