Help...Track Turns When Sled Is Just Idling On Stand ???


New member
Nov 13, 2005
New Hamburg, Ontario
Sled is running good...opens up well..seems fine but.........when I start the sled in the morning the track will be turning without giving it any gas....same as when I get home from sledding and put it on the stand the track turns ????I am mechanically challenged so if you have a quick fix or a long one please reply ...Thanks....Diceman
How fast is it turning? If it's turning too fast try taking the 3 washers out of the secondary clutch on the back side (you will see them when you take the secondary off... there are 3 little bolts and the washers are behind them...) taking the washers out will allow the secondary to stay open a little more therefore loosening the belt a little.

If the track is just slowly creeping when the rear of the sled is on a stand that is perfect... exactly what you want. If none of that helps either your belt is too short or you'll have to loosen your motor mounts and push the motor towards the back of the sled a little... I may have missed something so somebody else will likely correct me, but it's a start.
daman said:
What is it idling at?(how many RPM's)
I am not sure what the rpm is set at but I am sure it is not set too high. Like I said I am still new to sledding so don't know alot. The secondary clutch is the larger one right ??? The one on the side of the engine ?? Thanks
yes the secondary is the larger clutch. it is the one farthest back towards the rider. see what rpm's it is running at.
Ok thats perfect then,your belt must be too tight,can you take your
big clutch off,the one at the back of your sled?
as said by change_up if is spins a little or jerks along that is good. You want the track to spin a little when on a stand. How bad is it spinning.
OK, so rpm is good.....whoa whoa whoa.....before ripping things apart.....

How fast is the track turning????

Like mentioned already, if it is just creeping along, that is perfect.
flying dutchman said:
OK, so rpm is good.....whoa whoa whoa.....before ripping things apart.....

How fast is the track turning????

Like mentioned already, if it is just creeping along, that is perfect.
well it is not creeping....not sure how to say how fast it is is not spinning really quick but it is spinning alot faster than last year.. it is definately faster than a creep...when I drop the sled off the stand the sled does not move, make any funny noises, sounds fine....Thanks again boys....
Diceman said:
and do what???lol Diceman
If it's more than a creep your belt needs to be loosend up or your
track is too loose.

if need be take your clutch off and remove a shim(washer )
behind all 3 bolts shown here,
Hey might have fiquired it out...Last year I was having a problem with wearing out sliders quickly..I was told to loosen the track....I did the
1 1/2 inch delection but it still seemed too tight.This year I loosened it alittle more. Why does the track being loose make it spin ???
daman said:
Less resistance, it will spin easier if the track is loose

you need to tighten her yup some
The 1 1/2 inch deflection I tried last year seemed too tight...when I set it to that last year I was going trhrough sliders......what do you suggest ??Thanks again
