WELL!!!What do you guys think of the Rev-xp challenge vs Artic Cat.Polaris and Yamaha

We see this everyday on TV, in magazines, in the newspapers....it's called advertising!! - is it bias? - you be the judge - my guess is that it is, just like any other advertising - no one is going to put out a video, ad, or commercial that does not promote what it is that they are trying to sell! - I haven't seen it all, but it sounds pretty silly and almost desperate on Doo's part - what I want to know is, if the Rev was the end all sled with its rider forward position, then why did they changed it on the XP to a less rider forward position like the Apex and all of a sudden it is the end all sled again!?!? :dunno: - same girl, just a different dress!!!
How many sleds were rider forward in 2003? How many are now? The canadians are ahead of the japanese this time...
yammiman said:
what I want to know is, if the Rev was the end all sled with its rider forward position, then why did they changed it on the XP to a less rider forward position like the Apex and all of a sudden it is the end all sled again!?!? :dunno: - same girl, just a different dress!!!

The XP is not less rider forward. It is just as rider forward as the REV and you can also sit back and relax more if you want. There's alot more leg room for the rider to decide what position they want to ride in.

Say what you want but if the XP chassis and the 800R motor hold up, Ski-Doo will have an amazing sled. Easier said than done though.
I don't feel it was fair. As I recall, they didn't even run the Nytro on the snocross track. They had their racers against the apex wasn't it?
What are you going to use as a control to see if its hype? Your buddy saying the sled is good? Warranty cost? You beat one across the lake? Web bashing? Web praising? Do you remember how Polaris found out their sleds did not meet customer expectations. It was not the web, magazines or warranty dollars. They found out by people not buying them. BRP still holds the number one sales spot for snowmobiles. They did not do that by fooling the snowmobile world.
bluemonster1 said:
Got the DVD on the Rev-XP with SnoRiders magazine.Damn sled looks good.They challenged all the other brands and the Apex was beaten.Artic Cat sucked of course.It is all about the weight thing.Yamaha is going to have to find a way to reduce their weights I think.In the all out drag race,that Doo 800 pulled away from all the rest.In Hill climbing,Boondocking and SnoCross it lead all the way.Now those of you who have seen the DVD,did all the
challenge's look fair to you.They say on there that BRP has raised the bar for everybody else to follow.One guy says the Rev-XP platform hooks up like a cat on a screen door. What a good PR for Ski-doo here handing out free DVD's on their new product.My bud has bought the Renagade...should I be worried? STILL LOVE MY YAMAHA!!!! What comments do you guys have on all this?

Well looks like BRP sucked another one in.. thousands of sled are in still in crates and can't be delivered because there doing some recalls and they have not even left the factory.. I bought a Nytro because I want to ride.. not wrench all winter.. Winter is short.
.......The XP is not less rider forward. It is just as rider forward as the REV and you can also sit back and relax more if you want. There's alot more leg room for the rider to decide what position they want to ride in......

I beg to differ - do your homework and you will find the XP is NOT as rider forward as the Rev - it is just like the Mach, which is just like the Apex - and leg room? - I sat on one of these at the Hastings snow show and my legs were above the hood by a good 1-1/2" - and I am under 6' (5'-11") - these things are built for little people IMO - I would have loved to ride one, but I guess they don't do demo rides at the local shows like Yamaha does - I guess their track record at demo show is not that great!!! LMAO!!!
If I didn"t like my old V-Maxx the only other sled I"d buy is Skidoo due to the fact it"s still a 2-stroke. As far as the XP goes I have"nt ridden one or like the look of it at all. Now if you guys were"nt riding a Yamaha what would you buy? :2strokes: :2strokes: :letitsnow :letitsnow
If Ski Doo is so great with 2 strokes, why aren't they still building a triple? - alot of people (including myself) would buy a reliable triple (with all of todays advancements) in a heartbeat!!! - regardless of the manufacture - why do you think it is so hard to part with my SRX's??? - if Ski Doo (or any other manufacture for that matter) could do that, I would definetly sit up and take notice - in the mean time, all of this other BS is just that - BS!!!!
smokin george said:
If I didn"t like my old V-Maxx the only other sled I"d buy is Skidoo due to the fact it"s still a 2-stroke. As far as the XP goes I have"nt ridden one or like the look of it at all. Now if you guys were"nt riding a Yamaha what would you buy? :2strokes: :2strokes: :letitsnow :letitsnow

I would buy a Yamaha. Gimicks and advertising are how things are sold to people who don't have a clue about what they are buying. I don't fit into that catagory and will always be riding Yamaha until I see them producing junk like the DOOPOLCAT crowd is on and I don't expect that to happen in my lifetime.

...........I don't fit into that catagory and will always be riding Yamaha until I see them producing junk like the DOOPOLCAT crowd is on and I don't expect that to happen in my lifetime...................

