WELL!!!What do you guys think of the Rev-xp challenge vs Artic Cat.Polaris and Yamaha


Dec 30, 2005
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Howden ,Manitoba,Canada
Got the DVD on the Rev-XP with SnoRiders magazine.Damn sled looks good.They challenged all the other brands and the Apex was beaten.Artic Cat sucked of course.It is all about the weight thing.Yamaha is going to have to find a way to reduce their weights I think.In the all out drag race,that Doo 800 pulled away from all the rest.In Hill climbing,Boondocking and SnoCross it lead all the way.Now those of you who have seen the DVD,did all the
challenge's look fair to you.They say on there that BRP has raised the bar for everybody else to follow.One guy says the Rev-XP platform hooks up like a cat on a screen door. What a good PR for Ski-doo here handing out free DVD's on their new product.My bud has bought the Renagade...should I be worried? STILL LOVE MY YAMAHA!!!! What comments do you guys have on all this?
on you tube i found alot of apexs beating the mach's if's that any encouragement for yea.also in the photo section... check for the post that says video i found of me racing in new hamphire.lane 2 is a xp 800. i beat him with my little 700.he was a little over 6 seconds for 500ft.....now any manufacture can make a video of there product beating others.they hire sumone to ride the other brand of sleds>example.yamaha,arctic cat & polaris & drive them slow...why wouldnt they?i would if i was tring to sell a product.my 0.2 cents & what i think of that video
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I was thinking the same thing srxbully.They can pick their riders and do and control the outcome.The thing about switching the last place rider with the first place is a nice trick...but again....are they all being paid by BRP.If this is a real all out testing,which will show up in the future in real races..etc,the out come may be different because the factory will have their own riders riding their sleds full tilt to prove otherwise.Thing that bugs me about this DVD is that perhaps young and upcoming new riders will see this and will go BRP automatically.If they are going to give us results like this,we as the consumer must know if each sled manufacture has a qualified rider that represents their product and is passionate and stands behind their product.
I have no doubt the xp`s will not hold up! Hell the rev`s buckle up with very little impact. Have 3 friends with rev`s that caught the carbides on different things at low speeds(under20) and did $800 worth of damage. The bulkheads fold up easily. So drop another 50 lbs of that and what do you think will happen? Not bashing Ski Doo`s but thats my take on it.

Do you want a ripper that lasts one season(or less) or a sled that will last you a few years?
you would assume but that is the only way they can hide the fact the apex is a better sled. i havnt driven either sled but i can gaurentee the apex will get better gas milege,much more reliable & just keep going & going.
As far as the differences in weight....the Yamaha has electric start and propably reverse on it as well.......do the others?
I heard there's a few recalls on the XP already. I can't remember what they are. Doesn't suprise me though. The sleds not really out there yet and there's recalls. I guess we'll just have to wait and see how many problems they have when the season gets going. I heard a Cat guy say the new Cat chassis is garbage. Thats coming from a die hard Cat guy. I havn't heard anything bad about the new Nitro except its underpowered compared to the others. I think its going to be an interesting season.
It's all about market share.BRP is covering up the fact that they had problems in the past.What better way to do that by saying the Rev-xp is a totally new idea,from the ground up.Lighter and 37% stronger,faster and easy handling sled.A complete re-make for them to take your mind off the past problems I guess.Designed after the Stealth..give me a break.Lighter suspension and bump eating to.What will give first.My 79 Exciter was tougher then the new D00's.If I put one of them sleds thru what I put my Exciter thru...it would be in pieces.I was a wild man on my Exciter when I was young and nothing could break that sled and could hit 93 mph on it according to the speedo.I guess it is all a gimmick to sell products.If my SRX is a 2002 and still going,can them doo's say that after 5 years.I know I shouldn't be bashing another sled manufacturer,we are all in it for the same thing.Everyone has choices,some are goodand some not.It is up to the consumer to take his own challenge and go from experience what works best for them.In my area my cousins were into Artic Cats and Polaris,did I follow them..no.I made my own choice and stuck with Yamaha.My first 2 sleds were Ski-doo's,but after that I moved on to Yamaha and never looked back.It was my decision and I stuck with it and am quite happy with my decision by the way.Don't know what else to say...each to their own I guess.I am a little tired of BRP comparing to Yamaha in the last few years in their adds about how heavy Yamaha's are.Yamaha is committed to quality and that sometimes means you sacrifice a little to keep that quality.If Yamaha tommorrow wanted to,they could probably drop 200 lbs off a sled,but then what do you have.A sled that won't hold together.Is it my imagination or do more people hold on to there old Yamaha's then any other brand out there,and with pride.My 2 cents.
I am fit ot be tied.Why did I have to get one of them DVD's in the magazine for....ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!I am going to have to take a pill and calm down..or

;):D ;):D ;):D :yam: :yrules:
bluemonster1 said:
blkmax600.I am pretty sure the doo`s have reverse too,the newer models but the older ones didn`t.

its electronic = no weight. and i guarantee if you take their new 500ss(actual production model) that is supposedly 399lbs, get it ready for the trail, and weigh it, it will be over 450
I think we should just remember this thread five years down the road and we'll see what is left of that lightweight doody! Park a five year old yammy beside it and do some comparison's.

Engineering 101

You can only remove so much wieght without screwing with the long term reliability of the frames & other components.

While they, BRP, are going to make a splash with this now, market the crap out it, probably get a bunch of new customers who do not know how to really evaluate the "sales BS" that is being spewed, it more than likely will come back to haunt them.

I am in industrial machinery sales & we see this happen a bunch where " X"
suddenly is better than "Y & Z" becuause either wieghs less, cost's less, is faster, etc.etc..

In the long run, you can only cut so much stuff off an item before you compromise something. Like others here have said, lets see how these new light wieght hot rods are doing after 2-3 winters of real world riding.

Hey bluemonster, throw the damn DVD away & enjoy what you know works & runs every damn time you need it to!!!

Yamha's may not always be the fastest or the lightest, but, I love it when I am riding some of my stuff that is 13-14 years old & go past some late model Poo or Polcat & they are broke down!!! :rofl:

Bugs em when ya stop & ask if they need help!!! :bump:

The old wise man said: IF IT TOO DAMN GOOD TO BE TRUE,WELL, THEN, IT IS!!
I'll laugh with you to. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
That is a very interesting comment you made about compromising.They may be doing it to pick up quick sales now and compromise there existance later.
Anyways I am not to worried about it.I will still be on a quality well built
Yamaha.Reliable is the word I am looking for here.I'll keep that DVD for future reference to look back on and laugh when things go wrong for BRP.I hope for their sake they made the right moves.Time is the factor,can they stand the test of TIME!!!.They tried it with their 1000's,what happened that they couldn't stand up and dropped them engines.
Ride em all, and then see for yourself. There are good points and not so good points on all the new model sleds. The question really is, which ones matter to you.
I'd rather take a little more weight for durability reasons(so it last's)then a damn feather to buckle all to hell, i could care less about all that they tested, i want something that's; going to hold up well in the LONG haul, and i think we all agree yammie has that title.

:yam: :yam: :yam: :yam:
