michigan riders...proposed noise law needs your opposition!

now think thats wrong i have a sx 700 with a can on it and I dont ride like an ***. and for the state passing that pill they can shove it up there balls for all i care. because there taking our rights away. and you know this is not going to stop ppl from puting cans and pipes on there sled wont stop me i like way the sleds sound. but i do agree there are sleds that are way to loud
Life isnt fair, I hate the harley crap with there straight pipes... No law for them, No loud tickets either, Or the semi's with there J brakes...I can hear them 1/2 mile away or more. I have a can on my srx's, But it will still pass the test, Riding the trails is not the place to have your open exhaust or race pipes....unless they're quiet. And there will always be people that complain wether its to loud or not, Its our society... Not everyone is going to be happy. You know if your sled is to loud or not.
Do they really think that people like me who have spent over a grand to add exhaust are going to just pack them up and go back to stock? My Bender pipes are barely louder then stock, but I foresee problems just because it's modded. That is screwed up. Having said that, I agree, some sleds are just stupid loud.

Guy at the gas station last weekend, I wanted to smack the crap out of him. Pulls in with his excessive over revving braaaaaaaps! (piped ZRT 800) This thing souded like it has stingers. Sooo loud that the 4 of us just looked at him, then put our hands over our ears, with our helmets on. He shuts his sled off and says..."what's the problem?" I said....What! I can't hear you!!! your sled made me deaf. He just laughed. I said "I'm not being funny", he's "so, your leaving anyway." I said, "with a sled that loud, we'll all be leaving to ride in another state." He just looked at me with a super stupid look on his face, like you really don't like the sound of my sled, duh? some people just don't get it.
I was riding in Wakefield MI. with a friend that had loud pipes 2 years ago
& he received a $50 ticket from the DNR officer.

Listen people are 75% ingnorant 10% straight minded and 15% stupid. I have a case in point. Went riding with a buddy and his friends. I lost the bearings on my SRX600 ((drive))..so he finished going to the gas station with his father while I waited, mind you the way they have been doing it for 15yrs. When he comes back, him and his dad show us there tresspassing tickets!! We were riding on the gas pipeline where nothing can be really planted, there are no trees but the townships doesnt own the land its under private ownership. Of course the officer is a *****STUPID PERSON ONE OF THE 15%*** and is a cock about it. I suppose what he failed to relise is that the store where HUNDREDS of people were getting there gas has just lost many customers just becasue some POS old man who owns the land got irritated about some snowmobiles crossing his land on his back 100acres. We spent each of use well into the 200.00 in gas, food etc etc... Maybe if the cop were to join the 10% of us he would have had a heart to heart with the farmer and provided some very valid reasons why it was such a small burden. Hell I would have thrown in 5.00$ in a pot to pacify some land owners. Now they wish to enact more laws..OMG...I with out reading all the post Im sure some 15% 'er said "yeah I thinks its a good law"...LOL what the idiot doesnt relaize is that NO LAW IS A GOOD LAW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO IFS, NO ANDS, NO BUTS!!!! Next time its pin it time.
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it' comes down to smashing the rights of many of us for the satisfaction of a few...mind you I'm not talking about gus like the aforementioned (zrt 800 with stingers)....

also...if you are a believer in this law...think....the money is a major incentive for the officer (dnr especially) to hassle us...and this is not a cheap sport or long seasoned sport...so many in the current economy will jump out of the sport..

this will drop your sleds value and cause you to bear the burden of the trail system maintanance....read your trail pass WILL GO UP..

the future is foretold by the past...this is just the beginning of the attack on your rights...
I live outside of L'Anse (MI) and have the advantage of leaving my front yard to start the day's ride (until late in the season when I have to trailer it a mile or two to hit the woods.) I for one say sleds should be able to run pipes if they want.

There are LOTS of logging trucks up here that run fully-loaded double pups through all the small towns that dot the Keweenaw Peninsula. A majority of those townshave signs posted on the roads into and out of town..."Use of Jake Brake Prohibited". 9 out of 10 trucks ignore the ordinance and I can hear the damned things a half-mile away.

These trucks are not riding the highway, they are coming right down Main Street and not one cop will pull them over. Harley Davidson motorcycles are also popular around L'Anse and I can hear those things for blocks before I see them...again this is right through town--main and side streets.

Rural areas are filled with pickups running headers, "glass pack" exhaust and "aftermarket" systems designed to "increase horsepower" and for "smoother performance". How many times have you been at a light or at a gas station to hear a vehicle take off at full throttle and it was so loud that if you talking to someone, they couldn't hear you?

One of my sleds is a 99 Mountain Max 700 with an aftermarket head and straight Bender pipes. The other is a 98 SRX 700 Power Valve, piped and "moderately" canned. They both sound wonderful! I'll be the first to admit the Benders are loud.

