I am going crazy here. 51/43 Helix-300 grams
power valve-68 grams
mouse-------93 grams
bic lighter---17 grams

power valve-68 grams
mouse-------93 grams
bic lighter---17 grams

New member
Looks nice..better than the one i'm looking at..
Looks nice..better than the one i'm looking at..
GREAT!!! now you will KNOW what your putting where and how much, glad to see you taking steps to learn and get the right stuff to do the job!
do u have the parts number of your scales at canadian tire cause i'm tired to always go at my job on the paints job scale lolll
Active member
maxx perf used to have a nice gram scale and the price wasn't too bad. You can get them all over ebay and other places on the net for cheap prices, just make sure it isn't TOO cheap 

New member
ebay has some i was looking at but i don't want some cheap crap thats
going to break in a year....
going to break in a year....

hoping to get my 4.5g rivets today to set up my clutch in SRX.Don't look like a lot of riding this weekend.Temps are mild and I don't want to drive at 0 degrees,to damn wet.

well got them rivets and installed them with washers.Using w-w-w primary spring.Put back the 51/43 Helix with green spring wrapped at 80 or now.I know the weather is getting warm,3 Celcius above today,things are melting.Going to get up early tommorrow to go testing my clutching.Going to get around -10 Celcius tonight.Have a chance to put on some more miles on the SRX.I have a couple pf places I can go and open it up.Will let you know how my rpm's at launch and wot will be with this set-up.

100% better
well went out this morning to test the monster.Since we had some mild temps,the snow is rock hard EVERWHERE.Pisses me off.Lucky I have ice scrathers to chip snow towards the sliders and exchangers.We have a lot of snow here,but powder is none exixting.Went to the only spot I have been going for a while where it is basically flat for a good stretch.Actually 2 spots,but it is broken up with a really tight corner to take.Punched it ,got to 100mph easily and friggin almost bite the bullet coming up to the corner.Hit some hard lumps and almost threw the sled over to the left.The floodway ditch is big,so would of rolled her good.But got out of it ok.
Anyways thanks to MRVIPER Again.With the extra washers added to the 4.5 rivets sled is launching spot on 8200 and W.O.T to 8500 rpm.Adjusted transfer rods a slight bit for more weight transfer to the back,sled lifts nicely on front,not to much...but she launches really wicked man.Cannot get past the 100mph mark because it is to dangerous to do so,but she has the balls.Only thing I have to solve is I still get a bog off launch,have to snap throttle a few times and then punch it.DCS came on a couple of times.Sled came with stock pilots of 42.5,should I eventually put in 40 pilots like the stock 2001 SRX has,or does it not matter.Probably will turn fuel screws back.Have it at 1.5 turns out now,probably drop it back to 1.25 turns in the future.Plugs are a beuatiful cocoa brown color.
Overall I am pleased with the snap and pull of this sled.Summer is coming and will go thru this sled with fine tooth comb.Track changes,maybe suspension(long travelling it )maybe M10.Any suggestions what would be worth the money to do to the suspension.Will buy a new track for sure,maybe Predator 1 or 1.25 track.
I will look for fuel screw adjusters for the future also,so you don`t have to take off the carbs to adjust.
well went out this morning to test the monster.Since we had some mild temps,the snow is rock hard EVERWHERE.Pisses me off.Lucky I have ice scrathers to chip snow towards the sliders and exchangers.We have a lot of snow here,but powder is none exixting.Went to the only spot I have been going for a while where it is basically flat for a good stretch.Actually 2 spots,but it is broken up with a really tight corner to take.Punched it ,got to 100mph easily and friggin almost bite the bullet coming up to the corner.Hit some hard lumps and almost threw the sled over to the left.The floodway ditch is big,so would of rolled her good.But got out of it ok.
Anyways thanks to MRVIPER Again.With the extra washers added to the 4.5 rivets sled is launching spot on 8200 and W.O.T to 8500 rpm.Adjusted transfer rods a slight bit for more weight transfer to the back,sled lifts nicely on front,not to much...but she launches really wicked man.Cannot get past the 100mph mark because it is to dangerous to do so,but she has the balls.Only thing I have to solve is I still get a bog off launch,have to snap throttle a few times and then punch it.DCS came on a couple of times.Sled came with stock pilots of 42.5,should I eventually put in 40 pilots like the stock 2001 SRX has,or does it not matter.Probably will turn fuel screws back.Have it at 1.5 turns out now,probably drop it back to 1.25 turns in the future.Plugs are a beuatiful cocoa brown color.
Overall I am pleased with the snap and pull of this sled.Summer is coming and will go thru this sled with fine tooth comb.Track changes,maybe suspension(long travelling it )maybe M10.Any suggestions what would be worth the money to do to the suspension.Will buy a new track for sure,maybe Predator 1 or 1.25 track.
I will look for fuel screw adjusters for the future also,so you don`t have to take off the carbs to adjust.
New member
I'll trade you my high end miss for your low end bog.LOL.
Damn sleds.
Damn sleds.
New member
try the '01 pilots,,i have no bog at all,and maybe try 1.25 turns in on the

