TURK/MRVIPER..re: clutching on 2002 SRX


Dec 30, 2005
Howden ,Manitoba,Canada
With my Tach finally working,I now monitered my clutching today. Put on some 80 hard driven miles on River today,doing launches and wot runs.DCS was not an issue today either.
I did my set-up as most have on there SRX's.Stock 8DN-20 weights with 4.5 g rivet in inner and outer holes.Has the w-w-w primary spring.Replaced 15.6 mm rollers with new ones I had sitting around here.
In the secondary have a Dalton 51/43 Helix with green spring.Run the 8DN belt of course and had it wrapped at 70. Power valves are all clean and adjusted and the engine is really snappy.Jetted up 2 sizes to what the 2001 SRX's had stock.My DCS basically is a none issue here and burn premium gas only.
OK here it is.When I launch the sled I am basically hitting 8600 rpm. It will start to climb to about 8700 to 8800 ish on the rpm's and then drops off to 8600 wot doing a little over 100mph.HOW can I get this down to
8100 at launch and 8500/8600 to stay at wot.
Tried 80 wrap and I think launch dropped to 8500...still to high.At 70 wrap the belt was burning a bit,could smell it.But clutches are hardly warm to cool when I touch them.I got a clutch alignment tool this season and the clutches are perfectly aligned.
Another thing is the belt is in good shape and still within specs.When engine running and sled up on stand,track movement is there,jerky movement.So belt height is good.Now aren't these SRX's supposed to run easily to 115 to 120 mph with no problem.WHAT can you suggest with all this info I have given.
they will be more close to 105 to 110 mph and if its like here its close to 0 today so its not gonna be the better run
51/43 is too shallow for 8dn-20,s in a SRX. 48/40 advantedge is pretty well bang on. I never ever recommended that helix with those weights.
well you did recommend that helix for me with my 8dn-20 is it better with other 8dn-10 or -00 or other weight
Turk...you got a 48/40 helix kicking around somewhere and would you still use a green spring with it.Putting this helix on..would help in performance on the SRX.Would I be better off just putting the the old stock Helix on for time being?
Stock helix will work better & wrap it at 80 with the red spring. sorry; don,t have that helix.
so turk you think that a stock 47 straight will be in front of a 51-43 dalton helix ??
i have the 51-43 on my srx and its work perfect from a dead stop but on a rolling start it seem a little to small ....but its really weird that you overrave but its possible ..... let me know if that sled pull better with the straight 47
I also have an 02 srx that is overevving. 8dn-20 weights, 4.5 gram both holes, w-w-w primary, red secondary, 70 wrap I believe, and the advant-edge 48-40 helix. On loose snow last weekend, was reving around 8700 at top end.

I am considering going to 5.5 bolt and nut on the outer rivet as it has always seemed to over rev a bit in most conditions with this setup.

Years ago I got the nuts and bolts from hauck power sports I believe but some say you can get them locally from your local hardware or automotive store. I forget one size bolt, just bring the weight with you, the bolt end must be flush with the end of the nut so you know.
Well did install the 47 Stock Helix back on with red spring and wrapped at 80.Put my brand new 8DN belt in this morning and ran 50 miles at slow speeds 30 to 50 mph.Broke in the belt. Did a couple of fast shots to 60 and let off.Now came my testing.You would not believe the difference in the sleds performance.It will pull your arms out of their sockets.It's killer acceleration at it's best.Never felt this before.When I pin it at launch rpm goes quickly to 8500 but drops instantly to 8200 and she pulls like a S.O.B to 8500.This is where I feel the difference from yesteraday.It is sick man.wicked pull and really kind of scares me.On river today trying for top end,not a great day because it is cloudy and hard to see what the terrain is ahead of me.Anyways at one point was between 105 and 110 on the dream meter and the engine was still pulling climbing to 8500 but the corner was coming up and I had to let go of throttle or take a roll.WOW what a differnce in performance.Sure I would of hit 115 no problem if terrain was straighter.On way back to home hit a few small drifts on trail along the roadway..doing about 80-90 mph and started to get air borne every time I hit them,but hung on and sled drops very nicely without a ruff banging landing.The suspension is working great,no bottoming out effect present.Very smooth on the landings.Had to finally back off on the speed a bit.I don't know if I can get any better performance with a 48/40 helix.This SLED ROCKS now...I am impressed.Passed a few doos and cats today,they just stayed away from me...as usual not friendly because they never wave back.What a bunch of losers.They want nothing to do with a SRX or what.One guy was a little ignorant while we were filling up with gas...asked me if my sled was a 4-stroke.I guess when the Name Yamaha is seen or heard..people are thinking there 4-stroke.So something is working for Yamaha and their advertising program.
LOVE MY SRX700 to death.:bling: :bling: :winterrul