One of the reasons I moved from the 'burbs north of Detroit to the Western UP is because one--the beauty, two--the winters!!, three--the freedom to get away from all the BS that "city folk" have to put up with.

I don't ride trail much--unless it's to get from one favorite boonie track to another when the snow levels make it a little too "iffy" to venture across spots you aren't sure about. So if I want to be 20 miles in the middle of nowhere (and that's easy to find over here on the western end of the UP), and I'm riding virgin 3-4 feet deep snow with the tach hitting 7-8K (which means those pipes are sounding sweet), I don't need some Lansing legislator telling me my sled it too loud.

Has anyone noticed that Michigan's economy is going to hell? So why not alienate a large chunk of our tourism dollars by ticketing sled heads who want to do nothing more than enjoy the long winters that we are blessed with on the southern shores of Lake Superior?

Those with "loud" machines should just have common sense when "on-trail"...lay off the throttle if you are in a residential area. I guess that must be happening in some areas of our great state. That's another advantage of living up here, I can't think of any place west of Ishpeming and east of Ironwood where trails and houses mix!

Another advantage of loud pipes. They have actually helped riders who have, for whatever reason, become detached from their group. I have on, many occasions, stopped my machine and just listened to find out where the guys are. Try doing that with sleds that go "whirr, whirr, whirr"...you'd never hear anything but the Chickadees and blackbirds in the woods and they aren't very good with directions!

Instead of coming up with legislature to make life more miserable and difficult for a group of people who put literally millions into the state's economy, why don't all the !@#$%!! heads that we keep sending back to Lansing spend their time on coming up with ideas to fund our struggling school systems, rotting infrastructure, skyrocketting health-care costs, the extraordinary loss of middle-class jobs that are moving to China faster than you can say "get rid of loud pipes"?

Why? Because that would take REAL work on their parts and it's a hell of a lot easier coming up with legislature that doesn't make a REAL, POSITIVE impact on the lives of Michiganders!
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Loud Exhaust

We need people in Lansing to do more about loud motorcycle exhaust first. When that is acomplished ( or hell freezes over ) then there might be a position for them to bitch about snowmobiles. I do not look forward to summer, the bikes are ridiculous period ! :ban:
here' you go boys...

Michigan Snowmobile Association

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Bill Manson: (616) 301-2743
March 14, 2008
Governor Granholm Signs MSA-Backed
Law Limiting Noise Emissions

Grand Rapids, Mich. – Today the Michigan Snowmobile Association (MSA) announced that Governor Jennifer Granholm signed into law PA 530 supported by MSA to reduce noise emissions. The new law will require all snowmobiles manufactured after 1980 not to exceed certain noise decibel standards.

“The MSA applauds Governor Granholm and the Michigan Legislature for enacting common sense noise regulations for the enhancement of snowmobiling and tourism in Michigan,” Bill Manson, Executive Director of the MSA, said. “With over 50% of the state trails system on private property, this standard will allow law enforcement officials to effectively test for excessive noise pollution.”

Senator Jason Allen (R-Traverse City) sponsored the legislation co-sponsored by Senators Hansen Clarke, Patty Birkholz and John Pappageorge. The legislation passed the Senate 37-0 and 82-5 in the House of Representatives. The law takes effect immediately.

PA 530 will allow law enforcement officers and state conservation officers that are equipped with decibel meters to measure noise emissions and ticket them for excessive noise. All snowmobiles with a stock exhaust manufactured after 1980 in working order will pass the test.

The MSA consistently promotes a strict peer-enforced “Zero Tolerance” for alcohol and riding policy. The snowmobile industry generates more than $1 billion per year for Michigan’s economy and supports over 7,000 direct jobs.

Michigan has over 6,400 miles of snowmobile trails opened from December 1 through March 31.
My understanding is that although the law reads "All snowmobiles with a stock exhaust manufactured after 1980 in working order will pass the test"....the key words are "in working order". You may find that your factory tripple piped SRX's (or many other sleds for that matter) may not pass if your muffler is more than a couple years old. One thing for sure is there will be a ton of tickets issued this weekend...many of which to people not knowing the law was passed this morning and it goes in to effect at the time it was filed with the Secratary of State (which was before Noon today).
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I don't see the problem with enforcing noise levels.
Remember there are a lot of trails that go through private property and town areas with the permission of the owners. The guys running obnoxius pipes are going to drive those owners to cut off access to their property and screw it up for the 99% that follow the laws.
Mountainmaxman has good points but the fact is if you're in the middle of nowhere your sled can be louder than the Concord and no one is going to hear it. I have relatives that live in Baraga and I can tell you two things, one, like you they ended up where they are because they wanted to get away from the city BS and two, if someone made a habit of disturbing their peace at home with loud pipes or any other such nonsense they would find themselfs in a world of sh*t in a hurry.
I'm all for freedom but I don't believe freedom means people have the right to inflict their bad behavior on me or anyone else.
I just read through all of this and even though it is law now and there is nothing that will change that I would still like to comment.

