Read an article earlier this winter,Yamaha R&D had the triple 120hp in the Phazer
snocross model.Wouldn't suprise me to see it in production next year.
cacsrx1 said:
Check 3 pages back in the Yammi section on snowwest, looks very interesting. :yrules:

Maybe that's why Yamaha is offering $1000.00 off the Nytro. Not just a low snow season, but an all new model.

I'm betting on a super charged apex option and a 120 hp Phazer 900cc. They have got to pump up the apex or drop it. Yamaha has a bad habit of waiting three years after releasing a winner before Making any improvements, so the phazer may have to wait for a while till the other manufacters can catch up..
I heard from a Yamaha dealer that they are supposedly coming out with a 171 HP high-output motor for the Apex.
I dont know if its just me, but i cant stand the look of the phazer up front....that snowcross nytro is mint tho......im hoping for a new nytro in 08
nope, not alone. the phazer is kinda ugly, but it is SLOWLY growing on me lol!! no wind protection!
Release date is Feb. 28th from what I heard yesterday. The dealers were getting mad that Yamaha's show was too soon. Hard to get rid of their stock when the new stuff gets previewed that early.
No way they can just drop the hole nytro, i like what they have now, three different styles sleds, and three different type engines to go in them. Just improve on them. More power with less weight and better fuel economy.

The phaser isn't for everyone, i think they should put a 120 hp engine (or maybe something new they have coming out) in the phaser, along with the 80 horse twin, but also keep the vector line up alive, just improve on it.

It would also be nice to see the apex with 10 to 20 more horse and 10 to 20 pounds lighter... but we can only hope :letitsnow
A supercharged Phazer would be way cool. We had a new Phazer in our group in the UP. That thing is a riot. You can throw it around easy and ride it like a dirt bike. I jumped it over some road approaches ,etc. and it absorbed the impact well. Only on long straight aways does it get boring. More power would be welcome.
