Thermostat Assembly

erosled said:
though it has been remedied, a thermosensor coupler kit can be purchased at yamaha dealers. if the parts guy doesn't know of it, ask a tech, they use them often.
not sure about it being remedied because the light does not come on when i start the sled..nor does the oil light ???Diceman
daman said:
Diceman said:
well all the bulbs are working,
put 12v to them and they lite..? test the socket with a test light..
where the hell have you been young finally found the lights but they were tucked behind a bracket..had to take the windshield and moulding off to get to lets say the test light comes on then????Or if it doesn't then??? Diceman
Diceman said:
where the hell have you been young finally found the lights but they were tucked behind a bracket..had to take the windshield and moulding off to get to lets say the test light comes on then????Or if it doesn't then??? Diceman
Been with out power for 3 days..

well if it comes on the harness is good and sending power IF not you
need to do some wire chasing and need a maual D..
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