I`ll solve this low end bog one way or another.Will probably take carbs apart one day and go thru it really well.Float adj.,fuel screws,clean jets super well,etc.Maybe will put in Carbon Fibre Reeds like in my SX.Bog gone on my SXR.
New member
when i had my carbs off for cleaning it took me two hours to go threwbluemonster1 said:I`ll solve this low end bog one way or another.Will probably take carbs apart one day and go thru it really well.Float adj.,fuel screws,clean jets super well,etc.Maybe will put in Carbon Fibre Reeds like in my SX.Bog gone on my SXR.
them i took my time and didn't over look anything,set floats to within
fact. specs(they were way out),also put new OEM reeds in,that help
with air box spit alot!!!..

like I said.I will go through the entire sled come this summer.She`ll be ready and roaring to go next season.Will also investigate different gas suppliers for the best fuel around here and the octane levels.

when you wrap your secondary to 80 instead of 70,does that again raise your rpm's.Running mine at 80 wrap today on hard pack snow,probably could go to 70 wrap.Would that tipically lower rpm's slightly.Wish there was good place I could run a mile without bumps to test 70 and 80 wraps,and red or green springs.Being that the sled gets up to 100mph very quick and the bumpyness of the snow,it is so hard to keep a focus on the tach when you have to worry about a corner coming up on you at the same time.All I know is this SRX accelerates super fast out of the hole and you are hanging on for dear life,that it is hard to concentrate on the mph,the rpm's and the rocky bumps at the end of the runs.Was very close this morn. one time when I held the throttle a little extra longer and into the corner started to smack some hard mounds of snow and nearly lost control of the sled.It's that rush you want and you don't want to let off the throttle till the very last second.Lucky no one was coming out from around the corner from the other direction,or there would of been pieces and bodies to pick-up.I try to stay to my right,but the bumps shot me way over to the left,which would be the side a stupid doo would be coming head on into me.LOL.Had that happen once or twice already.A 200 mph collison,wander who what be the better off on that one,the Yami or the doo?

I should of been dead at least 5 times in my snowmobiling life.Luck is always on my side .
SO FAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

New member
u need to pick ur spots brother.......find open areas to let her go......ii dont want to be the other guy

would go on the river,but not chancing it with the mild weather now,should still be fine,but you never know.Don't want to be under the ice looking up if you get my drift.And with the mild crap and blowing winds the last few days,there are hard as rock drifting over all the nice wide open trails now.That wind really created a mess for us riders now.Was air borne a few times today at about 80 mph.Didn't know that an SRX could fly.But the sled really landed smooth and no bottoming out either,I'm impressed.Felt like I was the official stuntman for Yamaha today.LOL..But no backflips.

JIMMY BLAZE can have all the glory there.He'll end up dead one day or crippled for life.It catches you up.Mind you Evil Kanivel(or however his last name is spelt)made it through life and lived.Maybe Blaze will try the Grand Canyon one day.LOL.