First off I would like to add that I am 23 from Lower Michigan and I have been riding sleds since I could walk, I race ATV's competitively across the state and nationally and hear about noise all the time. If I own something it has been modified in some way shape or form, (dual exhausts, cams, intakes, head work, you name it), and I love the "Performance Lifestyle". I know my way around pretty much everything power sports and know that there are some things that you need to abide by to make things enjoyable for everyone. That being said, I hate laws that restrict our ability to modify our "toys".

BUT....IMO, This law is legit. The reason laws like this are passed are because of the ignorant a-holes who think they are “above the law”. There is absolutely no reason to be running open headers or an excessively loud exhaust on a trail anywhere. There is no point to having something like that. Those things are designed and build for Closed Course Racing and or competition of some sort. Yes I know you want to be the fastest guy on the trail but that's a problem to. You want to be the fastest, go to a closed course to use your excessively loud goodies. I know from experience that you can build a balls *** fast toys and it still be respectfully quite. So why do, (yes I’m going to use these words) You People, think that it’s necessary to challenge the status quo? You are out numbered everywhere you go, for every one person who wants to abuse the guidelines there are ten who will be there to back up the guidelines.

Excessive Abuse = Ultimate Enforcement

There are certain guidelines that everyone should follow when riding a sled, orv, atv, or any sort of "toy" (yes including Harley's). If everyone would keep things in moderation there would be no "laws". The only reason Laws are made into laws is because someone (arrogant a-hole) thought that they were better then everyone else and abused these common sense guidelines.

You want to stop laws like this from being made? Start with your own friends; they need to have some common sense beat into their skull.

You want some one to thank for these beautiful fees, taxes, licensing fees, fines and tickets that we have to pay to ride anywhere now? Walk up to the guy you know who (yes everyone has a friend(s) who fits this) abuses these guidelines and stretch out your right hand, grasp their right hand, shake firmly and say: “Thanks, because YOU couldn’t abide by the guidelines and be reasonable with YOUR performance mods on public/private land WE are all under the microscope now. And we ALL have to pay for your IGNORANCE!”

When you go "north" to ride PUBLIC trails you are in someone else's area. A GUEST!! Look at it that way now, how would you like it if you had a "guest" that came over to your area and caused a ruckus? If that happened I guarantee you would start “restricting” things for these guests so that way YOUR time in YOUR area would be more enjoyable for YOU.

I don’t mean to step on any toes, but those are the people who are responsible for these laws. It’s never going to change, as long as we allow these people to breed, it won’t stop.

I don't support Laws, Lawyers, Politics or Politicians. I observe COMMON SENSE! And when used correctly, you can have great fun without pissing anyone off.

Just my .02 Let the scrutiny begin. #$%&*
Banks 53 Very Well Written! I agree whole heartedly! If people would use common sense and just think before acting, we wouldn't have tons of laws for those that do use better judgement! Good Job!
well I do agree to a point...
I dont think the law honoring riders should pay the price for the few who dont..
here's another example.
but..there are a few idiots like you mentioned that shoot people with guns...how would you feel if the honest innocent hunters lost their guns do to these idiots??
sj said:
well I do agree to a point...
I dont think the law honoring riders should pay the price for the few who dont..
here's another example.
but..there are a few idiots like you mentioned that shoot people with guns...how would you feel if the honest innocent hunters lost their guns do to these idiots??

Yeah I don't agree with the way the Law Abiding riders are having to take a shot in the mouth for other morons either. But what choice do we have? As long as we have people abusing the guidelines then we will have to keep putting restrictions on them and passing laws until there is no variance available, no loop holes to fall through.

Actions to stop laws like sound regulations and gun control from becoming actual laws starts at home. With the people using them.

To be honest there is no such thing as a perfect world. And as long as we have people who continue to abuse our rights in a negative manner the lawmakers are just going to keep restricting our fun. There really is no solution in my mind at this time on how to deal with these abusive people....It really takes them wanting to conform, and being that they heat conformity I can imagine that this is just the beginning for the restrictions on snowmobiling.

If we don't act quickly as riders to control/inform these other riders of the harm that they are causing, eventually we wont be able to do any sort of modification to your machine and ride it on a public/privately owned trail. Because the lawmakers will induce laws that prohibit the operation of modified machines on state trails. And the ONLY place we will be able to ride the modified machines is on closed courses isolated from society, much like motocross/snowcross.

But in reality people like me and you who abide by the sound laws, most likely wont get bothered. Because I know that if I modify my sled to have more power I will get it tested properly ahead of time and make sure that even if I do get stopped for suspicion of being to loud, I'll pass and be able to shove it in the states face.