Well said ;)! - I concur 100% ;)! ;)! ;)! ;)!
Some real good comments there guys.The competition is out there to make money also.They don't purposely go out they selling a bad product.Every company has their engineers and rely on their expertise to come up with a better running product.Sometimes things go wrong,wasn't enough testing done on some components or just something overlooked.I know that Yamaha is committed to their sleds,that was their philosophy from day one.A Yamaha may be a little heavier,but maybe they are just being cautious.No one wants sled that folds in half after a few great jumps.Testing is always being done,years in advance and when they decide it is safe to step up and make changes,it is for the better.Their research teams and designers I am sure are looking in to new ways to drop weight,but don't want to compromise the safety of their sled owners.They thrive on reliability and producing a product that stands the test of time.That's why there are so many older Yamaha's still out there.If they made a product that would fail after a few years,this would produce new buyers for the new sleds.I am not embarrassed riding a sled that is 6 years old or more,especially if they still run great and have taken many miles of pounding.I am proud to be riding a Yamaha,I feel good riding them and they never fail me,so why would I watch a Video from BRP and say"WOW.gotta get me one of those..they look awesome."They have had some problems in the past and this video completely takes your mind off that and basically is telling us get on board with a new level sled,that they have set the bar that others are trying to achieve.This is only my opinion and I will never stray away from the Blue Team,they have been good to me.I run my sleds hard and I just can't break them,this was true way back when I owned the 440 Exciter...couldn't break it..it just kept on ticking.

:bling: :bling: :bling:
So keep up the good work YAMAHA,you have made a true believer out of me and a customer for life.

:rockon: :die: Now get out my way doo,poo and crap..LOL
10-4 !!!! My first sled was a 1980 Ex440 that I bought new. Rode with guys that had Doo, Cat, Poly, Kawie, JD, etc back then and could stay right with them all and beat a whole lot of them. The Exciter was "pull the rope and run" and never failed me once even after 8000kms with an 18 year old idiot (I'm still an idot just old now) pounding the living $hi++ out of it. That was not the case with anybody I rode with unless the were also on a Yamaha. It made me a believer.

Yes the ski poo's are light, just don't hit anything, and I mean ANYTHING! I've seen these things bend up with the slightest touch that the Yamahas simply shrug off. Another point to the weight, turbo-charge an Apex and the power to weight ratio makes the brand X stuff look stoopid. Turbo their stuff and it still doesn't even come close to doing what the Turbo Apex's are capable of and the light weight makes them skittish where the Yamaha is sure footed.

The lift test is dumb, for years people have said of each new years models that they are "too" heavy. What does that mean exactly? They said that about the first water cooled machines, but are they "too" heavy now? Over the years as snowmobiles have gotten more and more complex and sophisticated, the weights have, for the most part, gone up, but would you rather ride a 72 Nordic because it's lighter? Didn't think so. A model T is lighter than a new Crown Vic, but which one would you rather travel several hundred miles in on a routine basis? Do you walk on to the lot of the local auto dealer and try to lift the front end of the new models and then tell the salesperson, "they're just too heavy"?

Going down the road at a buck eighty my old V-max-4 or my 06 Attak, I'm glad that they have the weight to them they do, much safer. Get yourselves a collection of the latest mountain videos and watch the turbo Apex's simply destroy and embarrass all the other brands best efforts, these things rock! All the guys who are really serious and who conquer the biggest mountains ride Apex Turbos! I recommend "Boost Deuce" and "Thunderstruck Six". You'll get to see two strokes attempt to follow the Yamahas....and come tumbling down in defeat! Not only that, I know guys with Turbo Apexs making over 300 hundred horsepower with over 10 thousand K's and no engine problems! The brand X two strokes that try to ride with us every year are looking at rings every 2500 K, gimme a break!!! Make mine YAMAHA! G.
Gorkon said:
Not only that, I know guys with Turbo Apexs making over 300 hundred horsepower with over 10 thousand K's and no engine problems! The brand X two strokes that try to ride with us every year are looking at rings every 2500 K, gimme a break!!! Make mine YAMAHA! G.
That's some serious mileage... :rofl:

10,000 x (k = 1,000) = 10,000,000.
yamahauler4 said:
That's some serious mileage... :rofl:

10,000 x (k = 1,000) = 10,000,000.

By my calculations, 10,000 k is equal to 6,215 miles. Someone correct me if I am wrong.
In ANY high performance vehicle it is always been about weight and horsepower, thats why 76, 77 SRX dominated sno pro and people started riding them on the trails, i test drove an NITRO RTX at Greenville show, it was like riding and angry walrus... Wouldn't you really rather ride a sled that weighed the same as an old exciter but had 15 inches of suspension travel? Most people want the lightest quickest sled possible because they are the most capable and the most fun...
ViperXC said:
By my calculations, 10,000 k is equal to 6,215 miles. Someone correct me if I am wrong.

10,000 K is equal to 10,000,000. 10,000 and 10,000 K are not the same thing. K stands for Kilo, which means 1,000. If you say 10,000 K, you are implying 10,000 X 1,000 which again equals 10,000,000. 10,000 is equal to 10 K (10 X 1,000).

It's just like when people say .05 cents. When you put "cents" at the end of that statement you are actually saying .05 or 5% of ONE cent. $0.05 DOLLARS on the other hand is 5 cents.

That reminds me of a sound clip.


You would be surprised how many people do not realize the difference. Not a bash, just an observation.
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Actually, since Gorkon is from Canada, I'm sure he's referring to Kilometers. Although you COULD technically be correct because he fails to mention the unit of messurement. :D
