Help...Track Turns When Sled Is Just Idling On Stand ???

Diceman said:
if I can move the belt 1/2 to 3/4 inch up and down then they said that means that the primary clutch needs to be shimmed
LOL..never heard of doing that..

all you need to do is make sure your belt is clean and shim
your secondary(big one) properly and you'll be good to go..
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daman said:
LOL..never heard of doing that..

all you need to do is make sure your belt is clean and shim
your secondary(big one) properly and you'll be good to go..
OK Man..I will clean clutches belt, then remove washers from secondary...I will let you know how it goes..wish you lived next door lol...Diceman
Diceman said:
OK Man..I will clean clutches belt, then remove washers from secondary...I will let you know how it goes..wish you lived next door lol...Diceman
Heck yea bring 'er over the beer is always cold....LOL :brr
Concept Carbon said:
did you get new bolts that the washers where on.
No bolts in stock...had to order them...will be in Tuesday...going out today abit to see if the squealing stopped after taking the washers out...will let you know later...Diceman
Just got back....squealing was alot less....Only time it would squeal is when I stopped at a road crossing , much less howver than before and at times not at all...when I get my new bolts should I add the washers back on or leave them off ??? Diceman
Diceman said:
Just got back....squealing was alot less....Only time it would squeal is when I stopped at a road crossing , much less howver than before and at times not at all...when I get my new bolts should I add the washers back on or leave them off ??? Diceman
TRy with out first,
So daman,if I am putting on a brand new 8DN belt in my 2002 SRX,I need to take the washers out from the back of the secondary...right.If a belt gets worn down..then you add a washer at a time to get it to climb up higher on secondary...right.Correct me if I am wrong.
bluemonster1 said:
So daman,if I am putting on a brand new 8DN belt in my 2002 SRX,I need to take the washers out from the back of the secondary...right.If a belt gets worn down..then you add a washer at a time to get it to climb up higher on secondary...right.Correct me if I am wrong.
Right.....IF the new belt is too tight and sqweeling
Diceman said:
Hey Daman..when I add the new bolts should I leave the washers off ??? Read my reply a few replies back!!! Diceman
Well you need to see how the belt is riding on the secondary when you
do,yea try with off first..
daman we are looking up to are our savior.....we trust what you are telling us...don't lead us down the wrong path...LOL :bling:
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Hey Diceman, I am a short sled ride from you, and have all this week off, you could ride over and I could check it out for you if you like. Let me know, cause other than that, I plan on a big mileage week from home. 4 ft of fresh powder in the Bruce! PM me if you need a hand.
